Legal Question

what would it matter no matter what I say you will just make up a fact that proves me worng. so why even try you are nothing but :bsflag:
barry2952 said:
Could you just try answering the question? What has GWB
done for the American people in 4+ years?

Lowered personal interest rates. More to come.
We have record low interest rates.
Highest Ownership % in History.
Booming economy.
Raised the standard of living for ALL Americans.
Raised the teaching standards and level of Education for our young.
Terrorists kept in check, so far.
Restored US superiority globally.
Held both houses of Congress to keep the wacko left in check.
Working on tort reform.
Working on clean air.
Working on Social Security.
Beat down the press and mainstream media all the while winnign re-election.
Prescription drugs for Seniors.

Hey, guys on the right. Let's help Barry out. Post as many POSITIVES as you can. I have to take my kids to Florida right now. I'll be gone for a week. I'll see if I can check in.

I would like to see about 5 pages of superlatives as generated by the Bush administration but distorted and filtered by the MSM posted here. Thanks.

See ya.
barry2952 said:
Thank you, that's all I asked for. Anyone else?
You ignored my question first, why should I bother with yours? Especially when I am unclear as to the purpose of your question as it relates to this thread. I suspected it to be nothing more than an attempt to deflect the conversation and bash the President at the same time.
MonsterMark said:
Hey, guys on the right. Let's help Barry out. Post as many POSITIVES as you can. I have to take my kids to Florida right now. I'll be gone for a week. I'll see if I can check in.
Enjoy your trip. Tell Mickey we said hi.

My contribution to the list is that my income tax has been lowered.
ok as much as i disagre with barry this is not a barry sucks Thread os lets just say this thread sucks and will be reduced to talking about more improtant things. like how many sheets of TP I use after a big a$$ dump. :woowoo2:
dertyclown said:
lets just say this thread sucks and will be reduced to talking about more improtant things. like how many sheets of TP I use after a big a$$ dump. :woowoo2:
With my wife and 3 daughters, we go through a lot of TP in my house, let me tell ya.
Kbob said:
With my wife and 3 daughters, we go through a lot of TP in my house, let me tell ya.
ya when I moved out I was shocked at how lond one roll lasted TP goes a long way.

What question didn't I answer?

If dertyclown is one of your novice conservatives, you've got problems.
barry2952 said:

What question didn't I answer?
Here's one:

"You're saying that GWB and CR knew before 9/11 that all the different intelligence agencies were not communicating properly. Is this part of the 9/11 report or just your opinion?"

Here's another:

"Have you already given up on trying to find out if Bush is legally culpable for 9/11?"

And that's just in this thread. Sell your innocent shtick somewhere else please, it's making me nauseous.

And here's a new question that is actually from a statement that I've already said. What was the purpose of your "what has GWB done for the American people" question got to do with Bush being ultimately responsible for the attack on 9/11, the original topic of this thread? Again I'm curious since we've discussed this at length before, and my "lowered my taxes" answer is the same answer that I gave before.

barry2952 said:
If dertyclown is one of your novice conservatives, you've got problems.
Dertyclown is his own person, whatever he believes. But keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself.
Kbob said:
Here's one:

"You're saying that GWB and CR knew before 9/11 that all the different intelligence agencies were not communicating properly. Is this part of the 9/11 report or just your opinion?"

Gee, the GOP seems to think Clinton was aware of this, so it isn't a stretch to presume GWB and CR knew it, or at least they should have. What's their excuse again?
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Gee, the GOP seems to think Clinton was aware of this, so it isn't a stretch to presume GWB and CR knew it, or at least they should have. What's their excuse again?
I believe the logic was that IF Bush knew, then Clinton had to know as well. Either way it's speculation.
MonsterMark said:
Raised the teaching standards and level of Education for our young.

See ya.

Sorry spend more time in a school - This hasn't happened!! How many left behind children do you want! To See! Mr Bush's plan may sound good No Child Left Behind but there are schools of them throughout the US..

All he did was test kids!! I guess a test will help struggling kids!!

What it did do is teach school Districts to teach to a test so they look good!! And sorry I'm not one!!

I still do what I've done for 22 years of teaching...

Reach out to all children I can.. Present quality lessons... and attempt to meet the need of every pupil...

I didn't need a test to do this and it can't be tested!!

So please don't tell me that GW did well for education!! I haven't seen a President do this yet!!

Now we do have a Governor in the State of Wisconsin trying hard to help education!!
mespock said:
Sorry spend more time in a school - This hasn't happened!! How many left behind children do you want! To See! Mr Bush's plan may sound good No Child Left Behind but there are schools of them throughout the US..

All he did was test kids!! I guess a test will help struggling kids!!

What it did do is teach school Districts to teach to a test so they look good!! And sorry I'm not one!!

I still do what I've done for 22 years of teaching...

Reach out to all children I can.. Present quality lessons... and attempt to meet the need of every pupil...

I didn't need a test to do this and it can't be tested!!

So please don't tell me that GW did well for education!! I haven't seen a President do this yet!!

Now we do have a Governor in the State of Wisconsin trying hard to help education!!
I would like to see some proof that this isn't working besides a biased opinion please. And what exactly is the governor of Wisconsin doing to help education? My guess is more money down the drain.
Kbob said:
I believe the logic was that IF Bush knew, then Clinton had to know as well. Either way it's speculation.

No speculation at all about what Bush did or didn't know pre-9/11. No speculation required either about GW's attempts to cover his tracks and deceive the voting public pre 11/2/04. See post in this thread about the recently declassified sections of the 9/11 Comission report:

Voters left clueless about pre-9/11 truths

MonsterMark said:

"Lowered personal interest rates. More to come.
We have record low interest rates."

Interest rates are on their way back up!

"Highest Ownership % in History."

Due more to programs put in place by Bubba than anything Shrub has done.

"Booming economy."

Inflation is on the rise.

"Raised the standard of living for ALL Americans."

Tell that to all the people hurt by past and present Shrub budgets, especially the latest proposals.

"Raised the teaching standards and level of Education for our young."

It's called unfunded mandates and is forcing teachers to "teach to the test"

"Terrorists kept in check, so far.
Restored US superiority globally."

Debatable. Everything I've read, we're at our lowest respect level worldwide.

"Held both houses of Congress to keep the wacko left in check.
Working on tort reform."

A gift to corporations.

"Working on clean air."

Another gift to corporations, more like working on destroying clean air.
"Working on Social Security."

A gift to Wall street campaign donors, no blessing for the working man.

"Beat down the press and mainstream media all the while winnign re-election."

Something to be proud of only if you're doing things wrong and don't want people to know about it!!

"Prescription drugs for Seniors."

Revised estimates increase the tab by hundreds of billions of dollars, all the while catering to the pharmaceutical companies by refusing to allow for negotiation of prices!!
Yep, a lot to be proud of if you are a corporate lobbyist.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
No speculation at all about what Bush did or didn't know pre-9/11. No speculation required either about GW's attempts to cover his tracks and deceive the voting public pre 11/2/04. See post in this thread about the recently declassified sections of the 9/11 Comission report:

Voters left clueless about pre-9/11 truths

I would have never guessed that you guys wanted to impeach Bush. (mock surprise)

I'll pick that editorial apart in the other thread.
Really, the answer depends on the sale contract and due dilligence. Did the seller agree to hold you harmless from previous liabilities? Did you do sufficient research to learn if such a problem exists? Did the seller know and reveal that to you?
Joeychgo said:
Really, the answer depends on the sale contract and due dilligence. Did the seller agree to hold you harmless from previous liabilities? Did you do sufficient research to learn if such a problem exists? Did the seller know and reveal that to you?
Hahahaha! I'm laughing at myself because at first I thought you were either on drugs or lost. But now I realize you were just answering the thread topic question. That's what happens when you chase rabbits. ( :slam to myself)

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