Limbaugh's Viagra Fall?

JohnnyBz00LS said:
blah blah blah blah baloney...blah blah blah personal attacks...

Johnny, your frothy comments show your level of hatred to be on a par with a true Hufftard.
Fossten actually likes Rush? I thought he didn't like draft dodgers? :confused:
RRocket said:
Fossten actually likes Rush? I thought he didn't like draft dodgers? :confused:

From what I gather, it's more like 'loves Rush', but strickly in a plutonic state.
95DevilleNS said:
From what I gather, it's more like 'loves Rush', but strickly in a plutonic state.

What the hell is 'plutonic?' Does that have something to do with WMDs?
fossten said:
What the hell is 'plutonic?' Does that have something to do with WMDs?

You know what I mean MR. Typo-Pointer-Outer.

But plutonic is an actual word too, it refers to magma solidifying underground or something of that nature.
95DevilleNS said:
You know what I mean MR. Typo-Pointer-Outer.

But plutonic is an actual word too, it refers to magma solidifying underground or something of that nature.

That's exactly why I didn't know what you meant.

Hey, if you're gonna do a typo, do me a favor and make it obvious, ok? None of this accidentally-typing-real-words stuff. :D

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