M/C Demon Eyes (Lincoln LS)


LVC Member
Jul 9, 2010
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Looking to sell a pair of 2000 Lincoln LS headlights w/ custom red/white demon eyes installed. Selling them as a pair.

Lights were recently refined and refinished with headlight restoration kit & top eyebrow is painted with blackout paint to appear to have eye brows.

See Pics Below

Looking for $150 Obo (lowered price) + shipping

Let me know if your interested thanks!



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I don't mean to sound rude, but can you please get some better pictures then that?

Edit, nevermind, didn't see the black eyebrows....
Very interested in them if you can get me some better pics.

What kind of picture do you want and i will get them.

Here are 3 more pictures of the lights. LED's not on.

LED's aren't Super bright during day with high sun, as the sun gets lower the brighter they appear. They are custom so it's 2 LED's in each angel eye corner, they are 2/3 circles for more aggressive look.

Removed side markers for a different look as well.



No offence bro- but the lenses look cloudy and the painted eyebrows look like garbage. You won't get 120 for those. Just a tip. The Mclaren grill looks nice on your car though. What kinda paint did you use on the Lights?
I have to agree with lsdarkshadow.

By custom do you mean you made them yourself, by sticking that tube in the oven and drilling a hole on each side to fit an LED in it.
Like this

YouTube- Angel Eye self custruction
The paint was blackout paint used for tail lights and blinkers. I made it quite thick however and I realize they need to be buffed down but a bit.

This is the new post if your still looking at this 1. It has more info and more daytime picks

Those videos are similar and yes I did use those rods and bake them but thats about where the parallel stopped. I used a different deeper cutting tool and put a reflective covering on each end encased in separate tubing and covered them with black tape. It's am easy change if you want to swap the LED's out. The rings are same size but pre paint tinted for the red color to travel further inside the rings. I also have some odd 40 LEDS left with resistors if someone wishes for different colors as well.

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