The only people who are "well informed" when it comes to the omnibus bills the last Congress has passed and still support it are the organizations that actually wrote it- and they aren't in congress.
And those that do have a good understand of the macro concepts of the bill, yet still defend it, are actively engaging in deceiving the public, lying about what the bill is, does, will do, and what it's designed to accomplish.
YouTube- SHOCK UNCOVERED: Obama IN HIS OWN WORDS saying His Health Care Plan will ELIMINATE private insurance
YouTube- Hacker admits Public Option is Trojan Horse for Single Payer
In addition to the incremental move to a single payer system, there are hidden taxes and regulations in the Obamacare bill that seemingly have nothing to do with medical insurance, including new regulations on gold and massive changes to the tax system which will burden all business.
For example, we've discussed it here, but did you know that every U.S. business, and individuals as well, will be forced to obtain the tax ID number and/or the Social Security number of everyone with whom they do more than $600 worth of business in a year? You should. That's in the Obamacare bill.
You might not like the language he used when relating this concept to you, but it's true. It's based on a system penned by Ezekiel Emanuel (Rahm Emanuel's brother and he was the Special Advisor for Health Policy) called "
The Complete Lives" system. The political cover is that such concepts are only considered during shortages, when rationing is needed.
How's that economy looking?
And what happens to supply when demand increases?
How much is your life worth?
If the purpose was information, then they wouldn't have released these 2500 page omnibus bills just 24 or 48 hours prior to voting on them.
I agree that pork is a problem in Washington. There's too much power there.
But you don't 2500 pages of pork. That's 2500 of legislation.
That's RADICAL TRANSFORMATION done under the cover of bureaucracy and partisanship. That's like a revolution run by lawyers and so-called intellectuals who have contempt for the constitution and the American public. That's dangerous.