Limbaugh's Viagra Fall?


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Apr 23, 2004
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High Bridge, NJ
Funny, as big a dick as he is you wouldn't think he would need it!!!!!!!

Limbaugh's Viagra Fall?

by Gina Serpe
Jun 27, 2006, 11:40 AM PT,1,19374,00.html

Despite its advertised benefits, Viagra isn't doing Rush Limbaugh any favors.

The radio pundit, currently serving 18 months of court supervion in his healdine-making prescription fraud case, was detained Monday at Palm Beach International Airport Monday after officials found a bottle of the little blue pills in Limbaugh's luggage with someone else's name on the label.

Florida airport authorities held the conservative blabber for more than three hours. Limbaugh was returning to the country on a private plane from a vacation in the Dominican Republic.

According to the talk show host's attorney, Roy Black, Limbaugh was not reverting back to his fraudulent ways, and claimed the incident instead was a misunderstanding.

Black said the erectile dysfunction-treating pills had been prescribed to Limbaugh from his physician, but were "labeled as being issued to the physician rather than Mr. Limbaugh for privacy purposes."

That plan worked out so well it fooled the authorities.

Anyhow, according to Black, the Viagra was obtained legally--which considering his client's past isn't always a given--and the 55-year-old held a valid prescription for it, despite the mislabeled vial.

Regardless, Customs officials proceeded to spoil not just Limbaugh's morning, but his evening as well, confiscating the pills and releasing the radio personality without charge.

But that doesn't mean he's off the hook just yet.

Paul Miller, a spokesman for the Palm Beach County Sheriff, said that Limbaugh's latest medicinal faux pas could constitute a second-degree misdemeanor.

In April, Limbaugh was arrested for prescription drug fraud in Palm Beach, turning himself in after a warrant was issued in his name. The conservative pundit was accused of "doctor shopping"--concealing information from several doctors in order to obtain multiple painkiller prescriptions.

The arrest came three years after Florida authorities seized Limbaugh's medical records after learning that the professional chatterbox had purchased roughly 2,000 pills as prescribed by four different doctors within a six-month period. Limbaugh has waged a very public battle with an addiction to the painkiller OxyContin, including multiple stints in rehab.

To settle all the charges, Limbaugh agreed to pony up $30,000 to the state to offset the cost of his investigation and spend 18 months under the court's supervision, in which he was ordered to seek counseling and stay out of trouble.

Monday's airport rendezvous likely did little to help his cause.

The Palm Beach County Sheriff's office is expected to turn the case over to the state attorney following a further investigation.

Limbaugh, meanwhile, joked about the arrest on his radio show Tuesday. He told listeners he got the pills from the Clinton library, saying he was told they were blue M&Ms.:) :)
I laughed out loud when he said, "How did Bob Dole's luggage get in my plane? I TOLD him I was looking forward to the upcoming E-LEC-TION!"
I honestly think it's time for Limbaugh to move out of that crap county.

He should sell his estate and simply move to the West coast of the state, and buy an estate on the Gulf of Mexico, here in Sarasota, Florida.

It's prettier than Palm Beach, plus it's conservative. Not to mention, it's the home of Katherine Harris.
Calabrio said:
I honestly think it's time for Limbaugh to move out of that crap county.

He should sell his estate and simply move to the West coast of the state, and buy an estate on the Gulf of Mexico, here in Sarasota, Florida.

It's prettier than Palm Beach, plus it's conservative. Not to mention, it's the home of Katherine Harris.

I agree. Those people are literally out to get him. That was nothing but a pure setup. The pills he had are documented at his doctor's office to be prescribed to him, but they confiscated them anyway, and then immediately contacted the press. It was a blatant attempt to embarrass him. It's obvious nothing will happen to him from a legal standpoint, so why else would they have done it?
fossten said:
I agree. Those people are literally out to get him. That was nothing but a pure setup. The pills he had are documented at his doctor's office to be prescribed to him, but they confiscated them anyway, and then immediately contacted the press. It was a blatant attempt to embarrass him. It's obvious nothing will happen to him from a legal standpoint, so why else would they have done it?

Two reasons...

1) He's under an 18 month court supervision for illegal pill use
2) He had pills that were not prescribed to him (label wise)

Given those two facts, the authorities were only following protocol.
95DevilleNS said:
Two reasons...

1) He's under an 18 month court supervision for illegal pill use
2) He had pills that were not prescribed to him (label wise)

Given those two facts, the authorities were only following protocol.

Explain to me, smart guy, exactly WHICH PROTOCOL in the Sheriff's code of protocols involves NOTIFYING THE MEDIA when somebody's detained for something that turns out not to be illegal. (cue Jeopardy music)
fossten said:
Explain to me, smart guy, exactly WHICH PROTOCOL in the Sheriff's code of protocols involves NOTIFYING THE MEDIA when somebody's detained for something that turns out not to be illegal. (cue Jeopardy music)

Who said the sheriff contacted the media?? Anyone w/ a police scanner could've picked up the call on the radio and notified the media. Or anyone of the other passengers / airport personnel nearby could've overheard / seen what was going on and contacted the media. Why does everything "inconvienient" that happens to one of your "heros" have to be a left-wing conspiracy??

Rush, like his commentary (and fossten's defense of him) is LIMP.
:bowrofl: :facesjump :bowrofl: :facesjump
fossten said:
Explain to me, smart guy, exactly WHICH PROTOCOL in the Sheriff's code of protocols involves NOTIFYING THE MEDIA when somebody's detained for something that turns out not to be illegal. (cue Jeopardy music)

Since Johnny beat me to the punch, not much I can add Alex Trebek, but please explain how you know the Sheriff's Dept contacted the media and please put your answer in a 'What is' format? (cue Jeopardy music)
fossten said:
We'll have to wait and see.

I guess so Mr. Jump-To-Conclusions...

Here's another unfounded thought, was he travelling without his wife and if so, why did he need viagra in the Dominican Republic? Have to wait and see for that one too.
95DevilleNS said:
I guess so Mr. Jump-To-Conclusions...

Here's another unfounded thought, was he travelling without his wife and if so, why did he need viagra in the Dominican Republic? Have to wait and see for that one too.

I thought his bitch kicked him to the curb.
95DevilleNS said:
I guess so Mr. Jump-To-Conclusions...

Here's another unfounded thought, was he travelling without his wife and if so, why did he need viagra in the Dominican Republic? Have to wait and see for that one too.

LOL talk about jumping to conclusions! He's not married you retard. Shows how little you know about Limbaugh, you don't have a clue.
fossten said:
LOL talk about jumping to conclusions! He's not married you retard. Shows how little you know about Limbaugh, you don't have a clue.

Hey hey, look at the little teeth on Fossten, don't take it personal, I'm talking about Rush Limbaugh, not a member of your family.

OH MY GOD! I didn't know Rush wasn't married anymore, what's wrong with me?:rolleyes: I'll be sure to follow his personal life more closely from now on. Since you happen to know all of the little intimate details of his life, does he have a girlfriend or domestic partner? Boxer or briefs? How does he like his eggs in the morning?

Oh, one more thing smarty pants, I didn't make a conclusion, I clearly used the word 'IF', so the best thing you have on me is making that unforgivable mistake of thinking he was married.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Yep, I was right........

In light of this new revalation, it was probably for more than just his drug habbit. LOL.

Strike three! You're out!

Sad, here's a guy who rambles that allowing gays the right to marry will ruin marriage, yet he has failed three out of three.

"Marriage is about raising children. That's the purpose of the institution."

Rush Limbaugh 2003 Speaking agianst gay marriages.

Then Rush you blowhard a$$hole, why out of three marriages you havent fathered one child? It's not like he can't get it up, he uses viagra; is the guy sterile?
Look at all the petty haters spewing forth their bile. It's amazing how much you losers applaud someone else's problems, yet you defend your indefensible leaders. (Like Clinton)
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Yep, I was right........

In light of this new revalation, it was probably for more than just his drug habbit. LOL.
Thanks for the rehash of a June 11, 2004 article. Guess the mighty AP ran out of writers. LOL.

Man, the AP is full of a bunch of clowns. Have to keep on digging up the old dirt, Losers.
fossten said:
(Trembling upper lip)Look at all the petty haters spewing forth their bile. It's amazing how much you losers applaud someone else's problems, yet you defend your indefensible leaders. (Like Clinton)

Oh, I see, it's alright for you to petty hate anyone at your little hearts content, but when someone does it to one of your heroes you can't take it. That's petty...

Also, I do not applaud peoples problems in general, but I'm happy to point out a hate spitting hypocrite like your boy Rush.

Sorry Phil! Nothing's going to happen to Rush, despite the setup. Nice try, customs!

Reprinted from

Rush Limbaugh: I Was Targeted Wires
Thursday, July 6, 2006

Politically biased U.S. Customs agents laid in wait for Rush Limbaugh to arrive at Palm Beach International Airport, pounced on him and spread the word far and wide that he had committed a crime that was not a crime at all.

That's what Limbaugh says happened when he arrived back in the United States last week, after a trip to the Dominican Republic. He told his national radio audience Wednesday that U.S. Customs agents were waiting to spring a trap for him and embarrass him in the national media.

According to Limbaugh, when he got back from three days in the Dominican Republic he had a bottle of Viagra in his briefcase. It has been there since last December, he recalled, and he had forgotten it was even there.

"There were 30 pills prescribed, and when they counted them out, there were 29 -- and yet, everybody thinks I loaded up on the stuff for a trip to the Dominican Republic, and that's what everybody was saying. 'Wow, what went on in the Dominican Republic?' In fact, when I cleared Customs there was this agent ... I opened the primary compartment where most of the things in the briefcase are, just to be cooperative, and she reaches in there, pulls out this bottle, says, 'What have we here?' There are 25 people in the room. 'What have we here? Viagra!' she shouts, 'and look, it's not your name on the bottle! This is a crime! This is a violation of law!'"

The prescription, as Limbaugh's lawyer has pointed out, was issued in Limbaugh's doctor's name to preserve Limbaugh's privacy, and there was nothing illegal about his having it.

"[The Custom agent is] shouting this all over the Customs office, and the whole room has come to a dead stop, and she races behind some closed door to her supervisor. The supervisor comes out and asks, 'How many other prescriptions do you have, sir?'

"I've got two."

"'They have your name on it?'"


"'What are they?'

"Look at 'em."

"He said, 'Well, what's this?'

"I said, 'I had an intestinal blockage in December. They're for that.'"

"'Oh. How much cash are you carrying?'"

"I started to pull my cash out.

"'He said, "I don't care to see it, just tell me.'

"I said, 'Less than $1,500.'


"I had a little white bag of things and he opened it. 'What's this?'"

"I said, 'Those are cuff links and golf balls from President Bush. I had lunch with him last Friday in the White House and dinner with your boss, [Department of Homeland Security] Secretary [Michael] Chertoff, the night before at the Supreme Court.'

"'Well, sir, I have to tell you that this is a violation of law, and we have called authorities in Miami' and blah, blah, and they detained me for three or four hours and whatever it was, and actually it was the state attorney's office here that ended the whole thing by sending some sheriff deputies over and finally getting a statement from me and taking the case under their jurisdiction, and they today said there's no crime here, and they've announced it but the media is still reporting all over the place all the effects of the deal that could have been thwarted had this been prosecuted and regurgitating facts that were not part of this story at all."

It was an obvious setup, Limbaugh said, explaining that when anyone comes into Customs in Palm Beach on a private airplane, U.S. officials know they're coming because passengers must provide such information as their passport name and ID, passport number and date of birth a week before they depart.

"So somebody in there knew I was coming in, and from what I was told from people that were there during the time I was there, mine was the only luggage that was searched," Limbaugh said.

"Somebody -- and I assume it's at Customs -- leaked this. How else is this discovered? You know, all this talk about being a watchdog on government, the media, a watchdog on government, they're going to make sure the government doesn't overstep its bounds, doesn't spy on citizens. The media is going to make sure the government does not endanger people's civil liberties. Well, I guess when it comes to mine, they get thrown out the window. Somebody in the government leaked this against me and then they kept regurgitating it, and it was just used to attack me.

"This story purely and simply is that there was nothing illegal about what happened, and thus there aren't any charges. There was nothing illegal here. This never had anything to do with the previous deal that I had made with the state attorney's office down here, and the media has been hoping and praying that this would lead -- and, by the way, I understand. They hate me, folks. As I said last week, I expect them to want bad things to happen to me, and I expect them to not like me. I have targeted them for 18 years. It's quite natural that they do this. I do not expect objectivity or fairness from these people where I'm concerned at all."

Thanks to recent experience, Limbaugh has decided to forego future trips overseas. "This incident has taught me. I had a golf trip planned for Spain in August, and I have canceled it. I am not going to involve myself with United States Customs for the next year and a half until this so-called probationary period evaporates. I'll tell you, the election cycles of '06 and '08, especially '08, I think it's going to be one of the most vicious and filthy of our lifetimes. This was the first one I've ever encountered like this, but it takes one time and I've got red flags up, and I'm not going to put myself in a position of being framed. I'm just not going to make it easy for people to frame me or whatever. So I've canceled that trip to Spain.

"I hate thinking this way, but it's the only smart thing to do. It just takes one experience, and you know, I have political enemies, theoretically, everywhere I would go and come back in the country. Normally when I clear Customs, when I come back from Europe it's Bangor [Maine] because you've got to stop for fuel. They're great there. Atlanta. Teterboro, they have been fabulous up in New Jersey, in the New York area. But this was unreal. This experience was totally unreal."
This is my favorite part............

The prescription, as Limbaugh's lawyer has pointed out, was issued in Limbaugh's doctor's name to preserve Limbaugh's privacy

Can you say BACKFIRE!! :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :facesjump :facesjump :bowrofl:

That ought to teach him.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Can you say BACKFIRE!! :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :facesjump :facesjump :bowrofl:

That ought to teach him.

Sure. It ought to teach him that once the government has decided to come after you in a witch hunt, you can expect no privacy or any other rights.

Obviously Johnny celebrates someone's rights being violated only if they are a Conservative.
Limbaugh isn't going to be prosecuted for having Viagra since it was determined that he didn't violate any law. So obviously there is no "fall." Just wishful thinking! :rolleyes:
fossten said:
Sure. It ought to teach him that once the government has decided to come after you in a witch hunt, you can expect no privacy or any other rights.

Obviously Johnny celebrates someone's rights being violated only if they are a Conservative.


Wahhh waaahhh waaahhhhhhhhh. Limbaugh "targeted"?? :bsflag:

The customs agent was only doing their job. It is illegal to carry prescription drugs written for another party. At the time Rush was stopped, how were they to know that a "special arrangement" had been made between Rush and his doctors UNTIL AFTER THEY CHECKED INTO IT??

Get off your high horse Mr. "If you aren't doing anything illegal what do you have to worry about?"

JohnnyBz00LS said:
The customs agent was only doing their job. It is illegal to carry prescription drugs written for another party. At the time Rush was stopped, how were they to know that a "special arrangement" had been made between Rush and his doctors UNTIL AFTER THEY CHECKED INTO IT??

Get off your high horse Mr. "If you aren't doing anything illegal what do you have to worry about?"


Who notified the press? Was that part of their job?

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