Dedicated LVC Member
That is a gross distortion. monetary redistubution is in no way the American way.
We need to stop feeding the troll.
That is a gross distortion. monetary redistubution is in no way the American way.
We need to stop feeding the troll.![]()
that interpretation is in no way what they meant
That is a gross distortion. monetary redistubution is in no way the American way.
We need to stop feeding the troll.![]()
Blocked.Thanks for contributing. It's always good to hear from my mentally challenged fans.
Please use paragraphs. This is not readable. Thanks.I believe we are fighting each other within our own country on many fronts. When we argue over religion or atheism, republican or democrat, black or white, gay or straight, etc... these issues are so heated the possibility of settling them is next to nil. So with great inteligence and much strength of character we could rise above our differences, and work together as blocks, neighborhoods, communities, cities, states, and (well thats about where I feel it should end, but thats just me) and so on,. I have had discussions with people, on subjects of great importance to both parties and laughed about our differences, and moved on with the friendship just the same. What I think I am referring to is an evolution of our maturity as a culture. I understand that we all have differences of opinion but why must they destroy friendships, create rifts in scociety, and stagnate our progress towards a peaceful culture. Is there any possibility for peace? am I naieve or was I right in another post when I said that the only way for us as a country/ planet to become peaceful, is for a major catastrope to open our eyes to the absolute necessity of peace for our survival. I may be a conspiracy theorist, but It would seem that the powers that be (here or other countries) are perpetuating this mentality of seperation. As though if we all got along they would no longer be needed and cease to be able to live off our money. I will leave it here for now but I welcome comments and questions, I am just a simple man with simple ideas, and one thing my father taught me was "all I know is I don't know nuthin" so do not mistake my rant for anything other than an idea.
You just hit the nail on the head. Class warfare. Racial warfare. As long as the politicians can continue to convince half the people in this country that they should be envious of the other half, they will continue to be elected. It's been going on for a hundred years or more.I may be a conspiracy theorist, but It would seem that the powers that be (here or other countries) are perpetuating this mentality of seperation. As though if we all got along they would no longer be needed and cease to be able to live off our money.