Dedicated LVC Member
Perhaps the title of this thread should be, "Who Would Jesus Bomb/Invade"?
/tongue in cheek of course.
/tongue in cheek of course.
raVeneyes said:Funny how millions of true believers can have their heart opened to understanding, and none of them can agree...
barry2952 said:Kbob,
I'm not mocking. I'm asking out of ignorance.
If Jesus' deciples didn't understand Jesus how could their writings be reliable? When I read the Old Testament I was told to view it as a guidebook. How could something written so long after the fact and translated from ancient languages be taken as literal?
Inquiring minds want to know.
barry2952 said:Kbob,
I'm not mocking. I'm asking out of ignorance.
If Jesus' deciples didn't understand Jesus how could their writings be reliable? When I read the Old Testament I was told to view it as a guidebook. How could something written so long after the fact and translated from ancient languages be taken as literal?
Inquiring minds want to know.
barry2952 said:Please, I never doubted the existance of Christ. I just don't understand how all of the divisions of Christianity can all be right.
Christ was a Rabbi. He was a great teacher. We'all doubters just have trouble wrapping our arms around Christ being the Messiah.
Kind of a cute rhyme I picked up in military school.
"Roses are reddish, violets are blueish,
If it wasn't for Jesus, we'd all be Jewish"
barry2952 said:Christ was a Rabbi. He was a great teacher. We'all doubters just have trouble wrapping our arms around Christ being the Messiah.
barry2952 said:David,
You are so much more convincing when you're not on a tirade.
fossten said:1. Liar
2. Lunatic
3. Messiah, God
You choose which one to believe.
barry2952 said:Isn't there a possibility that there was a fourth, more human, possibility.
Many throughout history have been saviours. They have taken many forms but their goal is unity under their tutilage. I don't believe that Jesus would have to be liar or lunatic to accomplish what he did. Nor do I believe that he would have to actually be the Messiah to form the unity that he did.
The problem may be that I don't get miracles. So much of Christianity seems to be based on miracles. To me a miracle is simply a story that is told too many times. Do you believe that the image of Mary in the wood veneer of a sliding door in a guy's bedroom is a miracle? He said it was. Is it a miracle to see Jesus' image in the water and resulting calcium deposit seeping out under a bridge? Have any of you truly experienced a miracle? I haven't, so I have nothing to compare it to.
The major miracle in Judiasm is the oil that lasted for 8 days after the destruction of the Temple. Mythbusters would have a field day with this one. Tell me someone wasn't topping off the tank while no one was looking.
It's like that story of the guy coming to work bragging about the 35 mpg he was getting on his VW. His coworkers were so sick of listening to him that each day they added a little gas to his tank. He started getting 50 then 75 then 100 miles to the gallon. He thought it was a miracle, at least until they started taking gas out of his car each day until he was only getting 10 mpg. That's actually a true story. My point is that I don't believe that miracles exist. Some people do.
If there were miracles, wouldn't more church busses be save from falling off mountains? Aren't those people more deserving of a miracle than others?