raVeneyes said:
That was a flimsy reply.
I clearly stated that I was posting my (albeit satirical) version of the conservative viewpoint.
Please clarify or remove your comment
The Liberal philosophy
Larger government, more control, less individual freedom, more dependence upon said government, no weapons for defense, reason with enemies instead of defeating them, punish the rich, cater to special interest groups like the gay/lesbian/feminist community, higher taxes, anti-religion (ACLU), create race and class wars, government-run healthcare, no wealthy people, everyone’s equal, socialist society, pro-abortion, anti-Constitution, anti-property rights, same-sex marriage, pro-union, anti-competition, pro-European socialist views, anti-American.
These are the issues that the Democrats support, but they can’t be honest about these, because if they were truly honest with the American people about these beliefs, they would never win another election. Therefore, the Democrats must try to hide the truth while bashing the Republican Party’s agenda, including name-calling. Howard Dean called Republicans “liars”, “evil”, “corrupt,” and “brain-dead.” Harry Reid called Bush a “loser.” Rangel called Bush a modern-day Bull Connor. Paul Hackett called Bush an SOB. John Corzine compared VP Dick Cheney to Saddam Hussein. You ONLY see this level of name-calling and attacking coming from the Democrat side.
The truth is that the Democrats haven’t had a real agenda in years. They even now are holding meetings to try to figure out what they are for, and still haven’t come up with anything. Howard Dean was asked point blank by a reporter what the Democrats’ plan would be for Iraq, and he said that their only plan is to watch Bush and hold him accountable. Translation: We don’t have any ideas, so we are just going to bash you if anything goes wrong. The last election was about discrediting Bush in favor of the weak weasel Kerry, and they failed. Now they are attacking Bush from all sides in an attempt to weaken his presidency, but they are forgetting that Bush isn’t running in ’08. In their zeal to ‘get Bush’ they miss the big picture and will lose BIG in ’08. Meanwhile, Bush will finish stocking the Supreme Court with originalist judges and get a new tax plan pushed through, while the Democrats, as usual, present NOTHING as an idea for how to improve the country.
For the last forty years, while the liberals sat back fat and happy on their laurels as the elite ruling class, the conservatives went out and changed the minds of the American people by arguing issues in the arena of ideas. Because the liberals have nothing substantive to offer, their only options were to cave or to attack. Since our ideas are superior and make sense and agree with the values of most Americans, the only recourse was to spread lies and deceit about Republicans. They want to starve schoolchildren or throw elderly people onto the street, etc. THAT CRAP WON'T FLY ANYMORE.
Look at the power of the conservatives in this country. Bush nominates a liberal/moderate to the Supreme Court, and the outcry is so strong that the nominee is effectively pulled as a result. (Yeah, I know, Miers pulled herself out of the running, but the effect is the same.) Despite the media’s constant badgering and prevaricating, it’s the CONSERVATIVES who got Bush to change his mind.
You proved my point because you took every statement that articulated the Conservative philosophy and either
twisted it or
lied about it. Har de har har. That proves that you have no real ideas to offer the country except to try to lie about conservatives and attempt to make our beliefs out to be something they are not. The truth is that we conservatives understand you liberals better than you understand us, which is why we control the government right now. The only thing you control right now is the mainstream media, and that is fading fast as they lose credibility and viewership/readership. People just aren’t falling for liberal BS anymore.