K&n Cai

Were the temp sensors calibrated? Were they validated as a set (put) both in water to see if they read the same to start with?

Can you stick an air sensor at the throttle body to shut up FLA02LS already. Until you do he's not going to believe you.
Ken Motz said:
Were the temp sensors calibrated? Were they validated as a set (put) both in water to see if they read the same to start with?

Can you stick an air sensor at the throttle body to shut up FLA02LS already. Until you do he's not going to believe you.

I dont care any more what FLA02LS thinks. The object of the heatsheild is to keep the heat that the engine radiates out of the intake. I have already proven that its doing its job by measuring the temperature inside the box. Im sure that the air heats up quite a bit by the time it enters the TB, SO WHAT!??? Say the air gets 20º hotter from the filter to the TB. Whats better 80º+20º or 124º+20º?
I did something similar running my XCAL2 with my laptop to see the exact temp reading the car was seeing, the tube running to the front bumper cooled it a little. At a standstill it was hot until the car started moving. My solution was to move the whole intake to the front of the car, running a intake tube from the MAF sensor to the cone air filter in my front grill. Works like a charm. I have pics in my photo garage. Doesnt suck up water or anything, just have to clean the filter once a month, no biggie.
Ya'll getting so bent out of shape, i mean if the truth hurts then so be it. I am totally giving you props on the ingenuity and craftmanship on your airbox and never said anything to contradict that. But i am also letting you know the facts about that kind of setup and the results to expect. And at the same time letting everyone who reads about that setup what the facts are to let people make their own educated decisions on any mods they may want to make. I'm letting you know that your "80º+20º or 124º+20º" theory isnt accurate and you cant go by that. Also according to your temp sensors the humidity measured was actually going against your setup, believe it or not humidity is also going to affect the quality of the air intake. I am in no way saying that the setup is useless, i am saying that the results to expect are so minimal that they are not anywhere near what you are claiming. I really dont care to get into the methods of accuratly measuring air temp anymore. It sounds like you dont have that much mechanical knowledge of automobiles and performance modifications, which is fine, so i am trying to help you out alittle. The gain if any that you could expect from a CAI setup like that is about the equivelent to NOT having a buddy riding with you. Its so minimal its hard to even measure and definately notice by a driver. If someone is more knowledgable than yourself and is educating you on the mechanics of internal combustion than you should listen accordlingly. If anyone wants to chime in i am all ears.
this looks great, you did a nice job on the fiberglas...did you ever think of adding another box to the end of the tube, as a funnel to grab more air? at the lower grille area?
Tooling around town, you will never notice it but at WOT??? that 4" tube might be too small to grab enough air??? I can tell you my experience with landspeed racing my LS...I fabricated a panel to close off the entire lower grille (taped off the upper too,didn't worry about overheating...its only a mile) and in 4th gear...at 5000rpm...the check engine light flashed on and off repeatedly; I held my foot in it but it wouldn't climb. I thought there would be enough air in the engine compartment and the aerodymanics would help the speed. -it didn't. The engine needs lotsa air. Good luck...keep us updated.
Changing from the stock intake to the KKM intake makes a noticable difference in driving. You can feel the car get kinda sluggish when it gets hot. I floor the peddle every chance i get and after doing it for several years ya know what to expect from your car. With the heatsheild mod i can feel a quicker response on the freeway. Simple as that.
whatsupadrian said:
Changing from the stock intake to the KKM intake makes a noticable difference in driving. You can feel the car get kinda sluggish when it gets hot. I floor the peddle every chance i get and after doing it for several years ya know what to expect from your car. With the heatsheild mod i can feel a quicker response on the freeway. Simple as that.
Thats cool. Like i said, that is an opinion, not a fact that has been or can be easily proven. I have said that when i drive my wife's Intrepid it totally "feels" faster than my LS but the numbers would tell differently. Can you say that driving with a friend makes a noticable difference that you can absolutely feel ? With your setup and even my gutted airbox the intake makes a more noticable roar which is very well playing tricks on you. Now, as far as throttle response that is something totally different than increasing power. Above you said KKM, but i guess you meant K&N, and because the K&N is larger than a KKM it might very well have more surface area than the stock square or the KKM cone which would provide alittle better throttle response. But again that has nothing to do with the heatshield or dryer tubing. I used to own a '91 Trans Am GTA, that engine didnt have all the sensors and restrictions that cars have nowadays, i had a K&N cone filter that attached directly to the throttle body and that gave way better throttle response over the stock setup. That kind of stuff is impossible with a car like the LS. Now as far as engine heat and drivability, consider the very first time you start the car up in the morning and take off down the street. At that time you have about the least amount of heat and best conditions that you can get regarding intake air temp. The way the car behaves then versus when you return home after reaching full operating temp. is still going to be very minimal. I'm not knocking you just trying to explain things alittle clearer for you.

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