Trippen Out
Dedicated LVC Member
ive got problems too and mine are all new moog parts. i even took it to a mechanic. he said everything was tight but i was pissed because he put 5 minutes work into checking things.
my sound is at high or low speeds as well. it almost sounds like a an empty suitcase beng dropped down a flight ofr stairs
sometimes it sounds high like near the upper control arms sometimes it sounds low. its all on the right side of the car as well. the driver side is perfect.
if you figure it out for the love of god let me know.. there was so many mistakes when mine was done its not even funny. we tightened up everything with out loading the suspension for starters
never kept track of the streering wheel position and god knows what else. i also get a nasty clunk when turning the wheel all the way to the left and all the way to the right.
ever since i took it to the mechanie who said he pryed on places checking my suit case sound isnt as prodominate anymore. however i get a sound that reminds me the pop o matic bubble from the trouble game but with out the dice inside of it.
there isnt to much that pisses me off about a car more then clunks squeeks and leaks. and i got all 3 right now.
my sound is at high or low speeds as well. it almost sounds like a an empty suitcase beng dropped down a flight ofr stairs
if you figure it out for the love of god let me know.. there was so many mistakes when mine was done its not even funny. we tightened up everything with out loading the suspension for starters
ever since i took it to the mechanie who said he pryed on places checking my suit case sound isnt as prodominate anymore. however i get a sound that reminds me the pop o matic bubble from the trouble game but with out the dice inside of it.
there isnt to much that pisses me off about a car more then clunks squeeks and leaks. and i got all 3 right now.