look at this :q:q:q:q....

It says it has gears, but other than that..........nothing.

The ONLY thing I would use off of that would be the engine for a low compression rebuild, and the engine compartment shell to get my Turbo piping ran. The rest I would have melted down and cast in to a lawn ordament.

94m5 said:
It says it has gears, but other than that..........nothing.

The ONLY thing I would use off of that would be the engine for a low compression rebuild, and the engine compartment shell to get my Turbo piping ran. The rest I would have melted down and cast in to a lawn ordament.


I would strip it down of all useable parts and then have it melted down!!!!
This is what I wrote to him. I wanna see what he replies back.

"Seriouslly how can you sell this pos? I'm sure you got a bunch of people sending you messages. you're just like all the ricers who put 50 stickers on there car and think its fast. I'm suprised there are 14 idiots who are bidding on this pile. and the worst part is all your cars look like hell, I love vettes but that blue one is crap, and the engine is all rusty. there are so many people laughing at you right now."
As funny as it may seem......I don't think messaging him disrespecting him and his cars are anyway to handle things. I think we should let this run it's course, and write off one more mark from the rosters.

I was going to say at least it would be able to change the heater core, but there appears to be no heater box in the car either. And how about that safety with no airbags?
Yea he did.

Keep in mind guys, this is a public forum. The guy could just drop in and see whats being said. I know alot of you don't care, but it makes the site look bad. I don't like the condition of the car anymore than anyone else, but it's no reason to be E-trashing the guy.
I could care less about him going postal, I am however.....worried about a potential new member, that sees "us" trash talking someone.
94m5 said:
Yea he did.

Keep in mind guys, this is a public forum. The guy could just drop in and see whats being said. I know alot of you don't care, but it makes the site look bad. I don't like the condition of the car anymore than anyone else, but it's no reason to be E-trashing the guy.
This Guy is Hilarious. This is his response to my Email.

No Limits Racing! LMAO! He is right, there is NO LMIT to bad taste.

hahaha... thats good stuff. i wonder how he felt when he found out you own lincoln motorsport :slam lol

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