LS V8 alternator re install


LVC Member
Feb 25, 2008
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red bluff
i took off the alternator got a new one but i can not get it back in, I can get the 2 lower bolts in but not the top one. i can not get the alternator back in there to get the top bolt in any ideas i know i had to pop it out with a scew driver? also i having a hek of a time with the tensioner does it automaticly spring back up all time is thier a way to keep down? so it will be impossible to do by yourself...
So if any one can give any suggestions it will be helpful...
there is a copper bushing the is in the hole - so you have to squeeze that brushing back into the hole so that it fits in the fork.
is that for the alternator or the tensioner? where would that be located? what is best to push it back in?

okay i have the alternator in but i cant get the tensioner down i now i know its a 3/8 drive but it so strong how do i keep down? or is it possible to keep it down what it is the bet tool for the job...
We used to always stick a wrench on it and then a pipe on the wrench to make it like a 3 ft wrench, gives you way more leverage. Makes it a two person job though. And that was with my old car, dont know if that helps or not.

Oh yeah, and if you do that, dont get your fingers in between the belt & something metal, if the wrench slips or something happens, that can be a trip to the ER.
ok i just installed a HO alternator in 2 weekends ago. While i was pulling on my tensioner with the serpentine belt tool the drive socket on my tensioner broke!!!! It snapped off the upper half of the socket, Luckily the tensioner still functions! My work around was a 5 FT prybarpressing on the tensioner while pivoting off one of the control arms. It was a pain in the ass and the car was on a lift. Goodluck. Your job should be easier considering your tensioner socket is good. go to autozone and borrow their serpentine belt tool.
Alternator replace

i took off the alternator got a new one but i can not get it back in, I can get the 2 lower bolts in but not the top one. i can not get the alternator back in there to get the top bolt in any ideas i know i had to pop it out with a scew driver? also i having a hek of a time with the tensioner does it automaticly spring back up all time is thier a way to keep down? so it will be impossible to do by yourself...
So if any one can give any suggestions it will be helpful...

My Alternator failed while in the starting lanes at Maxton (100 K miles on it) We ended up replacing it by flashlight in the pits that evening. It's doable by two people. (My crew chief is a bull---I mostly hand him the tools.) It turned out to be about a two hour job with an hour and a half trying to get it back into place.
Ken S from Ben's Place

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