New LVC Member
I just began the process of changing my housing for my thermostat for my 2002 Lincoln LS. All went smoothly until I got to the back of the housing!!! There are two bolts in the back that are almost flush with the engine. After trying various tools including 1/4 8mm with a coupler (1/4to3/8) plus 3/8 swivel with an extension....Even angled needle nosed plyers...No Dice.. I cursed a whole lot (It didn't help...) About to start modifying my 8mm to be shorter so I can get in there.. but before I do that ...Im wondering if theres a special tool that I have to use to get the job done?
Another problem that I noticed is that the plugs are an inline 8 with barely any room to move around to get to the bottom bolts... I got meat hooks. Anyone have suggestions on tools to use? (Or a Keebler elf or a Magwai I can borrow.. I wont feed him after 12.. I promise..)
Another problem that I noticed is that the plugs are an inline 8 with barely any room to move around to get to the bottom bolts... I got meat hooks. Anyone have suggestions on tools to use? (Or a Keebler elf or a Magwai I can borrow.. I wont feed him after 12.. I promise..)