Low Clearance, Cars Only, 11'-0" = FAIL


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
Saw this on the way back to the office.
I mean seriously?

Danger, Low Clearance


Clearance 11'-0"

Low Clearance.jpg

Cars Only.jpg

11 feet 0 inches.jpg
A lot of truck drivers aren't too bright. Not trying to offend anyone but after working in a warehouse for 3 years dealing with drivers everyday, you meet quite a few characters, a lot are cool people, but holy crap some are just plain stupid.
call the guys from ohare towing, that show wrecked lol. and that guy got his CDL????????????? he cant even read a sign that big lol wow. kind of scary we have truck drivers on the road like that. what a touch hole.
call the guys from ohare towing, that show wrecked lol. and that guy got his CDL????????????? he cant even read a sign that big lol wow. kind of scary we have truck drivers on the road like that. what a touch hole.

lololol wrecked, i like that show cuz i know the area where alot of the show "happens"
why are you talking about me having sex with asian girls???

I was talking about the incident when I f*cked your mum!

Now where is SLICKLS...he better show his lil P*ssy @SS up cause I wanna pown somebody for my victory lap :-D of being #1 woot!
kind of scary we have truck drivers on the road like that

I've driven lots of rigs like that, the 110"s and it is pretty damn easy to make a mistake by not paying attention.

Not making excuses for this guy but when you are traveling backroads especially, you never know what you might run in to by not paying attention.

Now that I said this, I fully expect to be a newspaper story by next month. Karma.
sardines anyone lol.. it looks like a sardine can the way it peeled up lol

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