this :q:q:q:qer loves to talk :q:q:q:q about me and call me small time i am gonna brag here a little, dennis you still read this so suck on this, he calls me small time lets compare
dennismorey2007 Nov-28-07 Oct-20-09
your-lincoln-parts-counter Oct-20-09 Not a registered user
your-lincoln-parts-counter ( 332 feedback )
now he has needed at least two names so far, obviously he needs a 3rd since he screwed that up too, he had 332 feedback and claims to be the biggest mark VIII parts seller, and accourding to him i have only parted out about 150 marks. now here are my facts
mopar68gtx( 4411) top rated seller
Positive Feedback: 99.7%
Feedback score: 4411
Member since: Oct-02-99
User ID Effective Date End Date
mopar68gtx Oct-02-99 Present
about 4390 of those feedbacks are mark VIII parts, one name, never scammed anyone, no need to hide, or send harrassing emails, and the one new neg feedback we got was because some dumbass couldnt read and bid 99 cents on my entire inventory of parts and seriously thought we were going to ship 10,000 car parts to them!
our rep speaks for itself, its really a nice thing to be into when you dont pork everyone dennis, thats the difference between me and you, you are a scum bag p.o.s
and for the record dennis
i am :q:q:q:qing big time bitch!