looking for a mark 8 lsc

I don't not want a mod car. I don't understand what's wrong with you guys. Every ****ing car I have is mint and I never said I wouldn't spend 5k on a car. So my great 8 just bc I Dident want your **** box base does not mean I won't spend 5k guy. I had the cleanest ****ing Ls on here witch I never drove and now Dave bought it from me off here. I'm not one to just buy any old car. I am not looking to buy this car a three times.
I don't not want a mod car. I don't understand what's wrong with you guys. Every ****ing car I have is mint and I never said I wouldn't spend 5k on a car. So my great 8 just bc I Dident want your **** box base does not mean I won't spend 5k guy. I had the cleanest ****ing Ls on here witch I never drove and now Dave bought it from me off here. I'm not one to just buy any old car. I am not looking to buy this car a three times.

Excuse me moron, you said you didn't want to spend $5000. I never offered you a car. I said if you found a car, I would offer to look at it for you. You never asked me about a car I was selling. My car is not a base either. Get your story straight. Also, learn proper punctuation and take Dan's advice. Buy a Camry and stop posting stupid crap.

Oh nice great 8 let me guess you live and breath mark viii. And your not the guy in Florida claiming to have a car that's a 1 owner and it's not!!!!!! But what ever. Listen bottom line is if the car is worth 5k I will spend it not a problem but I haven't found one Wurth 5k!!!!! I don't want to buy a car that has mods...... And I don't want to ****ing travel the world to find a car either. Like I said this car is not that special it might be in your eyes but buddy it's not going to make me money or anything like that.
Oh nice great 8 let me guess you live and breath mark viii. And your not the guy in Florida claiming to have a car that's a 1 owner and it's not!!!!!! But what ever. Listen bottom line is if the car is worth 5k I will spend it not a problem but I haven't found one Wurth 5k!!!!! I don't want to buy a car that has mods...... And I don't want to ****ing travel the world to find a car either. Like I said this car is not that special it might be in your eyes but buddy it's not going to make me money or anything like that.

Once again genius, get your stories straight. I live and breathe (not breath) for my family..not a freaking car. You are confusing myself and Robert. He was selling a base 98. you know why he WAS selling it? It was so nice it sold quickly. Robert and I have had issues but the man spares no expense on his cars. It was well worth the money he was asking. And by the way buddy, It's spelled worth, not wurth. Also, you show your massive intelligence and your incredible command of the English language by throwing in all the curse words. I was just trying to be nice and offer some good advice to you but you obviously know it all. Good luck douche.
What does this have to do with looking for a car Chris. Why are you Dwelling on the past for bro....
Trying to stay around 3k. I mean listen if i find a car with 50k and its mint and then are asking 8-9k fine i would take it you no. But to be honest i'm looking for a car with around 100k that i wont feel bad pulling apart you no would not really want to pull apart a cherry car. and i really want it to be a 98. Kind of like the last year of cars. But i'm looking to do work to make it like a 2 year project. Really would love to find a car up here close to NY nothing is impossible. i'm sure ill find something .
Also i guess i'm getting bothered bc everyone i go and see tell me there car is perfect and the only thing wrong is a neon and blend door and when i get there it needs a side mirror the seat switches are broken in half like come on why cant people just tell me how it is you know
It's a PITA to find a good car. Miles realy don't seem to bother these engines or transmissions. I would look for one that has a good body/interior. It's cheaper and easier to find a low mileage drivetrain to drop in a clean body.
great 8 i couldent say it better any maybe thats what i should of said. and again man im sorry for getting nasty with you
thats just like the 93 chevy blazer full size i got. It was a 1 owner 98k truck fully loaded and i stole it for 1200 had it a year and put a water pump in it lol. it took a while but i found her. thats all im trying to say
My Great 8 gave you the best advise (Aug. 14) in helping you find a car in a condition you would be happy with.

Why you refuse to look beyond your neighborhood .... confuses many of us.

I know that if I bought a car from My Great 8, that I would be getting a car in good if not, better condition than I could possibly find in my area. It is also a fact that MG8 helped out a member in need, not just once, and also delivered the car to them on his dime.

Good Luck on your quest because the help you so requested many times may be dwindling.

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