LINCOLN LS led 4 button info center.


Well-Known LVC Member
Jan 22, 2013
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Here's a how to on my 4 button led mod with pictures!

You'll need the following

1: patience

2 : plcc2 smd leds

3 : solder

4 : soldering iron (a good one)

5 : a steady hand

Oh yeah....and you'll also need

Surface mount 560 ohm 1/4 watt resistors

Follow the pics an you should be ready to roll.

Has the market for retrofits dried up? Or have you decided it's just not worth receiving cracked panels/standoffs any more?

It looks good, though. I hadn't thought of using SMD resistors. Maybe I'll go that way if I give up on trying to repaint my panel and start fresh if I find a good replacement. I also don't have much solid core wire, so I usually use whatever I can save from 5mm LED legs and resistor leads, like daisy chaining the end of the Fuel LED's resistor to the base of the Status LED's resistor.
Exactly what I did. Snipped off the legs off led's. They are the best to work with
Never really dried up. People really don't want to pay and let's be real the LS is fading away :(
....People really don't want to pay.........

Or they don't want/like the harsher LED light. I toyed with LEDs in the puddle lamps but decided against as I much prefer the soft light against the darkness.
Or they don't want/like the harsher LED light. I toyed with LEDs in the puddle lamps but decided against as I much prefer the soft light against the darkness.

.... That's what the dimmer switch is for. Additionally, I believe the color choice affects harshness, including the different types of whites. They make warm 4000k white LEDs for the incandescent look.

Plug n play LEDs (such as 168/194 sockets) are pretty much always going to be bright for the desired "wow" factor. They tend to also be 6000k+
I use 6k for blue.not sure on the white since I've never had a need to do a white led conversion. It's usually blue or red
Actually. I did do a white Conversion but it didn't have that WOW look like the blue or red did.
Apparently, orange LED T3, T5, T10 clusters aren't really a thing. They're either over priced (10% of listings), listed as amber/orange with inconclusive pictures (10%), or just clearly amber, despite being called amber/orange (80%).

You said you cut the bases off 168/T10 clusters for the gauges?
I actually mod the cluster to fit the 168 360 degree led bulbs. You'll need to drill out the hole on the white plastic that the stepper motor pcb stands on then fit the led's and solder them to the socket contacts
Do they fit in the sockets or are they soldered to the board? I might end up buying the cheapest 5x5050 168s I can find, disregarding the color, and replacing the individual LEDs with orange...
You have to insert them from the inside of the pcb then fold the legs out and solder them to the contacts. The bulb holes on the white plastic side will need to be opened up so the led's fit

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