^That pretty much describes the car I pulled my Z2 out of, except I'm not sure on the build date. I still have the parts car, so I could check it when I get the chance, but the car was a LOADED car- T/A, moonroof, JBL, even the factory phone. I have checked the build date on it before, and I seem to remember it being built in 92, but I could be wrong, since I can't remember exactly what month.
I thought I had heard of more people on here talking about having issues when swapping a T/A ECU on a non-T/A car or vice versa. The only thing I know is I have 3 '93 parts cars, one of which came with the Z2 I have, and the other two had Z3's, and I've hooked all 3 of those ECU's up to one running parts car to test them and they all worked fine on it, but all 3 of these parts cars had T/A, so I don't have a non-T/A ECU to test out on this T/A-equipped parts car.