Let's Talk About Illegal Aliens.


Well-Known LVC Member
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Warner Robins,GA
How many of us know anyone who IS an illegal alien?
We sure like to act like we do.
We must know them very well.
We KNOW they like to take our jobs away from us.
(How many of us would stand waist deep in farm animal feces and entrails or lay bricks in 100-degree heat for the wages these jokers offer?)
We know that they are stealing our precious monitary resources,and they are running up our hospital bills.
(If you came from such a desolate land,would you risk getting caught and sent back to where you've been trying to escape for something so stupid as not paying a bill? In fact, most Illegals avoid any kind of health care because of that fear of returning to their homeland.)
We know they want driver's licenses so they can get welfare!
(Okay, Einstien; Why do you think in many states insurance premiums are steadily increasing at an extorbitant rate to the point of even having lilability is causing you to spend more money annually than your car is actually worth on insurance. On that note, as crazy as liscensed drivers are; wouldn't your personal safety matter and be better protected if there were more properly trained drivers on our highways? I know I would feel safer.)
All I am trying to say here is; unless you've spent a week in a colonia,
sat down to dinner with, or even had a working relationship with an "Illegal Immigrant" and maybe have seen or heard the constant ordeals they have gone through you might understand and realize " Hey that sounds like what Gamma Yeta or Great-Great-Great- Grandad Natahniel had to go through years ago. Be it in 1917 Brooklyn or the day the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock.In this world today, EVERYONE (even myself) is too damn quick to judge everyone, anytime. We should really try to look and see how the other one feels to be on their side for once.
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:I Hell, a coupla hundred years ago my family was treated the same way for being...IRISH...oh my god...and CATHOLIC...I leave these words...

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
I appreciate that my friend, I also notice that you quoted from the plaque on the Statue Of Liberty, Awesome! Unfortunate that kind of garbage,(the Irish,Catholic thing etc...)still goes on today, my Mother's family resides in the Boston area and I see that antiquidated bullcrap still go on when I go up there. Hell, it's everywhere, here in Georgia and throughout the "deep south" the Civil War still exists as it has had for the past 140+ years, In Texas, the annexation is still going on almost 160 years later.It's so fricking amazing that these petty squabbles over what amounts to minor differences still exists for all these years after the original parties involved have been long dead. Maybe this is the reason why this is "one of those subjects that makes Randy run off at the yap again." I'm just so sick of the bulls#!+ hatred that simmers along in this melting pot culture we live in.What ever happened to the theory that variety(diversity) was what kept the world interesting? Even the "minority" thing is sickening, In California, my Dad's family is overrun with this "I'm a POOR minority, you MUST help me" mentality. Everything I have achieved in my life,is exactly that, MY achievement nobody ever said to me "Oh you poor Latino,here we'll give you this 50K a year job,or we'll give you this 125K house because we feel soooo sorrrry fer youuuu!" If anything, the "poor Latino" thing has been morre of an insult to my intellegence than anything else. When I moved to Georgia 7 years ago, I went down to the Department of Labor to go look for a job, I was so prepared, 3-piece Palm Beach suit, sparkling resume' in hand, effervescent can-do personality you know, I was all-that and the works! I was ready to take on the world as I had back in ol' San Antonio! After waiting in this miserable place for hours, I was finally called up to talk to a counselor. This frail woman behind the desk had the audacity to tell me, without appearing to even look at my resume; "Mr Rodriguez, we have several agricultural posistions available for your skill level in Perry." It was a total slap in the face. NOWHERE on my resume was any mention of ANY agricultural experience, Honestly, I can't even grow dandilions in my front yard successfully! The thing that hurt me the most was this was told to me from an African-American woman. Now, I know, not everyone is the same, and I also learned that day that predjudice comes from all the colors in the rainbow(so to speak).
I also realise that in hindsight, in a not very professional way, that lady might have been trying to genuinely help me. It sure didn't feel that way the day it happened.
I don't truly know, It was merely a bad situation brought up by a poor choice of words at an already trying time in my life. The culture bashing still goes on all over America today though.It won't ever stop as long as ignorance and insecurities of the other person continue. It is a sick, sad unfortunate fact of human nature though. What can we do?
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Chill out man! I get it all the time. I'm French, so I get to listen to all the BS cowardice stories from you Americans. LOL. Where I live, immigrant workers from Mexico are recruited to work in our vegetable fields, because the white unemployed trash would rather sit on their fat a$$es and collect unemployment than do a job for "only" $8 an hour. And they do a great, great job too..very hard workers. Our local economy would be in ruins without these hard workers. White trash annoys me more than any immigrant could...Where I live, most of the "illegal aliens" are Americans....
Yeah, I know and have worked with some IA's, and yes, people are people, and everyone has a story.

But the issue is these people weren't screened for diseases, for security problems, or for criminal records. Heck for all we know they could be politicians!

All the people who have entered this country in a legal manner are degraded by those who come in under the wire.
Ok, here is the flip side to everything posted up to now.
You can call me racist or what ever but, My feelings about illegal immigration
are blunt and to the point.
These low lifes do not belong in this country if they entered illegally.
We have laws in this country pertaining to immigration and if these people disregard the laws, they should be deported immediately.
This crap about "they do jobs americans wont" is just that, a big crock of sh***.
If this government would crack down on welfare and force these welfare recipiants to work or starve, you bet your sweet a** they would do the jobs.
As for the borders, I am inclined to agree with Bill O"Rielly when he says that the national guard should be sent to the borders to back up the border patrol.
The big difference between my opinion and his is that I would not stop at just bringing the national guard to the borders.
I would also have giant billboards every 1/4 mile, for the entire legnth of the border.
These signs would face the Mexican border, stating in big red letters, written in spanish; "IF YOU ENTER THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY, YOU WILL BE SHOT DEAD ON THE SPOT, AND GO HOME IN A BODY BAG."
For much too long, this immigration problem has been swept under the rug by all politicians in an attempt to garnish the hispanic vote.
With the ever increasing threat of terriorism , the opportunity for terriorist infiltration into this country from our southern border is extremely real.
Lately there has been talk that terriorist may enter through Mexico with the intent of setting off weapons that could contain necular properties.
I don't know about you, but this is a scary situation. We folks living in the southwest should be very concerned at this possibility.
We always hear the arguments that all these people want is to make a decent life for themselves, and I can sympathise with their concerns, but my answer to that is, then do what my farther did years ago, apply for citizenship, and wait your turn.
Don't come here through illegal tunnels and expect that we are going to open our arms up and welcome you.
Don't come here , over the fence, and ask us to provide food, medecine and medical care for you and you family.
Don't come here smuggled in a van and ask us to provide you housing and give you a driver's license.
Do it legally and these things could be provided on a temporary basis.
I am not a racist as some of you may think, I am just one very concerned american who has seen this problem snowball to gigantic proportions in the last ten years.
Enough is enough.
For the security of this nation, the borders, north and south, should be closed until such time that the terriorist situation is under control.
The times we live in have made it much more than a "Hispanic" infiltration into this country.
Today, infiltration at our borders could also mean life or death for many of us.
Bob, why don't you tell us what you really think. You fit right in.

Funny, I agree with almost everything you said, except the shooting part.

IMHO, I would agree that granting citizenship to illegal aliens demeans those that played by the rules.

One thing you didn't mention Bob is that children of illegal aliens that are born here automatically become citizens and many end up on the Welfare rolls.

You're clueless if you think shutting the borders will eliminate the terrorist problem. In case you haven't heard, the FBI and CIA both have evidence that says there are already Arab-Americans (US citizens) terrorists in most US cities with a significant Arab population. So closing the borders won't do much. And I agree, close the North borders. Afterall, you guys don't want an influx of educated, skilled Canadians making US citizens look bad...LOL..... :)
RRocket said:

You're clueless if you think shutting the borders will eliminate the terrorist problem. In case you haven't heard, the FBI and CIA both have evidence that says there are already Arab-Americans (US citizens) terrorists in most US cities with a significant Arab population. So closing the borders won't do much. And I agree, close the North borders. Afterall, you guys don't want an influx of educated, skilled Canadians making US citizens look bad...LOL..... :)

I didn't say closing the borders would "eliminate" the terriorist problem.
What it would do is lessen the chances of necular weapons being brought into this country thereby thwarting an attack, especially some where in the southwest.
Closing the borders would be a step in the right direction.
Now, more than ever, we need to know just who is in our country and more importantly, what they are doing here.
It is as plain as the laws of nature.
The fox guards the den against intrusion.
As far as I am concerned, the "smart" Canadians can stay north of the border and the "less smart" Hispanics can stay south of the border until such time as we Americans can secure our country.
2 years ago I was working as a mobile fleet mechanic, driving an 8000lb box truck on the highway when 3 drunk individuals from Mexico decided it would be a good idea to stop in the middle of the 2 lanes.I'll skip the details and say that I hit them, narrowly missing 2 cars that had also stopped due to the highway being blocked.The car on the right fled the scene, the car on the left contained a family with 3 small children.I don't like to think about what would have happened if I had hit them.Anyway, 3 days later my boss called the police to get info regarding the drunks in an attempt to get an insurance payment for our totalled truck.He was told "Good luck finding them, they are probably long gone".Meaning that they were more than likely deported with no other consiquenses.Had it been me in that car I would probably still not have my license and more than likely would have spent a good amount of time in jail.Closing our boarders absolutely would protect American citizens.Almost every other country does it, for good reason. :L
without borders you realy don't have a country do you? unfortunatly those elite running this country don't care where the people come from if they can exploit them. cheap labor, votes, more folks dependent upon the government.

constantly nag your state and federal representatives and let them know how you feel about this, or stop pissing and moaning about it because your not serious about the problem.
mach8 said:
without borders you realy don't have a country do you? unfortunatly those elite running this country don't care where the people come from if they can exploit them. cheap labor, votes, more folks dependent upon the government.

constantly nag your state and federal representatives and let them know how you feel about this, or stop pissing and moaning about it because your not serious about the problem.
Take a look at the attached letter.
I for one do not sit around pissin and moaning about this situatuion. I get involved.
TheI heard on the news tonight that there is possibly a
plan for terriorist to enter this country through our
southern borders, with the intention of smuggeling
nucluar weapons, that could later be assembled here for
the purpose of distruction within our country.
Living on the west coast, this is especially disturbing
to me, as it should be to every person living west of
the Mississippi.
The politicians have in the past, bent over backwards
to cater to the latino vote by not initiating stronger
policies regarding illegal entry into this country from
the south.
They have all been guilty of that, stating the
countries economic well being is tied to this illegal
imigration, and in fact are seeking some sort of "guest
pass" for people immigrating from the southern borders.
We live in an extremely volital time through out the
world and, countries must take positive steps to
preserve their sovriegnty.
Some have suggested that the national guard be brought
in to help protect our borders from would be terriorist
and, the illegal population crossing our borders.
Some are against these actions but, the one thing we
must all look at with a percing eye is, the terriorist
determination to cause havoc and bloodshed within our
It is time the politicians worked together to protect
this country.
We have closed borders in foreign countries to stop the
flow of terriorist into them, and it is high time we put
our own citizens here in the forefront.
The borders should be closed immediately, backed up by
the national guard and remain closed until such time
that it is safe to re-open them.
There are thoes that say, closing them will deprive
honest working immigrants of making a decent living and
thoes in business who hire these people will complain
they can't find replacemt labor.
My answer to both groups is plain and to the point.
If this country is the object of a nucular attack
within it's bounderies, it won't mean a rat's ass in a
fishbowl what immigrants and jobs will be lost.
There simply will not be any thing left to complain
We can all sit on our asses and do nothing , and let it
happen or we can mount a strong defense against this
possible threat.
We can say, "oh that will never happen" or we can say
it is high time I get involved and stand up for my
Get in touch with each and every politician you can and
tell them enough is enough.
Panic is not a good thing and, we should never sucumb
to it, but it is vitally important that we mount a
strong defensive to any and all threats, especially if
they are reaching so close to home."
Mr. President, the message above was meant to inform thoes who frequent one of my online message boards.
Politics are the main focus of that board.
The article above is extremely scary.
The borders, especially our southern ones, need to be protected on a scale much more intense than they presently are.
Party partisanship must take a back seat to this ever increasing threat of terriorism so close to this country.
I am calling on you ,( as a American born citizen of this great country) , to stand up and get tough with our border situation, before it is to late.
These threats can not for one minute , be swept under the carpet.
They must be confronted with whatever it takes.
If we can close borders in foreign lands, and spend billions and billions of dollars in defense of terriorism in foreign countries then, we had best put the priorities of this nation, and it's well being at the forefront of our actions.
I call on you as the elected leader of this nation's people, to defend it's sovrienty immediately, against this and future terriorist threats.
The southern border is extremely vunerable to terriorist infiltration and you and thoes who lead our country must take the bull by the horns and develop stratergies that will protect we citizens from attacks now, and in the future.
Pleas Mr. President, I call on you as one citizen amoungst millions, let my voice, and the voices of my fellow citizens, be heard.
Now is not the time for procrastination.
This possibility of terriorist infiltrating our southern borders with the intent of nucular attack should be enough to put us all on the same side, regardless of our political affilation.
We are all americans, and we deserve nothing less than a President ,and a government that understands the enormity of the situation and, the consequences of doing nothing.
Sincerely. Robert Hubbard
5631 Monterey rd
Los Angeles, Ca. 90042 same letter was sent to my represenatives in Washington.
Okay, I will just shut the F**k up now and bow out. I don't want to alienate anyone (especially illegally). I'll just go home now and shrink-wrap my house and take stock of my Cipro inventory.
(Y'all do understand that this post was intended in jest to break up the heat?)
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Mr. Hubbard : on your comment about "the jobs that Americans won't take crap" statement in a previous post. Have you or better yet, would you go out and work in a meat processing plant for $6.73 an hour? Would you go out and lay bricks in 100-degree high-humidity summer weather for $7.88 an hour? We're not talking about being a greeter at Wal-Mart for $ 6.17 an hour here.
Oh, and maybe more people would get up off their lazy-asses if our government would stop making it so easy to stay where the welfare recipients are. The current economy situation actually provides the welfare recipient a better advantage to stay home and watch soap operas and mind-numbing talk shows all day than to go and get a job. How is somebody going to even live on the minimum wage alone,(which is what the majority of the job market wants to offer these days.) little yet provide for their children when the welfare state encourages these people that it would just be better off to remainwhere they are at.(I don't even want to get into the issue of childcare expenses) And these people are not all "the scum of the earth" as you'd like to call them.They have families and are pretty much like me and you.(Not every last one,but it is probably the norm.) People should not be threatened with their lives for wanting to have a better life. I can understand some of your concerns on this issue. On the National security issue: did you know there was actually a terrorist plot thwarted on the border of this country in recent years? Around Christmas/New Years 2000/2001 there was a terrorist cell stopped successfully at our border.(The Canadian border near the Seattle/Vancouver areas, that is.) You do have the right to express how you feel on certain issues, and I even admire the fact that you can express your thoughts and feelings so strongly. You have conviction, which is something a lot of people lack in today's society. That's admirable. All I wanted to say on this thread was to think about a few small issues conerning this subject that many people get all bent-out over and put a little sense to them.
Unfortunately, our government has become so corrupted by power and greed that neither the "left"or the "right" can be trusted to get anything done at even a slightly reasonable level anymore. That's how I see it.
Randeaux said:
Oh, and maybe more people would get up off their lazy-asses if our government would stop making it so easy to stay where the welfare recipients are. The current economy situation actually provides the welfare recipient a better advantage to stay home and watch soap operas and mind-numbing talk shows all day than to go and get a job.
So true, why work if society says it's OK to be a parasite? Even worse, an idiot for not taking a free ride. It's just tax money, the government just prints it up right?

But the government encourages this, on purpose!

Think about it. If your big on government telling people how to live their lives and spend their money (liberals) what better way to be able to pull their strings than to make them dependent upon you? What self reliant person needs much in the way of a government? Scared ones! Keep'em scared! Terrorist! Communist! Liberals! Illegal Aliens! Big government will protect you!

If you're a state or federal career employee (includes politicians) your importance and pay is based upon the size/importance of your department. So let's say you're a big cheese for HUD, are you realy interested in eliminating demand for your services? Or would the job picture look rosier if more folks are having a hard time getting housing?

The best defense? Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse.

so buy a Mark VIII and hit the road-start living fast
Fotunately, I don't have to work at Wal-Mart, or any where else for low wages, but were it necessary, I would, if it meant my survival.
Through careful planning in my life, I have sustained a comfortable life.
Certainly not wealthy by any means but, I have been able to do with what I have.
I can understand people living in an oppressed society wanting to better them selves, but what I can't tollerate is the things they do in that quest.
My Farther came to this country from Canada when he was 23 years old.
He did not dis- obey the law comming here.
He went through the steps necessary to become a citizen.
Many others did the same, comming from a different country.
If it was good enough for Him , and the others who did it, then it should be good enough for thoes who want a better life in this country today.
Get in line, just as thoes did at Ellis Island, and wait your turn.
As for the government making it easy for people to collect benefits and other programs, I agree, the government does nothing to discourage it.
The only way that will change is when enough of you get up off you perviable asses and do something about it.
I posted in this thread, and made the comment, "If the government officials don't hear from us, then they have no clue as to what our feelings are on issues".
If you want change, you need to let them know.
Look what has happened in Kiev in the last two days.
The people saw a wrong and made change.
They got involved, and that is the only way change happens.
In this country we have many politicians sitting back on their haunches doing nothing but collecting a big pay check for doing nothing.
Fortunately there is one politician in this country that is truly doing his job.
I did not vote for him but, I am very happy he is at the helm here in the state of California.
Arnold has stated that if the state lawmakers can't come to an agreement on important issues, he will take the cause to the people, and he has done this.
The people are the voice, they have to be heard.
There is far to much complacency amoung the voting public.
We vote these clowns in, expecting they will look out for our interest, when all they are doing is lining their own pockets.
Arnold is the exception.
He lobbied extensively to defeat the "driver's licenses for illegal immigrants" bill.
He knew it was unpopular and knew it would cost him some votes.
Fortunately , he also knew the bill was wrong.
We should never reward someone with good, for doing something wrong.
I will continue to email my government officials, including the commander in chief.
I wish I could convince the rest of you to get as involved.
Every chance I get, I make my views known, where ever I can, be it here in this forum, or other forums, fox news, or, the president himself.
We all have a choice, piss and moan from now till eternity, or, get involved and let your voice be heard.
If you feel as I do on these issues, then speak out, don't sit there in silence and bitch when these government give-away programs are passed.
I've lived on the same street as our souther friends. They don't want to learn to speak english, drink beer like its going out of stile, Here is
the topper 15+ in a 2 bed`room place .
Lawrd have merry !

My name is Alfonso Ricardo Navarro
I am a vietnam era vet. :F
I was born in Cuba, My parent's came here legally. I was 1 Y.O.
At 17 I joined the navy.
When I left the navy I applied for a job on the base (Alameda)
I was turned down because I was not a cit.
That SH*T floored me !
while in the Navy I worked on the flight deck of a carrier,
one of the most dangerest jobs in the US.
To this day, I carry my green card (pink now). I am a law abidding Man.
and to this date the only thing that I can't do is:
Vote, Jury duty and get Federal job, that sucks.
The only thing that hurts is the job part.
You say: Why not take the test to become a cit.
F**k it. you try taking the test,
Bet you would fail it without studying.

I also know many alliens, some live in Fresno, Ca. picking apples.
they live in a plywood room (5 of them).
They shower in another plywood hut.
They are young and tired. but they keep doing it, for their families.
What welfare person would do that job ? Someone tell me ! argue2

Then at the other spectrum I know a lady that rented a house and the gov. paid for the deposit and first months rent and she had money left over.
I was mad as hell, with that case.
I also work hard for my money,
and for you to get my hard earned money kills me :Bang

P.S. You can not vote unless your a CIT. So cut the crap about that one :soapbox:​
Bravo Zulu for your service shipmate. I have taken a lot of tests in my life to get ahead and I had to study my :q off for everyone of them you sound like a sea lawyer with all this negative non-sense.

I live in the heart of a cuban/puerto rican/mexican culture over here in Tampa, Fl and I know many folks that have studied, taken and passed the exam to be a US citizen and the negative rhetoric you were spinning absolutely undermines all the value your fellow countrymen find in being a citizen.

These are good hard working American's that learn trades, open shops, work for the military and work in the fields. Everyone of these folks earned their privilidge and the rights of a citizen. Obviously you do not see the same value in citizenship as they do.

Buddylee you are way out of line with your over generalization of Latinos. The folks I mentioned above are dedicated to their families and work very hard to provide the best quality of life they can for them. Further, they are just as entitled to unwind like the rest of us. If anything I envy thier connection with their family; we could all benefit from taking a page out of their family values playbook.

It is unfortunate that many have to cohabitate with such a large number of people but ti does not make them any less a person or any less entitled to advancing the prosperity of their family. These folks carry the burden many fat :q ed Americans would not and could not.

Alfonso I implore you to study, take the test and show the buddylees of America what you are capable of.
The reason there are 15 in a 2 bedroom place is because the building manager or owner just sees dollars.
City and state housing laws limit the amount of people that can occupy a unit.
I have seen it all when it comes to rental property.
Over the years I have had to reject many, many people because they didn't meet the qualifications.
I can't tell you how many times I have had someone show up to look at one of my vacant units and try to rent my one bedroom units for 6 or more people.
As for tenant screening, I have in the last couple of years, instituted a policy of demanding papers that substanciate that a person is in this country legally.
I demand that proof from all perspective tenants, regardless of race or country of origin.
Usually the spanish are ther ones that give me flack about it.
I have been accused of discrimination but, the truth is, I treat all applicants exactly the same.
No proof of legal status, no renting any of my units, I don't care where the hell you come from.
I guess the one thing I will never understand is why these illegals(mostly comming from our southern border) won't make any effort to make things better in their own country.
Everyone is aware the Mexican government is about as corrupt as it gets.
If the mexicans comming here illegally spent as much time and effort to straighten out their own country as they do getting here illegally, they would have a prosperous country and would not feel the need to leave.
The country has abundant resources to sustain a prosperous citizenry.
Why these fools comming here illegally can't grasp that fact, is beyond me.
Perhaps it will take a revoloution.
As I recall, there was a country a couple of hundred years ago that had an oppressed society.
The people united and fought for change.
The result was the creation of this great United states of America.
One would think these people to the south would take heed and learn from their neighbor to the north.
Perhaps they feel it is just easier to treck across the border than to rid their own country of the cancer that has overtaken it's government.
Bob Hubbard said:
The reason there are 15 in a 2 bedroom place is because the building manager or owner just sees dollars.
City and state housing laws limit the amount of people that can occupy a unit.
I have seen it all when it comes to rental property.
Over the years I have had to reject many, many people because they didn't meet the qualifications.
I can't tell you how many times I have had someone show up to look at one of my vacant units and try to rent my one bedroom units for 6 or more people.
As for tenant screening, I have in the last couple of years, instituted a policy of demanding papers that substanciate that a person is in this country legally.
I demand that proof from all perspective tenants, regardless of race or country of origin.
Usually the spanish are ther ones that give me flack about it.
I have been accused of discrimination but, the truth is, I treat all applicants exactly the same.
No proof of legal status, no renting any of my units, I don't care where the hell you come from.
I guess the one thing I will never understand is why these illegals(mostly comming from our southern border) won't make any effort to make things better in their own country.
Everyone is aware the Mexican government is about as corrupt as it gets.
If the mexicans comming here illegally spent as much time and effort to straighten out their own country as they do getting here illegally, they would have a prosperous country and would not feel the need to leave.
The country has abundant resources to sustain a prosperous citizenry.
Why these fools comming here illegally can't grasp that fact, is beyond me.
Perhaps it will take a revoloution.
As I recall, there was a country a couple of hundred years ago that had an oppressed society.
The people united and fought for change.
The result was the creation of this great United states of America.
One would think these people to the south would take heed and learn from their neighbor to the north.
Perhaps they feel it is just easier to treck across the border than to rid their own country of the cancer that has overtaken it's government.

I do not see it as discrimination and I thank you for going the extra mile. Reading your posts reminded me a series of interviews NPR is doing on teh Ms Delta region. It has long been stricken with joblessness due to many manufacturing jobs going over seas and to the South.

At any rate the folks there have just kind of been waiting for someone to come tot them to make their community flourish again but no one has come. In the recent years they have taken ownership for their own prosperity and have been actively making it happen themselves rather than wait for someone to do it for them.

They were all tired of government plans and entitlements and decided to improve their own way of life. You are right Mexicans could just as easily do the same thing in thier own country.

However, we do have an sincere need for laborers in the US but I strongly believe that if they want to work here they need to follow the proper procedures.

Criminals should not be rewarded and illegals are breaking our laws.
eL eS said:
Bravo Zulu for your service shipmate. I have taken a lot of tests in my life to get ahead and I had to study my :q off for everyone of them you sound like a sea lawyer with all this negative non-sense.

I live in the heart of a cuban/puerto rican/mexican culture over here in Tampa, Fl and I know many folks that have studied, taken and passed the exam to be a US citizen and the negative rhetoric you were spinning absolutely undermines all the value your fellow countrymen find in being a citizen.

These are good hard working American's that learn trades, open shops, work for the military and work in the fields. Everyone of these folks earned their privilidge and the rights of a citizen. Obviously you do not see the same value in citizenship as they do.

Buddylee you are way out of line with your over generalization of Latinos. The folks I mentioned above are dedicated to their families and work very hard to provide the best quality of life they can for them. Further, they are just as entitled to unwind like the rest of us. If anything I envy thier connection with their family; we could all benefit from taking a page out of their family values playbook.

It is unfortunate that many have to cohabitate with such a large number of people but ti does not make them any less a person or any less entitled to advancing the prosperity of their family. These folks carry the burden many fat :q ed Americans would not and could not.

Alfonso I implore you to study, take the test and show the buddylees of America what you are capable of.

Being an American Citizen dosn't make you a Family man with family values,
My own family growing up showed me how to become a man.
I also have worked hard all of my life. :Bang

My next to last job was in Las Vegas, Caesars Palace, I was a supervisor
Until after Sept. 11th

I have two kids, My girl is 21 and goes to Long beach Unv. guess who's paying for that.
My son is 9 and doing pretty dang good for his age.
The only time that I ever had to applied for unemployment was when a got out of the navy.
I just became unemployed again, but I am not applying,
because I will find a job. they are out there if you look.
But it has nothing to do with being a Citizen.

I am not a sea lawyer, I'm just a man still making my spot in this here crule world.

Thank you for your response, You stood up for my folk's, just as I do....
With out being a Citizen​

P.S. Take the Citizen test and see if you pass it. :Beer
Mulato said:
Being an American Citizen dosn't make you a Family man with family values,
My own family growing up showed me how to become a man.
I also have worked hard all of my life. :Bang

My next to last job was in Las Vegas, Caesars Palace, I was a supervisor
Until after Sept. 11th

I have two kids, My girl is 21 and goes to Long beach Unv. guess who's paying for that.
My son is 9 and doing pretty dang good for his age.
The only time that I ever had to applied for unemployment was when a got out of the navy.
I just became unemployed again, but I am not applying,
because I will find a job. they are out there if you look.
But it has nothing to do with being a Citizen.

I am not a sea lawyer, I'm just a man still making my spot in this here crule world.

Thank you for your response, You stood up for my folk's, just as I do....
With out being a Citizen​

P.S. Take the Citizen test and see if you pass it. :Beer

Never implied that being a citizen makes you a family man; I just defended the value of citizenship. I got the impression that you were knocking the merits of citizenship, somehting I love and appreciate dearly. I too served in the USN and I sailed 2/3 of this globe and witnessed first hand the suffering of many different people.

I did get the sense that you are contributing and have contributed to the well being of this nation. I really wish you would consider becoming a citizen becasue we need all the good folks we can. I am sure that you will continue to do things just as well if not better than you already have; I just think it would really annoy the hell out of folks like buddylee.

PS. I know my coutry's history and I am very comfortable with speaking about the constitution, I can recite the Gettysburg Address, I know geography, culture and language. I would pass that test any day of the week.

America Mi Ogurullo!
RRocket said:

You're clueless if you think shutting the borders will eliminate the terrorist problem. In case you haven't heard, the FBI and CIA both have evidence that says there are already Arab-Americans (US citizens) terrorists in most US cities with a significant Arab population. So closing the borders won't do much. And I agree, close the North borders. Afterall, you guys don't want an influx of educated, skilled Canadians making US citizens look bad...LOL..... :)

Timothy McVeigh wasn't Arab! and was a US citizen! and was a Terrorist! Or do we call them something else if they are white Americans - So was Theodore Kaczynski (the Unabomber).

More White American Terroism http://www.msnbc.com/modules/clinics/ .

Or what about the KKK or Skin Heads! Do they count as Terrorists!

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