Let the games begin....

You should try Billcu's seat motor rebuild.

Pulled seat and tried the motor repair. Motor's were real clean when I pulled them apart, but cleaned them as stated above.
This is good information and I will be cleaning the drivers side motors as well. Unfortunately the passenger seat still tries to move but doesn't. Motors and brushes look new. I think it's has to be a track problem. :(

Front Left Seat (6).jpg

Front Left Seat (8).jpg
i had the same experience. i ended just replacing the seat track with a NOS track from ebay.
Pulled drivers seat and went through motors just like "Billcu's seat motor rebuild" said and....another failure! Motor's were a little dirtier then passenger side.
The motor rebuild is a must do thing!
This slide works but I can tell something is trying to hold it back, I think the tracks on this side are also too rusty, or maybe weak motors?
hhhhmmm....moving on with interior repair.

Front Left Seat (3).jpg
OD button hasn't worked in years. Pulled console and fixed broken wire. Button works now! I thought that would be an easy one.

Console (3).jpg

Console (6).jpg

Console (8).jpg

Console (9).jpg
stitch work looks good,man. you did do it from the inside it looks like, and just a little stretch getting it on, good job and detail good thread.
The HID's are here! Looking forward to installing them this week end :) I hope!

With no diffuser in the low beam, you should be shining good and bright. :p My headlights are probably going to be for sale around mid to late July if you might be interested. They'll come with an HID kit too. So, if you end up blinding people and are interested in what I still consider new housings, let me know in a few weeks. Mine have never had a halogen bulb lit inside them, not ever and they have under 10 hours easy, probably about 6 hours of actual light time. They never just sit out in the sun or weather either. Still look fresh out of the box.
With no diffuser in the low beam, you should be shining good and bright. :p My headlights are probably going to be for sale around mid to late July if you might be interested. They'll come with an HID kit too. So, if you end up blinding people and are interested in what I still consider new housings, let me know in a few weeks. Mine have never had a halogen bulb lit inside them, not ever and they have under 10 hours easy, probably about 6 hours of actual light time. They never just sit out in the sun or weather either. Still look fresh out of the box.

Yes sir! Please let me know! I'll sell me 1st born if I have too...lol...she may not like it though.
I thought I should check in with the experts 1st! (as I never hooked up HID's before), and they didn't come with directions. Everything look's straight forward and an easy installation.

Correct me if I'm wrong!

1st pic...what I got.
2nd pic...laying everything out to see how everything's gonna fit.

My question is...2nd pic, the black wire coming from the relay. It plugs into the the wiring harness that plugged into my halogens on the drivers side right? So am I correct in assuming that the wiring harness that plugged into the passenger side is obsolete now? Everything runs off the drivers side wiring harness??

HID (1).jpg

HID (2).jpg
With the relay harness, you will have two additional wiring harnesses left hanging because the relay has been added to the mix. Disconnect ground on battery, connect relay first just like it tells you to. Directions are pretty straight forward. Then install one ballast and light at a time and make sure you are connected to the relay harness. The original passengers side light harness will be left unplugged in the end. You will be using the relay harness for your light connection over there.
With the relay harness, you will have two additional wiring harnesses left hanging because the relay has been added to the mix. Disconnect ground on battery, connect relay first just like it tells you to. Directions are pretty straight forward. Then install one ballast and light at a time and make sure you are connected to the relay harness. The original passengers side light harness will be left unplugged in the end. You will be using the relay harness for your light connection over there.

All wires are ran and tied off...only one wire left over...the (black and white) one coming from the relay! Passenger side (wiring harness) is obsolete now...both ground wires are grounded! Battery is out of car! Left over wire is connected to wiring harness on drivers side (black and white)!...only thing left is to connect red wire to positive side of battery!...Is this correct??? If this is correct, I'm ready to light them up!!! oops! lights are the last thing to install! gonna do it now...let me know! pics to come of mounting everything, gonna take pics now!
OK...here we go!...Sorry for the dirtiness under the cover

1st pic...passenger side
2nd pic drivers side
3rd pic battery compartment

1st pic ...taped up wiring harness ...passenger side
2nd pic, you know
3rd pic, you also know

Does this look OK? Am I ready to light them up?
I didn't touch bulbs with anything, not my fingers or nothing!
Red wire goes to positive side right?
Sorry, don't mean to sound stupid about this but...don't want to get it wrong!
Reviews for this aren't very impressive!

HID (3).jpg

HID (4).jpg

HID (5).jpg
All that can really happen is that it won't light up but yes, it looks ready to me. Xentec is an alright ballast but there are worse and there are better but you'll pay for the better. I ran Xentec in the 94 for a long time before it burned but they never gave me one problem. I'm by not saying Xentec is the best kit by any means but a lot of people that were putting them in Gen 1's were doing so without a relay kit too. Not a good mix! Turn them on and your message center should say "check exterior lighting" after about 3 to 5 seconds. Just hit reset and get out and look at them.
I got the message center alarm (man that's gonna screw with the wife and kids)...both lights lit and...man there blue! Let it run for 10 minutes. Halogens seem brighter, but the sun is shining bright. Hope there better at night. May have to go with something not so blue. I guess we'll find out tonight!
I appreciate your help with that NoLimit! At least I have a better understanding of the HID's
I got the message center alarm (man that's gonna screw with the wife and kids)...both lights lit and...man there blue! Let it run for 10 minutes. Halogens seem brighter, but the sun is shining bright. Hope there better at night. May have to go with something not so blue. I guess we'll find out tonight!
I appreciate your help with that NoLimit! At least I have a better understanding of the HID's

What "Kelvin" did you get? 6000K...

When you get ready to eliminate that message, let me know and I'll walk you right through it. Takes about 10 min from start to finish, depending on how full your glove compartment is. All it requires is wire clippers and a 5/32's socket or nut driver and that's it. One bolt to remove, one snip of one wire and it's done.
What "Kelvin" did you get? 6000K...

When you get ready to eliminate that message, let me know and I'll walk you right through it. Takes about 10 min from start to finish, depending on how full your glove compartment is. All it requires is wire clippers and a 5/32's socket or nut driver and that's it. One bolt to remove, one snip of one wire and it's done.

I ordered 6000K, how to I double check to see what I got?
It's night time now and all I can say is.....Holy Sh*t! Those make one hell of a difference! Pics are before dark. I gotta get me some more for the High beams and the wifey's Jeep!

headlight (1).jpg

Headlight (2).jpg

Headlight (3).jpg
This was not on my games list.
What's the chance of the alternator going bad followed a couple days later by the water pump?

Water pump (1).jpg
This was not on my games list.
What's the chance of the alternator going bad followed a couple days later by the water pump?

Ya never know with these cars. Make sure to burp the system and it has to be burped at the crossover tube. That cap has to come off and by the looks of yours, you might need to use a pipe wrench but you can try the 1/4" ratchet or w/e that size is. If you don't burp the system COMPLETELY, you will be back on here asking why you're over heating so, let's prevent it before it happens lol. Fill it while it's running and make sure to get ALL air out through that crossover tube and then get the cap back on there.
Ya never know with these cars. Make sure to burp the system and it has to be burped at the crossover tube. That cap has to come off and by the looks of yours, you might need to use a pipe wrench but you can try the 1/4" ratchet or w/e that size is. If you don't burp the system COMPLETELY, you will be back on here asking why you're over heating so, let's prevent it before it happens lol. Fill it while it's running and make sure to get ALL air out through that crossover tube and then get the cap back on there.
A month ago or so when I started working on this car I had to use a 12" pipe wrench with a 18" breaker bar, thought I was going to break something, but now it looks bad but comes off pretty easy. That was so I could replace the oil filter housing gasket.
Right on the edge of the vent itself, the part that actually moves, put a flat head on either side and gently pry it out. Takes every bit of 2 seconds.

Came out just like you said! Black part behind vent was off track (fixed that), 2 of the blue fins were broke because of being knee'd. A little super glue and almost good as new...lol..at least it's better the it was! The vent works now!

WOW! this cars coming together little by little! With the help of the LVC members!! Thank you very much for your input!!

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