Low pitch buzz in my stereo


LVC Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Newtown Square
I have been playing "mole in the hole" with my LS lately. Just turned 100K and the car is starting to keep me busy. Last week it appears that my DCCV has taken a dump. No cool air - just hot. I know better than to post on this topic because everyone and their uncle has already done so.

Well, on the same day the AC checked out, I got a low pitch hum from my stereo. It's comming from the rear speakers and is consistent whether the car is stopped, moving, running or not. It doesn't appear to get louder when I raise the volume. I have a new DCCV valve to install this weekend but was just wondering if the malfuncting DCCV could affect my receiver?

By the way, I have a Clarion CX 501 receiver.
When my DCCV failed it was giving me parking brake errors and lines running through my navigation screen. If I'm remembering correctly it also was making a buzzing noise. Change your DCCV and see the noise goes away.
You could just unplug your bad DCCV and see if the buzz goes away. It probably will.
interesting, I notice this too, although my hum's volume so to speak changes with acceleration. If I turn the radio off and back on it will go away for quite a while. Weird.
Sounds like a ground loop. I believe that's the right term.

I don't know if a failing DCCV can cause that, but it sounds like the last three posters communally agree about it.
Thanks Joegr. Good idea. I tried this morning before going to work but I couldn't get to the dam thing to release the plug. Another interesting part is when I was playing with the climate control I found when I set the temp for heat the buzz would change - almost a "farting" noise. When I set for cool the buzz returned. I'm guessing the DCCV is the culprit. I'll report back after I replace it this weekend.

Replaced the DCCV today. A/C works now and the buzzing sound from my stereo is gone. The DCCV must have been causing some kind of interference. Thanks everyone!

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