kind of a weird question...

yup quik its done, hold your breath while i post vids and tech write ups..

Right on the mark, Im sure its making 300+hp to run that time. why you go with 305 i dont know, world isnt perfect, neither are tires, launches or calculations.

I'm just saying dyno it and end the wonder lol.
Dude I already tried to explain how it works once. Calculations are just that MATH you cannot make this up the #'s don't lie. It does not matter tires or launch or calcs. Its all plain and simple. If car weighs this and runs this mph in 1/4 it makes this amount of HP. NO need to dyno. Thats why in every example I gave the weight of the car and the trap MPH.That tells HP. I did not PICK 305 thats what the speed calc tell me. You can tell me the weight of any car and what it mph in the 1/4 and i'll tell you real crank HP. You really need to talk to real hard core drag racers and ask them same thing your asking me. Or tell them what I telling you and see what they say. I can go on and on about this if you like.
What would you like to know. For one person on here I would think you Quik ls would know these basics. You look like a real racer not a poser.
might as well post it all up!

31 posts now on a thread about an engine swap that will never happen. If we don't make something of this now, the internet will ask for it's space back....
Anyone of you guys watch Pass Time? You notice how the main guy that wins all the time asks the weight of car. Then other asks what HP. Once you know those 2 you can tell exacly what the ET should be if car is optimized.
I'm just trying to teach some things to the younger crowd here. Quik do you agree with my input or not? Just wondering.

that was for lincoln ave. He posted up a little while ago that he was taking delivery on an 08 M3. I keep giving him crap, and calling BS, because it's most likely false. And you'd think he'd be proud of it and post some pics if it were true.
might as well post it all up!

31 posts now on a thread about an engine swap that will never happen. If we don't make something of this now, the internet will ask for it's space back....

Gotta love the "engine swaps that could" threads.

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