Made an offer on a house


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 2, 2009
Reaction score
Camp Lejeune, NC
I have been searching for a couple months now for a house to buy. The last good deal I found someone made a better offer so we didnt get it. This house just came on the market yesterday and we are putting in the first offer.

The asking price is 140k. House was assessed at 230k. I offered 150 for it hoping they wont need to see any other offers after mine.

Like any other forclosure there are a few minor things that need fixed, but nothing major. Its all stuff I can handle. Wish me luck.
Good luck!

Not a bad looking place, at all.

Nice scenery too!
YeahI think so, most of the houses here are adobe. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but its hard not to. The house has a small courtyard in the middle that would be great for parties, and the guest quarters would be the perfect place for a man cave. Its more like a second master bedrooom with a stove and place for a small fridge and sink. The stove can go bye bye to make room for my kegerator. And the garage is freakin huge. I really like this house and its a great buy.

Like I said, trying not to get my hopes up.
My girlfriend and I just bought a house. We moved in last weekend. So far so good, until the first payment comes lol.
I hope we get it too bro. It is a nice house for here and a good price for here too. I already have plans for the man cave.
You'd never see anyone where I live offer more than the list price LOL

Nice place I can see you now in the back yard laying in the hammock sipping a beer ... with the wife asking what can I do for you dear...

Good Luck hope it all works out for you
HEck of a deal. any acreage? I suppose it's desert anyways, but it's nice to have your own chunk.

I know it's very common out there, but I've always been a fan of the stucco/spanish roof tiles. Hopefully you get it! No pics of this courtyard?

Make sure you confirm that any additions made by the previous owner were to code.

Anyways, good luck! Looks like a winner!
i see u live in 29 palms.... my cousin jimmy is stationed at the base there, he comes home at the end of the month.. maybe u know him.. jimmy musson?
YeahI think so, most of the houses here are adobe. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but its hard not to. The house has a small courtyard in the middle that would be great for parties, and the guest quarters would be the perfect place for a man cave. Its more like a second master bedrooom with a stove and place for a small fridge and sink. The stove can go bye bye to make room for my kegerator. And the garage is freakin huge. I really like this house and its a great buy.

Like I said, trying not to get my hopes up.

I'll keep my mouth shut then ;) :D

Got a call yesterday, there are multiple offers on the house so I had to sign a multiple offers disclosure. While doing that I decided to go ahead and raise my offer to 155k. Of course we dont know what the other offers are, or if they are higher than mine, so I wanted to be safe. I will still have a ton of equity if we get it for that price. I should hear something by tomorrow.

Got a call today and my offer was accepted!!!!!!

I am so fukcing happy! I cant wait to close on the house and start working on the changes/upgrades! I will post some good pics whenever I get a chance to get back in there.

I need ideas for a man cave. The guest quarters has a small stove, sink, and place for a small fridge. I have a kegerator and plan on getting an LCD screen for in there and a surround sound system. Space is some what limited, not the biggest room. I will get measurements when I get back in there. Any ideas are appreciated. Will most likely go with a WVU theme.
Forget the man cave except for the beer and fiqure out how you can make a combo car lift swing set in the back yard so everyone gets some good toys. Congrads on the new digs.
Forget the man cave except for the beer and fiqure out how you can make a combo car lift swing set in the back yard so everyone gets some good toys. Congrads on the new digs.

What do you mean forget the man cave, Chadly, get a huge sound system, 52 inch screen, and one comfy chair, and rock the he11 out.

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