Look For Classic Grill


LVC Member
Oct 17, 2005
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Hello...i'm looking for a classic E&G grill center gold for a 97 T/C if u have one for sell or know where i can get one please contact me....willin to pay top $$$$$ here are some pix of what i exactly lookin for


is that a lincoln grill it looks to me like those RR grilles that u can costum to fit???? u might just b able to do that alot of old chevy's and caddy's do that
There Are 2 Differant Types Of Grilles Though....the One I Have Is "alpha/mclean" And Its The Whole Thing(yes Wannabe R/r Grill) And The Other Is Just The Grill Insert Kby "e&g Classic"

And Yes,. You Have To Search High N Low For Them, Every Once In A While You'll See'em On Ebay, I Got Mine From A Friend....took Me 3 Years To Convince Him To Let Me Have It...
Hey I Forgot To Mention, For About 3 G's Though...you Can Have One Custom Made!!!
97LTCSS said:
Hey I Forgot To Mention, For About 3 G's Though...you Can Have One Custom Made!!!

Well thanks their buddy.....hey if you come across one even if it bad shape (but repairable) let me know.....i have a a shop that will repair it.....man it hard to find this grill
be on the look out

JMIG118 said:
Well thanks their buddy.....hey if you come across one even if it bad shape (but repairable) let me know.....i have a a shop that will repair it.....man it hard to find this grill

well, all i can tell you is to stay on top of the game man...keep an eye out...i would check ebay like everyother (if not) everyday!!!

go to pawn shops...antique stores...i looked for 3 years before i found mine!!!

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