Hi 95DevilleNS

We do have less gun crime than you guys but we also have less people, if everyone in Britain had a gun we would still have less gun crime than you guys, it's all to do with society's attitude here. If you ever watched Michael Moore's "bowling for Colombine" in it he states that Canada has at many guns as the US but a fraction of the gun crime.

By 95DevilleNS:

......but we have the worlds best trained, technically advanced, supplied and mobile army in the world as a deterrent.

At the risk of stirring up a hornets nest , you do have the worlds most technically advanced, supplied and mobile army but you DO NOT have the worlds best trained army.


Dereck said:
Hi 95DevilleNS

We do have less gun crime than you guys but we also have less people, if everyone in Britain had a gun we would still have less gun crime than you guys, it's all to do with society's attitude here. If you ever watched Michael Moore's "bowling for Colombine" in it he states that Canada has at many guns as the US but a fraction of the gun crime.


At the risk of stirring up a hornets nest , you do have the worlds most technically advanced, supplied and mobile army but you DO NOT have the worlds best trained army.



Ya, you're right on the 'BEST TRAINED' part. It was hubris for me to say that.
Dereck said:
If you ever watched Michael Moore's "bowling for Colombine" in it he states that Canada has at many guns as the US but a fraction of the gun crime.

True, but he omits the fact that Canadians also have only a fraction of the freedom we have here.
Dereck said:
At the risk of stirring up a hornets nest , you do have the worlds most technically advanced, supplied and mobile army but you DO NOT have the worlds best trained army.



Hubris aside...yes we do! :F :biggrin:
Gun laws are not "sensible", they're illogical. Criminals don;t obay the law and will get them anyway. It's about time a REAL judge be appointed and strike-dwon these pussy laws...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity."
--Sigmund Freud, General Introduction to Psychoanalysis
FreeFaller said:
Hubris aside...yes we do! :F :biggrin:

Hi Freefaller

So you picked up the thrown gauntlet :biggrin:

We are both on the same side so I am not going to argue with you :)

Take care dude

fossten said:
Sigh. I'm referring to the name-calling pejorative nature of this thread and its sorry title.

It's a legitimate debate when presenting a candidate for the high court. Gun control is a national issue...one they will have to make a decision on...it's not a personal attack.
I think the French are better trained fighting machines than both the Brits and the Americans.
raVeneyes said:
It's a legitimate debate when presenting a candidate for the high court. Gun control is a national issue...one they will have to make a decision on...it's not a personal attack.

A debate consists of arguing ideas. Name-calling is a personal attack.

Raveneyes' typical response:

Nuh-uh! He didn't call him Machine-gun Sammy! You just imagined it!
MonsterMark said:
Guns don't kill, people do.QUOTE]

If guns kill people, i can blame spelling errors on my pencil: Larry the Cable Guy.
fossten said:
A debate consists of arguing ideas. Name-calling is a personal attack.

Raveneyes' typical response:

Nuh-uh! He didn't call him Machine-gun Sammy! You just imagined it!

No, my response (because I don't really have typical responses)...is:

You have such a complex duality it hurts to discuss anything with you. 'Machine Gun Sammy'...a comic nickname for someone who supports guns...is far from name calling, and the grand majority of the article and debate on the topic has been very well mannered.

Why must you bring everything down to your level? Even this? Something most everyone agrees on here?

It's not the thread that sucks, it's you.
raVeneyes said:
No, my response (because I don't really have typical responses)...is:

blah blah blah...personal attack... 'Machine Gun Sammy'...a comic nickname for someone who supports guns...is far from name calling...blah blah blah...personal attack...

I would like to hear everyone weigh in on this. Is calling someone a name considered name-calling?

Raveneyes doesn't think so.

Totally irrational. That was EXACTLY the response I expected: You denied the claim in the FACE of actual facts, then attacked me personally. It's become your trademark.
fossten said:
I would like to hear everyone weigh in on this. Is calling someone a name considered name-calling?

Raveneyes doesn't think so.

Totally irrational. That was EXACTLY the response I expected: You denied the claim in the FACE of actual facts, then attacked me personally. It's become your trademark.

Of course, it is only name calling when Republicans do it. If Democrats do it, it's "clever." Just ask any Liberal.
RB3 said:
Of course, it is only name calling when Republicans do it. If Democrats do it, it's "clever." Just ask any Liberal.
True. This tactic is not new, it has just been adopted as the left's new weapon. Attach a nickname that stigmatizes that individual and let the press, in all its complicity, create 5 second soundbites that will reasonate with joe blow voter. He won't actually know the issue of why he/she doesn't like the person. Nice subliminal strategy. Once again, mean-spiritedness comes from the left.
fossten said:
I would like to hear everyone weigh in on this. Is calling someone a name considered name-calling?

blah blah blah...Personal attack...blah blah blah

It's become your TRADEMARK
MonsterMark said:
I think the French are better trained fighting machines than both the Brits and the Americans.

Hi MonsterMark

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it is the most unbelievable mind numbing nonsense I have ever heard :biggrin:


Dereck said:
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it is the most unbelievable mind numbing nonsense I have ever heard
The question is: How long did the hairs on the back of your neck get? LOL.

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