Lefties, your last chance to learn something about Conservatism:


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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You liberals that think you understand us conservatives, read this article by Rush Limbaugh, published in the WALL STREET JOURNAL. If you don't get it, you'll never understand. This is one of the best articles I've ever read that explains Conservatism and what we stand for.


Holding Court
There's a crackdown over Miers, not a "crackup."

Monday, October 17, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT

I love being a conservative. We conservatives are proud of our philosophy. Unlike our liberal friends, who are constantly looking for new words to conceal their true beliefs and are in a perpetual state of reinvention, we conservatives are unapologetic about our ideals. We are confident in our principles and energetic about openly advancing them. We believe in individual liberty, limited government, capitalism, the rule of law, faith, a color-blind society and national security. We support school choice, enterprise zones, tax cuts, welfare reform, faith-based initiatives, political speech, homeowner rights and the war on terrorism. And at our core we embrace and celebrate the most magnificent governing document ever ratified by any nation--the U.S. Constitution. Along with the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes our God-given natural right to be free, it is the foundation on which our government is built and has enabled us to flourish as a people.

We conservatives are never stronger than when we are advancing our principles. And that's the nature of our current debate over the nomination of Harriet Miers. Will she respect the Constitution? Will she be an originalist who will accept the limited role of the judiciary to interpret and uphold it, and leave the elected branches--we, the people--to set public policy? Given the extraordinary power the Supreme Court has seized from the representative parts of our government, this is no small matter. Roe v. Wade is a primary example of judicial activism. Regardless of one's position on abortion, seven unelected and unaccountable justices simply did not have the constitutional authority to impose their pro-abortion views on the nation. The Constitution empowers the people, through their elected representatives in Congress or the state legislatures, to make this decision.

Abortion is only one of countless areas in which a mere nine lawyers in robes have imposed their personal policy preferences on the rest of us. The court has conferred due process rights on terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay and benefits on illegal immigrants. It has ruled that animated cyberspace child pornography is protected speech, but certain broadcast ads aired before elections are illegal; it has held that the Ten Commandments can't be displayed in a public building, but they can be displayed outside a public building; and the court has invented rationales to skirt the Constitution, such as using foreign law to strike down juvenile death penalty statutes in over a dozen states.

For decades conservatives have considered judicial abuse a direct threat to our Constitution and our form of government. The framers didn't create a judicial oligarchy. They created a representative republic. Our opposition to judicial activism runs deep. We've witnessed too many occasions where Republican presidents have nominated the wrong candidates to the court, and we want more assurances this time--some proof. The left, on the other hand, sees the courts as the only way to advance their big-government agenda. They can't win national elections if they're open about their agenda. So, they seek to impose their policies by judicial fiat. It's time to call them on it. And that's what many of us had hoped and expected when the president made his nomination.

Some liberal commentators mistakenly view the passionate debate among conservatives over the Miers nomination as a "crackup" on the right. They are giddy about "splits" in the conservative base of the GOP. They are predicting doom for the rest of the president's term and gloom for Republican electoral chances in 2006. As usual, liberals don't understand conservatives and never will.

The Miers nomination shows the strength of the conservative movement. This is no "crackup." It's a crackdown. We conservatives are unified in our objectives. And we are organized to advance them. The purpose of the Miers debate is to ensure that we are doing the very best we can to move the nation in the right direction. And when all is said and done, we will be even stronger and more focused on our agenda and defeating those who obstruct it, just in time for 2006 and 2008. Lest anyone forget, for several years before the 1980 election, we had knockdown battles within the GOP. The result: Ronald Reagan won two massive landslides.

The real crackup has already occurred--on the left! The Democratic Party has been hijacked by 1960s retreads like Howard Dean; billionaire eccentrics like George Soros; and leftwing computer geeks like Moveon.org. It nominated John Kerry, a notorious Vietnam-era antiwar activist, as its presidential standard-bearer. Its major spokesmen are old extremists like Ted Kennedy and new propagandists like Michael Moore. Its great presidential hope is one of the most divisive figures in U.S. politics, Hillary Clinton. And its favorite son is an impeached, disbarred, held-in-contempt ex-president, Bill Clinton.

The Democratic Party today is split over the war and a host of cultural issues, such as same-sex marriage and partial birth abortion. It wants to raise taxes, but dares not say so. It can't decide what message to convey to the American people or how to convey it. And even its once- reliable allies in the big media aren't as influential in promoting the party and its agenda as they were in the past. The new media--talk radio, the Internet and cable TV--not only have a growing following, but have helped expose the bias and falsehoods of the big-media, e.g., Dan Rather, CBS News and the forged National Guard documents. Hence, circulation and audience is down, and dropping.

The American left is stuck trying to repeat the history of its presumed glory years. They hope people will see Iraq as Vietnam, the entirety of the Bush administration as Watergate and Hurricane Katrina as the Great Depression. Beyond looking to the past for their salvation, the problem is that they continue to deceive even themselves. None of their comparisons are true. Meanwhile, we conservatives will continue to focus on making history.

Mr. Limbaugh is a radio-show host. This is the latest in our occasional series.
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat liar

fossten said:
We believe in individual liberty, limited government, capitalism, the rule of law, faith, a color-blind society and national security. We support school choice, enterprise zones, tax cuts, welfare reform, faith-based initiatives, political speech, homeowner rights and the war on terrorism. And at our core we embrace and celebrate the most magnificent governing document ever ratified by any nation--the U.S. Constitution. Along with the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes our God-given natural right to be free, it is the foundation on which our government is built and has enabled us to flourish as a people.

The reality:

We the Conservatives only believe in individual liberty when it does not limit the prosperity of corporations or contradict religious dogma.
Limited government for the rich and the corporate
capitalism in the sense that it is not communism
the rule of laws that agree with our....
faith in a religion that is not even followed by those of us who attend church
a color blind society that can just smell the difference between races
national security that doesn't work, but costs the taxpayer plenty of money that will go straight in to the pockets of our grey market security companies
school choice that will cripple the schools of those who don't have as much money as us
enterprise zones so that we can litter the environment with toxins at our leisure
tax cuts for the wealthy
welfare reform because we're tired of being forced to be philanthropic
faith-based initiatives that go directly against our constitutional mandate to not establish religion
political speech so long as it agrees with our view points
homeowner rights so long as you're house isn't in the way of a wallmart or a rail road
And the war on terrorism because it makes us feel like we have a big set of gonads...

At our core we embrace and celebrate the most magnificent governing document ever ratified by any nation--the U.S. Constitution so long as it doesn't disagree with any of our motivations. Along with the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes our God-given natural right to be free, it is the foundation on which our government is built and has enabled us to flourish as a people because sometimes we can use it to invalidate arguments presented in the constitution even though it is not part of our body of laws.
raVeneyes said:
The reality:

We the Conservatives only believe in individual liberty when it does not limit the prosperity of corporations or contradict religious dogma.
Limited government for the rich and the corporate
capitalism in the sense that it is not communism
the rule of laws that agree with our....
faith in a religion that is not even followed by those of us who attend church
a color blind society that can just smell the difference between races
national security that doesn't work, but costs the taxpayer plenty of money that will go straight in to the pockets of our grey market security companies
school choice that will cripple the schools of those who don't have as much money as us
enterprise zones so that we can litter the environment with toxins at our leisure
tax cuts for the wealthy
welfare reform because we're tired of being forced to be philanthropic
faith-based initiatives that go directly against our constitutional mandate to not establish religion
political speech so long as it agrees with our view points
homeowner rights so long as you're house isn't in the way of a wallmart or a rail road
And the war on terrorism because it makes us feel like we have a big set of gonads...

At our core we embrace and celebrate the most magnificent governing document ever ratified by any nation--the U.S. Constitution so long as it doesn't disagree with any of our motivations. Along with the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes our God-given natural right to be free, it is the foundation on which our government is built and has enabled us to flourish as a people because sometimes we can use it to invalidate arguments presented in the constitution even though it is not part of our body of laws.

Very good, raveneyes, you have just articulated the Liberal philosophy. So now we know the difference between Conservatives and Liberals.

Thank you for making my point.
Vitas said:
If you would like us to take you seriously, you need to apologize for your frontal attack on eL eS.

You are so misguided! FOSSTEN is the one who quoted Rush Limbaugh. A certified hypocritical RWW if I've ever seen one. Talk about credibility, ZIP, ZERO, NADA.
Vitas said:
If you would like us to take you seriously, you need to apologize for your frontal attack on eL eS.

I've already explained why I am unapologetic about my statements toward el eS here http://www.lincolnvscadillac.com/showpost.php?p=118954&postcount=13 and it is the closest to an apology you will get from me on the matter.

I meant what I said...the kid doesn't know me...he comes on this board and personally bashes me, and I will not put up with that kind of thing...it's unfair to ask me to do so.
fossten said:
Very good, raveneyes, you have just articulated the Liberal philosophy. So now we know the difference between Conservatives and Liberals.

Thank you for making my point.

That was a flimsy reply.

I clearly stated that I was posting my (albeit satirical) version of the conservative viewpoint.

Please clarify or remove your comment
raVeneyes said:
The reality:

We the Conservatives only believe in individual liberty when it does not limit the prosperity of corporations or contradict religious dogma.
Limited government for the rich and the corporate
capitalism in the sense that it is not communism
the rule of laws that agree with our....
faith in a religion that is not even followed by those of us who attend church
a color blind society that can just smell the difference between races
national security that doesn't work, but costs the taxpayer plenty of money that will go straight in to the pockets of our grey market security companies
school choice that will cripple the schools of those who don't have as much money as us
enterprise zones so that we can litter the environment with toxins at our leisure
tax cuts for the wealthy
welfare reform because we're tired of being forced to be philanthropic
faith-based initiatives that go directly against our constitutional mandate to not establish religion
political speech so long as it agrees with our view points
homeowner rights so long as you're house isn't in the way of a wallmart or a rail road
And the war on terrorism because it makes us feel like we have a big set of gonads...

At our core we embrace and celebrate the most magnificent governing document ever ratified by any nation--the U.S. Constitution so long as it doesn't disagree with any of our motivations. Along with the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes our God-given natural right to be free, it is the foundation on which our government is built and has enabled us to flourish as a people because sometimes we can use it to invalidate arguments presented in the constitution even though it is not part of our body of laws.

Nailed it.
fossten said:
Very good, raveneyes, you have just articulated the Liberal philosophy. So now we know the difference between Conservatives and Liberals.

Thank you for making my point.

That's it? Just to pull one of the many that make no sense "Tax cuts for the wealthy" Liberals and not Conservatives are for that? You can do better than that.

Here's an idea, write something up about the Liberal Philosophy yourself, in a similar way. I and others would love to read it.
95DevilleNS said:
That's it? Just to pull one of the many that make no sense "Tax cuts for the wealthy" Liberals and not Conservatives are for that? You can do better than that.

Here's an idea, write something up about the Liberal Philosophy yourself, in a similar way. I and others would love to read it.
Do a search.
95DevilleNS said:
Nailed it.
Sorry, but I can't resist.


And btw, I believe he missed it completely. Just an opinion.
Write UP

You can not do a write up of Liberal Philosophy, because in the time it takes to come out of the right side of the mouth, the left side of the mouth changes the words.
Kbob said:
Sorry, but I can't resist.


And btw, I believe he missed it completely. Just an opinion.

I wasn’t aware that we aren’t allowed to agree on something we feel the same about. Excuse my ignorance. You sure 'owned' me.

Let me retract my original statement and supplement it with ‘Raveneyes you suck! You are 101% wrong even though that is mathematically impossible and you don’t know a thing, so don’t voice your opinions ever again and just follow the herd. We will soon have a free Iraq and America will be safe place where everyone can raise Christian babies.’
95DevilleNS said:
I wasn’t aware that we aren’t allowed to agree on something we feel the same about. Excuse my ignorance. You sure 'owned' me.
My post wasn't just for you, so don't take it too personally. I really don't care about these kinds of posts. It's just funny to me all the stink that has risen here lately, and it should be funny to everyone.

95DevilleNS said:
Let me retract my original statement and supplement it with ‘Raveneyes you suck! You are 101% wrong even though that is mathematically impossible and you don’t know a thing, so don’t voice your opinions ever again and just follow the herd. We will soon have a free Iraq and America will be safe place where everyone can raise Christian babies.’
Consider your statement retracted, and welcome to the dark side! I'm glad you are finally in agreement with 6/5ths of the population! Seriously, I've never forced my beliefs on anyone and I don't think it's fair for you to imply that I do. Because I am not ashamed to say that I am a Christian should not be a reason for you to ridicule who I am, if that's what you are doing.
Republicans have principles? I guess lying/manipulating is a big principle they like to uphold.

/Rush Limbaugh, the druggie.
captainalias said:
Republicans have principles? I guess lying/manipulating is a big principle they like to uphold.

/Rush Limbaugh, the druggie.
EDIT: never mind.
barry2952 said:
I would agree Ken, that was unnecessary.
I certainly understand how easy it is to get caught up in something, as evidenced by my post that I deleted. So I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement.
You can tell me Ken, it's fine. I consider myself to be a moderate Republican and Christian, but one thing that has consistently irked me about the present administration and Republican party, is that they act as if they are God's chosen party.

God isn't a Republican, God isn't even a Democrat: God is bigger than all that. And what should our goal as Christians be? Should it be polarizing America into 'with God and against God'? No, I strongly belive in separation of church and state- our goal as Christians should be to help the poor, nothing more.

And as for my comment about Rush Limbaugh, well, that's my other complaint about 'mainstream' Republicans. They act in a 'holier than thou' attitude. And this goes for both Democrats and Republicans- let's see some humility in Capitol Hill and around the world. Pride is a dangerous thing.

The world is not black and white- it's a lot of gray.
raVeneyes said:
That was a flimsy reply.

I clearly stated that I was posting my (albeit satirical) version of the conservative viewpoint.

Please clarify or remove your comment

Hold your horses. I'm at work. I'll deal with you later.
captainalias said:
Republicans have principles? I guess lying/manipulating is a big principle they like to uphold.

/Rush Limbaugh, the druggie.

My apologies if this was deemed inflammatory by others, but I wanted to point out some hypocrisy.

Regarding the Ten Commandments issue, I don't see why it's a big deal. Do you think God would prefer us to argue over where they are placed, or would He prefer us to follow them instead? Why does it matter whether they hang in a courthouse, so long as they are written on our hearts?
Kbob said:
My post wasn't just for you, so don't take it too personally. I really don't care about these kinds of posts. It's just funny to me all the stink that has risen here lately, and it should be funny to everyone..

Bah, I'm a big boy, insults roll off my back. I was just using the 'eye for an eye' tactic. I wasn't personally offended. No worries.

Kbob said:
Consider your statement retracted, and welcome to the dark side! I'm glad you are finally in agreement with 6/5ths of the population! Seriously, I've never forced my beliefs on anyone and I don't think it's fair for you to imply that I do. Because I am not ashamed to say that I am a Christian should not be a reason for you to ridicule who I am, if that's what you are doing.

Shouldn't it be 5/6th? And please someone tell me there are not 5 Conservatives to every Liberal!? That would seriously ruin my life.

I am not ridiculing you.
bufordtpisser said:
You can not do a write up of Liberal Philosophy, because in the time it takes to come out of the right side of the mouth, the left side of the mouth changes the words.


bufordtpisser said:
woman is as a woman does.
A man only is if he does a woman..

Bigger lol.....
raVeneyes said:
I've already explained why I am unapologetic about my statements toward el eS here http://www.lincolnvscadillac.com/showpost.php?p=118954&postcount=13 and it is the closest to an apology you will get from me on the matter.

I meant what I said...the kid doesn't know me...he comes on this board and personally bashes me, and I will not put up with that kind of thing...it's unfair to ask me to do so.

I also meant what I said. You are single handedly turning this forum into the anonymous poster Yahoo nutcase boards that were prevalent years ago. Act like an adult. He told you people may not like you, so what, roughly 50% of voters do not like the other guy. There is no excuse for the language that you used. If you cannot be more clever in your response, find another place to respond.

I think that you have entitled yourself to a seven day suspension.

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