Let's see your Mark's head units and audio system components



I installed a new CD player in my 94, more than likely all I will do is replace the speakers to go with it. I will post the pics tomorrow, but post your head units and system if you have the pics.
no pics, yet. Tomorrow. I've had it for about a year.

Pioneer single din CD player(with cool organic graphics) 4 yr old component. It's also in a 94, so it fills the hole nicely.

other than that, stock system(JBL) with Kicker comps(2x10's) in the trunk with a Kicker comp amp.

it's simple, neat, loud, and perfect for me.
Old a$$ Clarion with a PPI 800w Amp and 2 12 inch SPL Mules including Audiobahn doors and rears and JBL stallite tweeters on the windsheild, with all Monstercable accesories. I also have an Optima redtop not pictured. Slams hard as hell, good enough for me.






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Old a$$ Clarion with a PPI 800w Amp and 2 12 inch SPL Mules including Audiobahn doors and rears and JBL stallite tweeters on the windsheild, with all Monstercable accesories. I also have an Optima redtop not pictured. Slams hard as hell, good enough for me.







Thats not old clarion, OLD CLARION is the 8675z I bought as a store display my jr year in highschool that they were selling beacuse it was the old moddel, used for 4 years then sold to my freind who still has it in his doge ram. damn that was a good cd player
Old a$$ Clarion with a PPI 800w Amp and 2 12 inch SPL Mules including Audiobahn doors and rears and JBL stallite tweeters on the windsheild, with all Monstercable accesories. I also have an Optima redtop not pictured. Slams hard as hell, good enough for me.
I can vouch for that... The TerminVIIIor's sound system is SICK!
I'm running the stock system with a tape insert plugged into my
Creative Zen Micro MP3 Player... 10 Disks? Who needs it, I've got
5Gig of Music...
Spinall4 said:
Thats not old clarion, OLD CLARION is the 8675z I bought as a store display my jr year in highschool that they were selling beacuse it was the old moddel, used for 4 years then sold to my freind who still has it in his doge ram. damn that was a good cd player

WOW that is an old one. Mine is 5 years old I think. Still works perfect.
Thats sweet I want a pic of the cobra getting kicked by a Mule!!! Stock sys. here I listen to the sweet purr of the exhaust and motor! Never been one for the boom. Thinking of an Infinity powered sub though, gears, cobra intake 1st though!
It's a cheap head unit but it works well and has a surprising amount of features:

evillally said:
Eclipse 8443
JBL Speakers
JL Audio 500/1
JL Audio 10W6v2

you stole my system.. lol actually I got that eclipse h/u but I have infinitys all around and mmats subs. I'll get pics soon

86 Mark VII
Kenwood EZ 500, I have the beauty trim on backorder, had to replace all four speakers also.(Kenwood of course)


my1stmarkVII said:
86 Mark VII
Kenwood EZ 500, I have the beauty trim on backorder, had to replace all four speakers also.(Kenwood of course)

Just posted over at the for sale forum.

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