Jerry Falwell dead at 73

When did Christopher Hitchens become a "hard-core right winger?"
You're right, that isn't a proper characterization of him and I shouldn't have used that term. He really doesn't fit into any particular category. He does align himself with the neocons though.

Nevertheless, I should have done a little more research before writing that.
Jerry Falwell said:
"I listen to feminists and all these radical gals -- most of them are failures. They've blown it. Some of them have been married, but they married some Casper Milquetoast who asked permission to go to the bathroom. These women just need a man in the house. That's all they need. Most of the feminists need a man to tell them what time of day it is and to lead them home. And they blew it and they're mad at all men. Feminists hate men. They're sexist. They hate men -- that's their problem."

Sounds like JF would get along just dandy w/ the "Islamofascists". :rolleyes:
Guess what Johnny sees when he looks in the mirror?:D

Hitchens never went from left-to-right. He's not a man who will waiver on any positions he's taken. Hitchens is extraordinarily left in his thinking, but he is one of the few people on the left with the clarity of vision and honesty to identify threats in the world and deal with them as such.

You can't even tell me what a "neo-con" is, yet you attempt to use the term as though it were a negative.

If being able to identify evil and a threat constitutes being a neo-con, then I'm glad to be associated with him. Personally, I disagree with Hitchens on matters of religion and social policy, but I think he's an excellent writer and a very interesting, candid, and unapologetically frank person who I enjoy reading.

As for the "neo-con" label- if you're not a neo-con, then what are you? Based on the way liberals ignorantly through the term around, it limits you to only an apologist or an isolations? Neo-conservatism is based on a very LIBERAL concept of foreign policy and use of power. It's based on the theory, long embraced by LIBERALS dating back through Wilson, that if you expand freedom, commerce, communication, and interdependence, you reduce the threat of war.

It's so frustrating to hear regular people who can't even grasp simple concepts like "balance of power" throwing around terms like "neo-conservative.."

As for Falwell, I never was a supporter of his, nor did I follow his career. But I see a man who did no harm to anyone that endure the most vicious and brutal attacks on his person and character throughout his life. He had to deal with that hate and anger that seems to only be possible from the defensive and hypocritical social left. I'm not aware of him doing any harm or trying to hurt anyone. At worst, he identified behavior that HE concluded were contrary to the teaching of God, and he warned those that there were consequences for those actions. If you disagree, fine.

But those same people who took exception with what he said, fought to stifle him and destroy him, for what he said. At some point in this century, liberal activists became the gate keepers to free speech. And if they can't effectively shut you up using the government, they'll make sure to destroy you as a person.

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