lincoln_lurker's 1998 Mark VIII progress thread

today i put a real oil filler cap on it (for some reason it was missing the top part) and got the core support back within about a 1/4 inch of where it should be, tomorrow i will cross tram it and see how much farther i need to work it, but the hood actually meets up with the latch again, so that's progress.

still looking for a driver side headlight housing!! if someone has one they are willing to part with let me know asap. thanks!
i bought some headlights from gman, so i wont need my old ones it. my drivers side is a little hazy, but in a lot better shape than the one you have pictureed above.
ill sell you my old driverside for whatever it would cost me to ship it to you.
sorry it took me so it right and bring it next year.

mark frame diagram 001.jpg

mark frame diagram 001.jpg
there not that bad, all lurker needs is the criss cross measurements from the strut bolts to the fender holes.....He hopes anyway.
cut the :q:q:q:qing radiator core out and weld in another why tug and pull on the car the core is bent, even if you tug on it, its still never gonna be straight again. it took me 20 minutes to cut mine out, cut another off a parts car, and weld it back on, 45 minutes later i had it all primed and repainted , an hour later i had it all back together ready for the new nose to bolt on! and it was straight as an arrow in the end.
yeah, i saw how your's turned out, and it looks great, not sure how i'm gonna go about fixing it yet, but i have time now because it's not going to the meet this weekend anyways, so it can sit in the garage until i figure out what i should/want to do to fix it.
i have a bunch of radiator core top supports if you want to go the easy and quick way! all you have to do is hold a new one up to yours, and cut yours exactly where the doner piece matches up, sawzall the old out, put the new one in and all i did to get the gap real tight was stick a small ratchet strap from side to side and pinched the new doner core in, and welded it up! everything lined up dead nuts.







Sorry for the delay. Today was the first time I got off early. The fenders are pulled. Does anyone know how many nuts and bolts hold the header panel in place?
Sorry for the delay. Today was the first time I got off early. The fenders are pulled. Does anyone know how many nuts and bolts hold the header panel in place?

jaime probably does, i haven't a clue because most of the one on mine fell off before i could get a wrench to them, haha.

and jaime, pm me a price plus shipping to get one up here to 61052, i'm assuming it won't be cheap though mainly cuz shipping, but what the hell, we'll shoot some numbers around

and thanks for looking that up jeb, i'm sure i'll still end up using this even if i do end up going jaime's route just to see if it's all squared back up
well, i have some pm's out for this but i'll open it up to everyone here. i need a radiator core support. mine is looking too tweaked to ever get the header panel to line up with the hood and i would like to do it in a way that makes the car look decent. if anyone has a parts car that they would like to cut the core support out of and send to me, or if someone who is close has one to cut or knows of one let me know asap. i would like to get this thing back together so i can at least leave my driveway with it legally. thanks!
Remember Greyhound when shipping the fenders ... I had some shipped to me for a friend in May and they traveled well ... Only $50 shipping ... from NY

all the body parts are here, just need one headlight housing and that's complete, just need that core support so it all bolts on straight
Still got any of these? Can have cash to you in a matter of a day or two if you can get me one!

i have a bunch of radiator core top supports if you want to go the easy and quick way! all you have to do is hold a new one up to yours, and cut yours exactly where the doner piece matches up, sawzall the old out, put the new one in and all i did to get the gap real tight was stick a small ratchet strap from side to side and pinched the new doner core in, and welded it up! everything lined up dead nuts.







sorry dude yes i do, but you need to tell me how much you need, do you need what i did in my pics, basically the top of the core, because i have a complete 97 in my shop with the entire core support but i think all you need is the top support, if so i have a few ready to go, just line it up on your car, mark yours, cut it, weld mine in. let me know because the bigger it is, the more shipping.
i just need the top like what you did with yours i believe. the middle of the support is the worst part on mine, kinda looks like a "z" right now so your piece should fix that then i can get this pig out on the road, haha. let me know how much you need for it
finally updating this....hasn't been much progress until recently. Got a friend to help me weld in the core support. so now i just have to hit it with some paint so it doesn't rust out and then hook everything back up and rebolt the front end back on. also changed out the eatc for one that had the front face on it, looks much better. hoping to have it on the road soon!


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