Left Corner Lamp Housing

Still no luck finding a left corner lamp housing, I need this part also.

The weather is looking good here and i should be getting my tax return soon(I e-filed yesterday), so i'll be heading to the junkyard in prolly a week or two
and want to get a shopping list of what i'm looking for that i can print so i don't forget anything.

So far i got
Driver's side door lock linkage connector(forgot it last 3 times)
my console conversion stuff
-console and brackets
-top column shroud
-shifter cable and bracket and "floor" actuator for the transmission
-lockout solenoid + cable
-Cluster warning lights for the deletion of shift indicator
Left corner lens(pep)(maybe 2 if conti 94 still needs one)
3 trunk pulldown motors(pep, MTB, me)
2 radio antennas(pep and me)
trunk filler panel(pep)(usps priority mail insured for about $15)
All the horizontal wood grain dash pieces i can find:D
If anyone need anything else(along with many essex contis, they have many tcs, and a few mark VIIs, along with many many other early to mid 90's fomoco cars) or no longer needs something already on the list let me know

making a run to where my parts car is sunday early afternoon. probably the last time I can get to it. I will look at the couple of items that are onketyokeinnor's list to see if I can get them easily..

Question for Pepperman.. What exactly is the part on the trunk your looking for?? last I recall, the rear of the car was pretty pristine. I will pull everything I can sunday, and see if it fits what your looking for.

Key.. the column top shroud, what year ya looking for?? they changed some over the years if I recall. I know there is a little difference from the 90 to the 91 (the 90 cluster trim dont quite fit over the 91's column right). I think that shroud is in good condition. I will snag it unless I here from ya before about noon sunday (eastern time).
94, with no hole for column shifter any color. from what i've seen i should be able to get it(a complete shroud,because they most likely won't match up) off whatever Taurus i pull the console from
making a run to where my parts car is sunday early afternoon. probably the last time I can get to it. I will look at the couple of items that are onketyokeinnor's list to see if I can get them easily..

Question for Pepperman.. What exactly is the part on the trunk your looking for?? last I recall, the rear of the car was pretty pristine. I will pull everything I can sunday, and see if it fits what your looking for.

Key.. the column top shroud, what year ya looking for?? they changed some over the years if I recall. I know there is a little difference from the 90 to the 91 (the 90 cluster trim dont quite fit over the 91's column right). I think that shroud is in good condition. I will snag it unless I here from ya before about noon sunday (eastern time).

I need the trunk pull down motor and the trunk filler panel, don't know if those can be removed but that is what is broke.

Key, wont be able to help you on the shroud, the parts car is column shift.

Pepperman, I will see what it takes to get the filler panel off the trunk lid, and snag it if possible. will let ya know the results. Also, no pull down motor was on that car when I got it. previous owner used it to fix his other conti.
Pepperman, got the fake tail lights and filler panel.. what a pain. gotta pull the chrome trim above it off to get it out.. it all one piece. I have em both if ya want em.
give me a couple days to figure out how I am gonna ship the stuff, and how much it will cost to ship, and I will let ya know.

I promise, you WILL get a good deal.

Also, I do believe as of monday, the parts car will be gone to the scrap yard.
Well I don't need the antenna, appearently the damn thing was only stuck never saw it extended before, now i am wondering if it could have been the motor for the antenna.
The antenna is working now, can't figure out how it started working again, but it is YAY.
It looks like tuesday is when i'm going. Things I have down to get(other than all my stuff) are pep's left corner lens and a couple trunk pulldown motors if i can find any working ones. I think i figured out how to open the trunk by looking at the way my aftermarket keyless entry system does. it looks like if i ground the battery to the car and run the positive to the one trunk button lead(i dont remember which right now) it'll pop it.

If anybody else needs any essex conti parts, post here or pm me.
I finally got the center tail light replaced today, it was a pain but it got done. Thanks MichiganTeddyBear for the part.

Looks good Pepperman..

I think I mentioned you have to pull that damn chrome trim along the top off first didnt I?? once I had that off the parts car, the entire panel came off pretty easily.

but glad you got it changed out ok, and glad it made the trip without damage.
Thanks Ketyokeinnor, i got the part yesterday and put it on the same day, many thanks.

now if someone would start making quality replacement headlamp assy's for these cars, everyone would be happier!

I hate Ford and the damn composite headlamps they use..

Yea, I know they can be cleaned and polished, but the dont stay nice and clear for long. Also, the reflective plating inside the housing tends to get burned.

Oh, I forgot to add.. make em inexpensive!
A friend who's into older cars said polish them than clear coat them. I think I'm gunna try it when the weather evens out. The other day(Wednesday) it was 70 here, i took out the grinder, paint, body filler, etc. to tackle the 2 rust spots my conti developed over the winter. got the rust gone and the filler on then i had to go pick some stuff for my mom. Got home and it looked like rain so i masking taped over the filler and put everything away. After a day and a half of rain, i've been lucky for the temp to break 40. Had snow showers earlier today.:(

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