New LVC Member
Wife called from 5 miles up the road, says our 03 LS w/70,000mi just shut off, won't start. So I head up there and find it will start every time, run about 1 second and die, no code is set. So we pull it home and I get to searching on the LS forum for ideas. I find a 2011 post from joegr (thanks) about the MAF sensor, so I go out pull the plug on the MAF and it will start and run, plug it in and it starts and dies. Check engine light came on after I ran it unplugged, I took it up the road with the MAF unplugged and it ran fine but displays limp mode error. So a 50 mile run to NAPA and the new one fixes it, wish I'd have known to unplug it before we pulled it home, but maybe someone will read this and it might save them a tow.