Long Warm up time

Telco,my cooling system is ENABLED,in my view. Only my PRESSURE CAP has been disabled. LOL! don-ohio :)^)

P.S.: Not to doubt what Joe says,but I'm wondering why it's telling the true story while warming up,but won't be accurate as to temp ABOVE the normal indicating position.WHOEVER thought THAT up is a `dolt' of the highest(or lowest) order.
I'm wondering why it's telling the true story while warming up,but won't be accurate as to temp ABOVE the normal indicating position.

how do you know that the same scale on the high side is not used on the low side? the needle could just as easily raise as temps rise but hit the center before it reaches full temp. therefore meaning that the engine temp is already out of its lower spec before the needle starts to move down.
It's progressive going up,but you guys say it isn't after halfway.Just wondering. don-ohio :)^)
All I read was: "his mind is baffled"...
not really... if you see the needle anywhere other than dead center, you have a problem.....

then you fix it.
It's progressive going up,but you guys say it isn't after halfway.Just wondering. don-ohio :)^)

It's a computer controlled gauge operated by a stepper motor. The needle will indicate what the computer tells it to indicate. You can even program it to start on the high side and work its way down by flipping the table values. As to why Lincoln chose to do this, remember these are the same people that built the LS to be disposable after 100K miles. Used a DCCV instead of air doors. Failed to install a trans dipstick. Used the wrong plastic in the cooling system. Put the friggin fuel filter behind the driver side wheel well cover. Specced those COPs.

not really... if you see the needle anywhere other than dead center, you have a problem.....

then you fix it.

It would be nice if it were linear though, since the needle moves north after the car is overheating. By the time the needle indicates a problem, it's too late.
Nothing beats an exact reading,hence the gauges in race cars and other type equipment/vehicles,like my backhoe for instance. If I see the backhoe gauge rise over 180 degrees,I am looking to see if the radiator is low,plugged with dirt,etc.
It's never happened,but it might. The backhoe coolant system is also,yes,UN-pressurized since 1993 when I bought it. Takes special non silicate antifreeze. don-ohio :)^)

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