Lower your vehicle the right or better way.

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LVC Member
May 3, 2012
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Lone Star
Cut springs + factory shocks= junk
Lowering springs + factory shocks= junk
Lowering springs + anything Lincoln suspension= Junk

The above is why mostly everyone has suspension issues when it comes to lowering their LS.

This is what needs to be done or something similar:

Believe me, this works better than anything factory has to offer for these vehicles.

Bilstein H6 Sport Shocks "do your research!"
Eibach Pro Springs Front springs pre-loaded @ 150lbs
Rear springs Pre-loaded @ 100lbs

Very comfortable/ sporty ride quality.
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Also, it is almost impossible to bottom out with this setup because the shock body is much lower and the piston stroke is even longer = good stuff! Did I mention that i ride on 20" and my car is lowered to almost even with the bottom of the fender flare??? Check out my pictures.
I think it is very humorous, that this isn't junk but the typical and tested ways are, however if the spring cup was welded to the shock body I think it would be okay. But when you clamp down on the spring cup to the shock body the only way for it to be secure is to mal-form the shock body meaning you have weakened it and there is potential for catastrophic failure. I would never recommend other people try this.

On top of that if you did not use a jig to secure the spring cup there is no way all the corners will be level or have the same spring preload. So the car probably handles very unpredictably

This is not good work, I applaud the effort and trying things but it is in the end dangerous
yeah they won't even seal the exhaust up, let alone hold up almost 1000 pounds of sprung pressure. I am not one to judge others taste, but I do not feel as though this is safe.
Bilsteins are nice but that setup scares the hell out of me. I have seen those clamps get rusty and break on exhaust pipe with no pressure on them. I would NEVER trust one to hold up my car. Good try but I will pass on this setup. Id go buy the Jag LCA and Jag specific Bilsteins with HR springs before I tried something like that jury rigged setup. Nice effort but the execution isn't there....the plastic spring cushion isn't even installed so the spring doesnt even sit straight
This is not the way to lower your car.

What suspension problems do you think everyone have when they lower? Do you know there are fully adjustable coilovers available now?
This is not the way to lower your car.

What suspension problems do you think everyone have when they lower? Do you know there are fully adjustable coilovers available now?

didn't you read the title, this is the only way to do it :eek:
This is not the way to lower your car.

What suspension problems do you think everyone have when they lower? Do you know there are fully adjustable coilovers available now?

I can tell you one problem I had that annoyed the crap out of me when the car was lower with (cant remember the brand I had before, not springtech but the other brand that lowers 2"),. I have the Euro shocks in my car and when the car was that low the suspension seemed like it bottomed the shock travel on larger dips/potholes. Would bang really hard, after I raised the car a little with the eibachs all better. Now bilsteins would most likely solve that issue.
Cut springs + factory shocks= junk
Lowering springs + factory shocks= junk
Lowering springs + anything Lincoln suspension= Junk

The above is why mostly everyone has suspension issues when it comes to lowering their LS.

To add to that..

Lowering springs + Bilstein shocks + muffler clamp = death.
Here is another expert on how Lincoln suspension should have been built. What the world would do without your engineering skills....

If the suspension was junk, it wouldn't have had better handling than a 5 series.
The best suspension setup is factory.

Eibachs are nice, but the car was designed a certain way for a reason. The S-type R is the best possible suspension, its a lowered factory design.
that muffler clamp is not even close to the grade of steel required to support that force, its also not treated for any kind of environment, meaning it will rust to half its already low strength in a matter of months.

You are really trusting about 15 bucks worth of cheap Chinese Iron to hold up 4000 pounds of car????
I don't really care what you do with your car, but when you say it's the right way and then claim that those on here who are lowered have done it the "junk" way, you better not expect positive comments. Looking at your setup, I feel bad for the car. If that's the right way of doing things, I can only imagine the other jobs you've done to this car. When I lowered, I bought brand new eibachs, new motorcraft shocks for all four corners, camber kit, and I also replaced a lot of the other suspension - tie rods, squeaky LCAs, etc. It was expensive but now I basically have a brand new suspension - if you ask me, that's the right way.
I don't really care what you do with your car, but when you say it's the right way and then claim that those on here who are lowered have done it the "junk" way, you better not expect positive comments. Looking at your setup, I feel bad for the car. If that's the right way of doing things, I can only imagine the other jobs you've done to this car. When I lowered, I bought brand new eibachs, new motorcraft shocks for all four corners, camber kit, and I also replaced a lot of the other suspension - tie rods, squeaky LCAs, etc. It was expensive but now I basically have a brand new suspension - if you ask me, that's the right way.

Agreed. This guys setup is far from the right way.
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