Look what I picked up today!!!

use a pliers to compress those clips. I used a needle nose to compress, then pushed the clip through. Very easy. Should take about 3 minutes.
use a pliers to compress those clips. I used a needle nose to compress, then pushed the clip through. Very easy. Should take about 3 minutes.

Thanks for the help better to ask than break something.
Before & After Pics

After pics??????

Here you go got it done last night.


Oh yeah. That loks better.Look real good.
Looks great. What took you so long to change it? it takes maximum 6 minutes to change a grill on an LS man.
Thanks, you've convinced me to do this as my first real mod. Looks great!
2 kids? I thought you said you were turned 17 in december?

EDIT: My bad, wrong person. That was stallone that made the "youngest ls ownet'' thread.

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