this, it really doesn't matter which direction the cop is in, if they radar you and you are speeding, you are getting a ticket. when your radar goes off, you slow down, you don't take the time to figure out which direction he is in and where he is hiding. also you can easily tell how close or far the source is from the strength and definitely if you in direct line or not.
also the X50 usually goes off a mile or two before you're even there, so if it had arrows, they would always just be pointing up... to me, being able to see that there are three or four DIFFERENT cops up ahead is much more valuable information than which direction it may be in.
if the arrows saved you from getting a ticket vs the Bell STI, then it was because you were ignoring it while it was going off
hell some of the best $1500 top of the line units that I have installed only have one LED and a speaker with no display hooked up at all. they haven't got a ticket...