Its here! Its here!!!

Laser I really appreciate you holding onto that supercharger for me ;) I'll be by to pick it up next week :shifty:
That's nice. You're working on it now right? I know I would be.
No unfortunatly I dont have everything I need and so far I have spent all day repairing a ruptured pipe out front.

Hey Sapperfire. Thanks again for leaving the hose on. :mad:
Sadly I have all of this spare time at work to just look for parts for Bill;)
I hate you soo much sometimes. Ive been wanting to do a blower build for years but never had the money, or balls to do it, and you show up and start putting together a badass mark just to show me up. You make me sick!!!!! lol
Awww, thats sweet! I hate you too! :p

Yeah I dont know what happened here. I spent two years building the 97 and I guess I was just tired of waiting when I replaced it. Couldnt stand her to be stock and then that deal on the blower shows up. I am blinded by the shiney thing and forget about ALL the dang supporting mods. :lol:
Bill, Are you going to do long tube headers to compliment that blower? If you do, can I have your cats? My son's evergreen is missing one.
Prolly wont ever do headers. So much money and work for such a minimal gain. Just not worth it to me.
Looks damn good Laser. I can just see you now on your back roads and cornering around curves.

Like phreakness said, let KB freshen it up a bit or at least have those nicks removed. You know they'll be bothering you if you leave them and put it together.

Imagine: top open, windows down, flying through the back roads at 60 to 90 mph and hearing the noise from the S.C. every time you step on the pedal, you're gonna wonder if the nicks being there are reducing any noise or taking away 1/2 hp lol

I know you Laser and never even met you. I know there will be a supercharger install thread and I'll be watching.

Not sending it in. Its like $600 for a "freshen up" and I dont think it needs it. Only has 5k on it and had its oil changed 4 times.
You said the garden hose it's a pipe???
So many probs with that old house..time to upgrade to a city I don't have to drive BabyBlue in the dirt anymore
Laser, headers on that setup will make a very large difference, and you should plan on a set.
Laser, headers on that setup will make a very large difference, and you should plan on a set.
I hate you. :mad:

Thats $700 for the headers
$300 to slap them in
$400 for some high flow convertors
$150 to have them installed and run to the x-pipe

$1550 for what? 10hp? Even if it was 30 I still wouldnt do it........ well I say that now.... just wait for the forged engine to be built and I will start a thread complaining about header cost and head bolt cost. :lol:
Prolly wont ever do headers. So much money and work for such a minimal gain. Just not worth it to me.

Not sending it in. Its like $600 for a "freshen up" and I dont think it needs it. Only has 5k on it and had its oil changed 4 times.

Headers on a N/A is a waste but on a blower car is the night and day difference.

there are ALOT of seals and bearings that get updated during a refresh, plus they rebuild it with updated parts and i think they eliminate the puke can on certain blowers. You have to remember those older style KB leaked ALOT and the refresh takes care of that.
Its not that old. I thought the "old crappy" ones were the 1.7 and 1.8 not the 2.1 or 2.2 plus this one does not have the oil can. Previous owner had one for when he was running 12 psi but when he backed it down to 9 he removed it. He also said it was an accessory like the bypass valve was. Besides arnt they good for 30k between rebuilds?
If it were mine (and I wish it were) I would definitely have KB go through it for that money.

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