LLSOC membership


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
Is there a faster way to pay the $40 to join the LLSOC so that I can start using the website sooner? In these days of instant gratification, waiting for the post office to deliver my application for half a week is like an eternity!!! Anybody on this website know of someone I can just call and give my CC info to?? Thanks for all help! :L
MAllen82 said:
Is there a faster way to pay the $40 to join the LLSOC so that I can start using the website sooner? In these days of instant gratification, waiting for the post office to deliver my application for half a week is like an eternity!!! Anybody on this website know of someone I can just call and give my CC info to?? Thanks for all help! :L
Why spend $40 for membership there when you can play here for FREE?
They have a lot of useful info, as does here, but there is no traffic there at all. It's like a ghost town.

just a heads up
As far as I can remember the internet has been out sharing free information. I give more power to those who try to charge for it but actually find it wrong unless its a specific product people want, not 'chat'.

I would never pay a dollar - I would donate and do plan to for LVC before I'm ever 'required' to use a forum because of it.

P.S You'd probably get more in kind donations by asking then making people pay to use the forum in general.
I understand where you guys are coming from, but if you can't afford $40 a year, then why do you own a Lincoln? Not to be a jerk, but it's not that much. I pay more than 4 times that a month just for the insurance on my car. :Bang Anyways, back to the matter at hand, I guess I'll just mail it in, since it only takes a couple of days. I do appreciate the tip on it being a ghost town, but I'll just see what the fuss is about. Thanks!!

And Ken, unless your name is Mrs. Allen, you will not tell me where to play!!! :F :joke
PS. Ken, I love your site, I dabbled in web design for a bit, and I like your setup! Thanks for making all those prodects readily available dude!!
MAllen82 said:
Is there a faster way to pay the $40 to join the LLSOC so that I can start using the website sooner? In these days of instant gratification, waiting for the post office to deliver my application for half a week is like an eternity!!! Anybody on this website know of someone I can just call and give my CC info to?? Thanks for all help! :L

This is one of the many reasons that I have never and will never join. They act like it's some exclusive club. Uhh...whatever...this is the internet and as mentioned above...information should be available for free (or donations). Can I afford the $40...sure. However, you'd think that if they are going to charge $40 for each membership, you'd think hope Ford/LM are getting some sort of kick-backs (maybe they are) and/or they would provide an online registration form. I also don't understand why they don't offer a temporary ID that would allow you a 24 hour browse period. I suppose the information over there is too classified for this...LOL.

I also have no doubt that just as good information resides here as it does there.
Pete02LSE said:
This is one of the many reasons that I have never and will never join. They act like it's some exclusive club. Uhh...whatever...this is the internet and as mentioned above...information should be available for free (or donations). Can I afford the $40...sure. However, you'd think that if they are going to charge $40 for each membership, you'd think hope Ford/LM are getting some sort of kick-backs (maybe they are) and/or they would provide an online registration form. I also don't understand why they don't offer a temporary ID that would allow you a 24 hour browse period. I suppose the information over there is too classified for this...LOL.

I also have no doubt that just as good information resides here as it does there.

anyone have any idea how many people are actually members over theres.. could you imagine owner here charging 2 dollars a month for each person..
3873 members @ 2 dollars a month = 7746
7746 @ 12months =92952 a yr
Now thats only at 2 dollars..

for the 40 dollar fee, say charged here on lvc..
3873 @ 40 dollars a month 154920
154920 @ 12months 1,859,040

Now thats someone on the get quick rich scheme.... interesting.. with very little work... say he owned 12 sites like that..
it's $40 a year, not a month....... and I think we only have 600 members, is this correct???? :slam
That has got to be the :q:ing biggest pile of online bull:q: i've seen in a while. :q:q:q:q that bull:q, plenty of FREE information on the internet. Could i afford it, could most, yes. But why make some :q get rich. Hell i dont even own a :qing ls.
Man, unless you are either A.)going to help me out(thanks quickls) or B.)you happen to be a better accountant then my accountant(which I doubt most of you are), don't tell me what I should do with my money. And thank you.

Not to be an A$$, but out of 9 responses(5 of 14 are mine), not one addressed my issue.

Curse you all!!!! **Shaking fist violently in air like an evil villain**
I'm only going post this once and then you can make up your mind one way or the other. I had been a member for LLSOC since early 2002 when I bought my LS. I participated quite a bit in the forum and submitted quite a few technical articles for them to post on their How To section. Part of those are now FREE on my website. I plan to put all of my tech articles up there as time permits. With that being said, I really enjoyed numerous folks on LLSOC and there are some fantastic people asscociated with that club. I made life long friends there that I will continue to be associated with and one of them is Lou (aka Quik LS). I was asked to be a Regional Director for the Southeast and did so proudly. I learned a lot from there and taught a few folks as well.

I found out early that there wasn't a lot of folks that made aftermarket parts for the LS. Thus, I started either making my own or modifying other items to fit my LS. I shared a lot of that knowledge with the membership there and got plenty of followers and helpers. My company basically started from selling the vinyl eyebrows on LLSOC to the members. I then moved it to eBay where it really took off. I had an agreement with LLSOC to sell some of my products on their store with them getting a kick back on every sale. It worked out great for LLSOC and me. As things started to grow I worked on more aftermarket products for the LS. I always asked to see if there was interest in the products and got permission to do so each time. I wanted to help LLSOC and LS Owners just to have cool stuff for their LS. Also, I was fueling my desire to work on my LS which I loved to do. I never meant for this to become a full time job only something bring a little extra in to work on my car. You see...I'm a car NUT!

I wanted to start on my own website to promote items for the LS and so it began...LS Koncepts. I never meant it to be competition with LLSOC's store and I didn't sell a lot of products they sold just as a courtesy to the club. This continued all of late last year and early this year. When the One Lap of America (OLOA) Lincoln LS was about to start it's track around the eastern US, LLSOC members sponsored the Lincoln team with donations and other items. They had a situation come up this year that they wanted to put a decal wrap on the car but the car was in Michigan and the person LLSOC wanted to use to put the graphics on was in California. To fly this guy out there it was going to cost around $300. I said that LS Koncepts will flip the bill as long as I could advertise on the car. I thought that was appropriate enough. However, once the LS Koncepts graphics got put on the car they were located on the roof and the top of the back bumper. You can see where they put them here:


Now when I first saw them I asked why they put them on the roof and top of the back bumper and they said they couldn't put the decals anywhere else. I wasn't crazy about the whole deal and they offered to refund my money. I took the offer, they refunded my money and took the decals off. Well, I sent a Private Message to one of the LLSOC members that designed the decal and said I was a little upset about the location of decals and he responded he did to. Well, about 3 or 4 days later I was contacted by LLSOC asking why I was upset. I told them I wasn't and then about two days later they terminated my membership and said....SEE YA LATER! I came to find out that all Private Messages are screened on that site by the President of the site. So, my advise would be...be careful what you write.

So, as a well respected member of LLSOC my membership was cancelled because of what...NOTHING! You will not be able to voice your opinion without consequences. I was not approached before this happened but I did get an email and here it is:

Upon discussion between Debbie, myself and the Advisory Council, Debbie and I believe it is in the club's best interest to terminate our relationship with LSKoncepts and terminate your membership with the club effective immediately. As a Region Director your first priority and loyalty is to the club and you violated that rule by PM'ing Mike Holhut about your frustration with the placement of your company decal instead of contacting me directly. I gave you the opportunity to call me on the phone after leaving you a voice mail message on your cell phone yesterday afternoon but you chose to not respond.

We have removed all LSKoncepts products from both the public and members stores and we revoke our permission to use the LLSOC logo on your business site. We will refund your $35 membership fee through PayPal.

Brian Gowing
Lincoln LS Owners Club
31566 Railroad Canyon Rd.
Suite 681
Canyon Lake, CA
(909) 244-6347

I have been very reluctant to post this information on LvC just because I like the folks here and I feel much better about being here than anywhere else. I truly appreciate Joey having me as a Premium Vendor and Gold Member on this site. I just want to make it clear that some things are not all what they seem to be on other forums. I hold no grudge or anything with regard to LLSOC but if they will do that to a seasoned member just imagine what they will do with someone else. Granted there are still great folks on that site it and they hold the same passion as we do. They love their LS! You can be part of a free community or pay for it. $40 to me is nothing but it's the principle of the matter.

This is water under the bridge and I will not talk about it again.​
its not that were trying to be your accountant or for that matter MR.ALLEN, this is an online forum, people give theyre opinion. you asked about llsoc and we told you what we thought about it. is what everyone heres is trying to say is why throw your money away when all the info you want or am going to need to know about an ls is right here.
Unless you might like the gratification of telling your buddies that you belong to a "cool" ls forum and you can even show em the "cool" $40 sticker on your window.
in our OPINION its not worth it, thats all everyones trying to say.
Spend your money how ever you want to, schit go to the strip clubs tonight and throw some more away, we dont care. just stating an opinion that were all allowed to state.

As for the money, i agree with pete, if they really want our business let us try it out and see if its worth it.Many people here have donated money to this site because of all the info we get. i feel if u treat me good ill treat you good. thats what this site has done. and no i havent donated YET due to finacial trouble, but i will be next week. that just my .02 cents, not trying to step on anyones toes jsut stating the facts
wow... i jsut read ur post grey, all i have to say is thats such BS, i cant believe someone would treat you like that, especially everything you do for the ls community. i dont hink anyones ls would be where it is today as far as mods without you around. thanks. does brian belong here if so whats his screen name, just out of curosity.
Ken, I'm glad you finally cleared that up for me. I noticed your disappearance from the LLSOC a while ago but didn't want to be rude and find out what the problem was. You were definetly a big part of that site and honestly since you've been gone, there isn't too much going on there and I rarely even sign in to see whats new. I'm glad that we still have you at the LvC and we all appreciate what you do for our cars. Thank you.

Oh yea, and MAllen. If you have a Paypal account you can send them money thru that. The only faster method I can think of than that would be to drive out to California and hand-deliver a check.
Ken, I do sympathize with you, and understand what happened to you was inexcusable. After hearing your story, I will probably rethink my decision to join LLSOC. I hope everyone can understand my follow up posts as no one would answer my question(again, thank you quickls) or give me a good reason not to join besides, "$40 is too much." That being said, I would like to make one point clear. Don't ever take me seriously!! If I'm not screwing around with you, then it's probably just :q coming out of my mouth, and I honestly never mean most of these things seriously!! I try to potray that with the funny icons, but I guess it's not getting through. Again, I apolgize if I have not made my sarcasm evident in my posts.

And that's the last time I'm going to apologize to you whiny cry babies!!! :joke :Beer

oh, and itsnotmydaddys, where in San Louie do you live? I have a lot of family out there.
I am a member of both - and paid for both. These boards are not free to operate - I have no problem with paying for something I use.

The LLSOC has been worth every dime I spent, as with this board. I also belong to several other boards - every board is unique and the folks on it are a little different from the other groups.
I don't remember. All I can remember is that there was a Harrah's nearby, and I drove up to it, and then 2 weeks later I woke up in LA somehow. They are not close family, and it was the first time I've been there. That was the worst gambling experience of my life, let me tell you!!! And I've had many!!! After that night, I made a rule not to keep valuables on me when I'm in a casino, because I got so drunk, I actually tried to pawn my Omega off to my friend. And I'm usually so good at blackjack too...........
also went to a wedding for my former fiance's(I have a new one now) brother. It was at maybe Washington U? Does that sound right? I think it's a catholic school, but it's not SLU. I also had about a bazillion buddies from college go to SLU High, if you know that school.
yeah i know wash u its school for the "smart", like hardvard of the midwest. and slu yeah its downtown. harrahs is bad news. my twin has been going for like 3 weeks straight and is not a happy camper if u know what i mean. how old ru if u dont mind, where do u live. hey thanks for the info u sent me, id appreciate it if u could help me out. but i gotta get going the bars calling me name
Dead President said:
They have a lot of useful info, as does here, but there is no traffic there at all. It's like a ghost town.

just a heads up
I am a member of LLSOC but have noticed that there is a lot more "LS" talk here than there now. I think that is partly cause this forum is more focused. I also see a lot of the owners here are getting used cars. Most of the LLSOC members were the original "new" owners of these cars. LLSOC actually had an agreement with Lincoln that membership forms and info came with a New Lincoln LS. Purchasers of used LS's would of course not get this.

The other problem (as I see it) with LLSOC is that they have way too many forums. A lot of the LLSOC members started out on the Edmunds LS board. Then they moved to LLSOC as the car started doing well and won the Motor Trend car of the year. Now I see an increasing number of LLSOC members showing up here. For me it is more concise and focused on the LS here. On LLSOC they actually have set up forums on politics and such. If I wanted political chat I would go somewhere else besides a car club...

Not picking on LLSOC cause it has been very good to me but I think it is time they have a "come to Jesus" and simplify the forums/get back to the roots: The LS. You would be surprised how many of the LLSOC members have moved on to JAG Stype-R's, Beemers, Mercedes, and others. LLSOC needs to morph so they can attract the new owners of the LS's.

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