Judge Alito Overqualified

Joeychgo said:
That last statement alone is partisian. THATS my point. Did I say Republicans anywhere in what I said except in pointing out hatch? No. And how do you figure the 'Dems' have owned the judiciary? I got news. Most of the people on the federal bench (not just the Sup CT) were appointed by Republicans. 24 of the last 32 years had a republican in the White house.

I dont want an activist either, from EITHER direction. That means I favor a moderate. Im not sure if this nominee is moderate or conservative. He may have moderate leanings but still be conservative, which may be ok with me. I dont want another Thomas or Scalia, nor another Ginsburg.

Joey, I want you to consider this: I have never called for a 'Republican' or 'Democrat' for the judiciary. What I want is a Conservative Constructionist Originalist who will interpret the Constitution, not just make new law. What I do oppose on the bench is a liberal, like Ruth Ginsberg, who actively supports abortion, legalized prostitution, polygamy, and lowering the age of consensual sex for females, and loss of property rights, among other things. These are the issues that divide the country.

The fact is that several justices nominated by Republican Presidents have turned out to be liberal, which disappoints Conservatives. We aren't happy about it. Yes, they were errors. But that is why we want to be so very clear and careful about the background of every judge we the people select through our president. If he messes up, we yell at him, and apparently, he listens.

Okay, let's put all this Republican vs. Democrat judge crap to rest, all of you. What we Conservatives want on the bench is someone who will strictly interpret the Constitution according to the intent of the founders. Well, you ask, how can you know the original intent of the founders since they're all dead? I'm glad you asked. The answer is that we can't, except for the ACTUAL WORDS THAT THEY PENNED DOWN ON PAPER. That is known as the Constitution.

How do you define an activist judge? I would define him/her as someone who reads something into the Constitution that isn't actually there, such as abortion rights. (There is absolutely no mention of abortion rights in the Constitution, yet in 1973 seven unelected judges decided to re-write the Constitution, despite the opposition of over half of Americans.)

Activist judges believe that the Constitution is a so-called 'living document', and can be interpreted broadly and changed as needed. The problem with this is that the Government's Checks and Balances have been upset, because the only proper way to change the Constitution is supposed to be by passing an amendment. You might say, But that's too hard! Well, it's supposed to be hard. Any amendment is supposed to be ratified by 2/3 of the states of this country, which would show a true consensus of the majority of the people.

You see, we are supposed to be a self-governed people. But when only five out of nine people in black robes can make law, we fall dangerously into a (yep, now's the time to use this word) quagmire called elitist rule, where we have lost our governing ability.

So many times I have seen activist judges overturn a law that has been passed by the will of the people without there being any actual Constitutional reference to that law. Activist judges rule based upon their personal policy preferences, as in the case of Justice Stevens, who has publicly stated that we should use European law to help us interpret (re-write) the Constitution.

What we Conservatives believe is that a Justice should be concerned with interpreting the Constitution as it applies to the law, and only rule and opine based upon what the Constitution says.

The problem with a so-called 'moderate' judge is that he/she cannot be depended upon to rule in a consistent manner with regard to the Constitution. The very definition of a 'moderate' implies that they will straddle the fence. That could mean ruling at times based upon personal preference instead of the written law. But in reality, moderate judges tend to vote liberal on the most controversial issues, and that has dire consequences for the country. See the Kelo case, among others, which shows new law being made that actually takes away our freedoms.

Justices like Scalia, Thomas, Rehnquist, and Alito have shown a rock-solid consistency in ruling based upon the written law. It just so happens that their personal preference is to do so. They are reviled by the left for being extreme, but if you read their opinions (and I have), you will see that they carefully consider how the law applies before ruling.

Pay attention to the press in the next few weeks. The CODE-WORD will be "out of the mainstream", and it will be bandied about by the Democrats AND the Media when referring to Alito. But consider that Justice Ginsburg is as far out of the mainstream to the left as you can go, yet nobody even MENTIONED that when she was nominated. Also keep in mind that Alito has been nominated to two Federal benches, with votes of one hundred to zero in the United States Senate both times. That means Ted Kennedy and others voted to confirm him. Watch how they all of a sudden have a problem with him.

I know you probably don't agree with Conservatives in general, but I hope this at least explains our view. Not a single one of these words was copy-pasted from anywhere else. These are my own thoughts.
fossten said:
What I want is a Conservative Constructionist Originalist who will interpret the Constitution, not just make new law

If you said "a person" who will LOGICALLY interpret the constitution...........
Vitas said:
If you said "a person" who will LOGICALLY interpret the constitution...........

Vitas, gimme a break, huh? I spent a lot of time and thought on that post, and I don't need you picking it apart for me. Geez.
barry2952 said:
If the Democrats were in power Saddam would still be in power brutalizing his people. So what! We watch it happen all over the world and don't do a thing about it. Now that Saddam's no longer in control his people are brutalizing our troops to the tune of over 2,000 deaths. The real shame is not the number of dead, but the number who lived through it. The ones that are coming home with deep psycological and physical problems. It's a repeat of Viet Nam. Our society will pay a price for this action.

I read that as of 10 years ago 50% of homeless men were Viet Nam veterans. Please educate me if you know different.

Under these particular circumstaces, we did, under International Law, have the power to DO something about it.
barry2952 said:
If the Democrats were in power Saddam would still be in power brutalizing his people. So :q:q:q:qing what! We watch it happen all over the world and don't do a thing about it. Now that Saddam's no longer in control his people are brutalizing our troops to the tune of over 2,000 deaths. The real shame is not the number of dead, but the number who lived through it. The ones that are coming home with deep psycological and physical problems. It's a repeat of Viet Nam. Our society will pay a price for this action.

I read that as of 10 years ago 50% of homeless men were Viet Nam veterans. Please educate me if you know different.

Barry, you're ranting a bit here. We never even got close to Hanoi in Vietnam. Here, we conquered Baghdad in a month. We're getting sporadic guerrilla attacks, but the loss of life in comparison is 29:1. This will be over soon, believe me. The Iraqis are almost ready to take over security from us, and we'll be pulling out.

Keep in mind that part of the reason for Vietnam vets not doing so well could very well be attributed to the 60's rebel anti-war Jane Fonda types who spit on our soldiers when they returned. The mood of the country was not supportive of our troops then. At least let's not repeat that same mistake. Let's treat our troops with dignity and respect and support them all the way, instead of bailing out on them.
Here's something in common with Vietnam...

Then, as we do now, we have leftists actively attempting to undermine the war effort. Also, we have an enemy who is keenly aware of the power of our media. They also know that our media is sympathetic to the enemy. Most importantly, they know that while they lack the strength to defeat us militarially, all they need to do is allow the left-wing media to defeat America from the inside.

The insurgents, just like the North Vietnamese, put their faith in the American press. If they could just hold out long enough they could rely upon the media to demoralize the military and undermine support, resulting in a premature pull out.

This time, it isn't going to work.

with that said:
Walter Cronkite is a scum bag.
fossten said:
Vitas, gimme a break, huh? I spent a lot of time and thought on that post, and I don't need you picking it apart for me. Geez.
It was a great post David. I really enjoyed it. Bravo.
fossten said:
Vitas, gimme a break, huh? I spent a lot of time and thought on that post, and I don't need you picking it apart for me. Geez.

If you can't take a joke, why have a Supreme Court at all?

They all have to be conservatives?

Are you NUTZ?
fossten said:
What we Conservatives want on the bench is someone who will strictly interpret the Constitution according to the intent of the founders. Well, you ask, how can you know the original intent of the founders since they're all dead? I'm glad you asked. The answer is that we can't, except for the ACTUAL WORDS THAT THEY PENNED DOWN ON PAPER. That is known as the Constitution.

That is not what you really want. You may think you do, but consider this.

Where in the Constitution, in the actual words they penned on paper, does it say you have a right to own a gun?

Where in the Constitution, in the actual words they penned on paper, does it say you have a right to be given 'Miranda' rights?

Where in the Constitution, in the actual words they penned on paper, does it say you have a right to not have your home searched without a warrant signed by a judge upon presentation of probable cause?

- these are only a few examples - There are thousands of examples that make up the fabric core of our lives.

Interpeting the Constitution, and how to apply its principals to the laws of today, is the job of the Supreme Court. Do you think the framers anticipated the digital age in the actual words they penned on paper?

See my point? Far right wing people started this whole "legislate from the bench" BS - The Supreme Court has 2 main jobs. Handle disputes between the States and determine if the laws made by the States and the Congress infringe upon the Constitutional rights granted to individuals.

Most people are not really knowlegable about what the court does. They dont say" THe death penalty is 'ok' - they have to decide if the particular law in question affords the defendant protections granted to him by the due process clause of the Constitution.

Another example. The Supreme Court has not said 'Abortion is legal' - the Court has said a woman has the right to do as she wishes with her body, be it to have an abortion or have fake breasts implanted or decide to not have a surgical procedure. This isnt really quite as simple, because rights of the individual are balanced against the rights of others, the rights of the public, and so on.

All im saying, is that you dont really want to live by the actual words they penned on paper - You would be in for one hell of a rude awakening, believe me.

Why do I want a divided court like we have now? Simple. Because then only the truly important things succeed. Personally, I believe it should take 2/3 vote of the Senate to confirm a nominee, and it sure isnt just "Bush's Turn" - to me, that statement truly degrades the purpose of out nation's highest court.
Joeychgo said:
Personally, I believe it should take 2/3 vote of the Senate to confirm a nominee, and it sure isnt just "Bush's Turn" - to me, that statement truly degrades the purpose of out nation's highest court.
That's why we have elections. Bush ran on appointing a conservative constructionist to the court and that is why he was elected and then re-elected. The people have spoken. To the winner go the spoils.

If people don't like the direction of the court, they vote for the guy that will appoint people to change it when given the opportunity. Like maybe 30 years from now. That's how long us conservatives have had to wait, Reagan and Bush41 appointments notwithstanding.
Do you really believe the average american voter is smart enough to think like that? Nooooooope.

MonsterMark said:
That's why we have elections. Bush ran on appointing a conservative constructionist to the court and that is why he was elected and then re-elected. The people have spoken. To the winner go the spoils.

If people don't like the direction of the court, they vote for the guy that will appoint people to change it when given the opportunity. Like maybe 30 years from now. That's how long us conservatives have had to wait, Reagan and Bush41 appointments notwithstanding.
How could not like this guy, thier calling him Scalia`lite

with him we will have 2 WOPs in there!:Beer

I couldn't be happer

Jeff Scalia
Joeychgo said:
That is not what you really want. You may think you do, but consider this.

Where in the Constitution, in the actual words they penned on paper, does it say you have a right to own a gun?

Read the Bill of Rights. It's number II.
Joeychgo said:
Where in the Constitution, in the actual words they penned on paper, does it say you have a right to be given 'Miranda' rights?

Actually, that was NOT in the Constitution and is bad law based upon judicial activism. You and I apparently agree on this. Makes my point.

Joeychgo said:
Where in the Constitution, in the actual words they penned on paper, does it say you have a right to not have your home searched without a warrant signed by a judge upon presentation of probable cause?

Again, read the Bill of Rights, Amendment IV. Come on Joey, you're smarter than this.

Joeychgo said:
...Do you think the framers anticipated the digital age in the actual words they penned on paper?

What's your point?

Joeychgo said:
See my point? Far right wing people started this whole "legislate from the bench" BS...

Give me an example. I thought it was John Marshall who did it first.

Joeychgo said:
Most people are not really knowlegable about what the court does. They dont say" THe death penalty is 'ok' - they have to decide if the particular law in question affords the defendant protections granted to him by the due process clause of the Constitution.

So do you think the Kelo case was adjudicated according to the law? It actually goes in DIRECT VIOLATION of the Constitution's Bill of Rights.

Joeychgo said:
Another example. The Supreme Court has not said 'Abortion is legal' - the Court has said a woman has the right to do as she wishes with her body, be it to have an abortion or have fake breasts implanted or decide to not have a surgical procedure. This isnt really quite as simple, because rights of the individual are balanced against the rights of others, the rights of the public, and so on.

Joey, if a woman has a right to do whatever she wants with her body, what about prostitution? Isn't that illegal? There's hypocrisy there. And what about the unborn baby? Doesn't the baby have a Constitutional right to life? Wouldn't her right to an abortion infringe upon the baby's right to life?
Joeychgo said:
All im saying, is that you dont really want to live by the actual words they penned on paper - You would be in for one hell of a rude awakening, believe me.

Why do I want a divided court like we have now? Simple. Because then only the truly important things succeed. Personally, I believe it should take 2/3 vote of the Senate to confirm a nominee, and it sure isnt just "Bush's Turn" - to me, that statement truly degrades the purpose of out nation's highest court.

Your last statement sounds just like what the left wants - more liberel interpretation of the Constitution, more new laws, less freedom, more division. Nobody argued when Clinton nominated Ginsburg, and she's as far out of the mainstream as anybody. But it was 'his turn.' If you read the Constitution, it is the President's prerogative to choose the justices, 'with the advice and consent of the Senate.' Not the 'permission' of the Senate. Not the 'final approval going to the Senate.'
fossten said:
We're getting sporadic guerrilla attacks, but the loss of life in comparison is 29:1. This will be over soon, believe me. The Iraqis are almost ready to take over security from us, and we'll be pulling out.

Absolutely right. In fact, the President of Iraq expressed on Fox News just this past weekend that the Iraquis begin taking over the security.
Calabrio said:
Here's something in common with Vietnam...

Then, as we do now, we have leftists actively attempting to undermine the war effort. Also, we have an enemy who is keenly aware of the power of our media. They also know that our media is sympathetic to the enemy. Most importantly, they know that while they lack the strength to defeat us militarially, all they need to do is allow the left-wing media to defeat America from the inside.

The insurgents, just like the North Vietnamese, put their faith in the American press. If they could just hold out long enough they could rely upon the media to demoralize the military and undermine support, resulting in a premature pull out.

This time, it isn't going to work.

with that said:
Walter Cronkite is a scum bag.


I have traveled extensively overseas, and the "Blame America First Left" is quoted profusely in the foreign press. Kind of like here, where if you watched the networks and CNN only, you'd think the Democrats were still the majority party, since they're the only ones you ever see interviewed.
Calabrio said:
Here's something in common with Vietnam...

Then, as we do now, we have leftists actively attempting to undermine the war effort. Also, we have an enemy who is keenly aware of the power of our media. They also know that our media is sympathetic to the enemy. Most importantly, they know that while they lack the strength to defeat us militarially, all they need to do is allow the left-wing media to defeat America from the inside.

The insurgents, just like the North Vietnamese, put their faith in the American press. If they could just hold out long enough they could rely upon the media to demoralize the military and undermine support, resulting in a premature pull out.

This time, it isn't going to work.

with that said:
Walter Cronkite is a scum bag.

Yes, because any good American worth anything doesn’t question their leaders or their motives.

Following the herd blindly is not the American way. It is our duty as responsible American's to question our leaders and make sure they do what is best for the entire country and not the few. Not questioning your leaders will end you up rallying behind a Hitler.

If I had a penny for every time one of the conservatives on this board cried out something on the lines of "You hate America and you want to see it fall." every time someone questions a move by the current admin, I'd probably have enough to buy a decent sandwich with all the fixing's. And that’s just from a few people on this one board.
See, the problem with "questioning your leaders" is that it only applies to Bush. You never saw the press questioning Clinton about WMDs in Iraq, although he asserted that they were a threat. You never heard criticism of John Kerry, although he asserted the same. The same for several other Democratic Senators and liberal rags like the New York Times. Don't be forgetful. You libs show your hypocrisy in that you only question Bush and not the other leaders who agreed with him and in fact demanded that he take action.
fossten said:
See, the problem with "questioning your leaders" is that it only applies to Bush. You never saw the press questioning Clinton about WMDs in Iraq, although he asserted that they were a threat. You never heard criticism of John Kerry, although he asserted the same. The same for several other Democratic Senators and liberal rags like the New York Times. Don't be forgetful. You libs show your hypocrisy in that you only question Bush and not the other leaders who agreed with him and in fact demanded that he take action.

Im not worried about Clinton anymore, he's not in office. I'm worried about the current admin and the current war we are in. If Clinton was in office now and had taken the exact same steps as Bush and we were in the same predicament. I would be questioning Clinton's motives and I would certainly have a "Sorry, I Voted For Clinton' sticker on my caddy. You can say he wasn't the only one, and you'd be right, but the burden of blame falls on his shoulder's. If you give me a gun and I wrongfully shoot someone with it, who's more at fault? You for giving me the gun or me for pulling the trigger? Yes that is an over simplified analogy, but it fits.
I believe the analogy to be apt.

I don't buy the statement that we're only out to get Bush. My wife and I are both seasoned letter writers and have been published numerous times. My latest item that sets me off is Daylight Savings Time. Our local paper published my rant a little while ago and I actually got some people fired up.

I've met with numerous politicians both on and off the campaign trail. We've met with our Governor every year that she's been in office. You don't think I've given her an earfull? BTW, she's a Democrat. We're not just bitching on this site and we're not just bitching about Republicans, Conservatives or Bush. We are bitching about things that we think are wrong or could just be done better.

I think BuSh could do a much better job if the special interests didn't keep getting in the way.
barry2952 said:
I believe the analogy to be apt.

I don't buy the statement that we're only out to get Bush. My wife and I are both seasoned letter writers and have been published numerous times. My latest item that sets me off is Daylight Savings Time. Our local paper published my rant a little while ago and I actually got some people fired up.

I've met with numerous politicians both on and off the campaign trail. We've met with our Governor every year that she's been in office. You don't think I've given her an earfull? BTW, she's a Democrat. We're not just bitching on this site and we're not just bitching about Republicans, Conservatives or Bush. We are bitching about things that we think are wrong or could just be done better.

I think BuSh could do a much better job if the special interests didn't keep getting in the way.

I want to believe you, Barry, I really do, but you guys routinely ignore the facts presented in this forum that exculpate Bush, while continuing to assert that he lied. It's common knowledge that the previous administration not only used the same intel that Bush used, but actually DEVELOPED it. I want to see you write it: How can you PROVE that Bush lied? If you can't, then STOP SAYING IT. Otherwise you fall into that predictable Bush-bashing category like these other yapping puppies around our ankles (you noobs know who you are).
buddylee said:
Boxer and Kennedy dont like him that means he's good in my books

Boxer and Kennedy most likely don't like Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Noriega and Kadafi either.
fossten said:
I want to believe you, Barry, I really do, but you guys routinely ignore the facts presented in this forum that exculpate Bush, while continuing to assert that he lied. It's common knowledge that the previous administration not only used the same intel that Bush used, but actually DEVELOPED it. I want to see you write it: How can you PROVE that Bush lied? If you can't, then STOP SAYING IT. Otherwise you fall into that predictable Bush-bashing category like these other yapping puppies around our ankles (you noobs know who you are).

See, the problem is, you (conservatives) see 'Questioning our leaders' as Bush-bashing yapping puppies around our ankles.

A certain movie comes to mind....

"You want answers, you want answers?!" = Conservative/Republicans
"We want the truth!" = Liberals/Democrates
"You can't handle the truth!" = Conservative/Republicans

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