LS vs. IS ??

02LSE96LSC91SE84TC said:
I'll admit my 5'-9" comment was ignorant as I never been in a IS, however I did race one if you could call it a race, probably was an auto and it was kinda a rolling take of then OK were racing and the Mark is great that way, the IS fell back fast. Also they look like small cars to me, my LSE is the smallest driver I've had in a while.

The LS is alot longer, thats the only thing i like about it. lol.

I never claimed a STOCK IS to be fast. Check out , youll some mighty fast ones, with boost of course.
dropped74 said:
I don't think that BMW is a better car than Lexus by any means. They are just very different. I think that she would have been happier with a used GS or a new IS in the long run. The one bad thing about the BMW is that everytime you take it in it is 300 bones and that is tough, and they don't give you a loaner car while you are getting serviced. Lexus has very reasonable maintenance if any at all, and you take your car in you get one to use while they have it. That being said my dream car is the last body style M5. I don't think there is a better looking car out there.

Hmmm...I disagree. I don't think a Lexus compares. I would put the Lexus up against the Audi...not the BMW.

And you're wrong about the loaner. She's had the car in three times for service. All three times they brought a loaner to her office and picked her car up and took it in. When done, they brought it back. Now that is service!
my good friend has had an IS the past few years and for her lifestyle it's perfect. small, stylish, decent power and good reliability. but i admit it's a bit cramped like the last generation Audi A4s. i'm skinny, but 6' and i was not comfortable riding in it. a great city car but i don't think it has anything on the LS ;)
I think the older IS didnt have any character. It looks more like a Honda to me than anything. I guess b/c of the boxiness. However the new IS350s are badass. Very fast and a pretty nice interior. I prefer my LS for now, but when I bought it I was gravitating from the LS to the GS300. Honestly there are not any better built automobiles than Toyota products. At least from a strictly reliability standpoint. The cost of maintenance on my 4Runner was nothing but gas and oil changes for 60K. It was a 99 model SR5

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