March 1st mason dixon yall


LVC Member
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
14.36. at 97.8 with over 1/2 tank o gas' not the best tune and cross winds but look at my first sweet launch..
tight it looks like you are about to pull a wheelie. what mods you got?
a half ass tune.. with bad shift points. (( it was a last minute unknown guy that did it for the 4.10s))
Ignition system
cone filter (( i should replace hasnt been cleaned or changed in 2 years.. ands not in good shape.
synth oil
copper plugs.
i live in montgomery county
and those are MT et streets

and thank you thats the first sign of wrinklng ever
damn nice launch wish mine would hit that hard time for a converter. just ran a 14.81@92.93 w/o the gas what stall are you using
factory stall...

thank you JP...
its getting headers cats new motor mounts and geno's qx4 catback. next then fall time im hoping either portedpolished/extrude honed manifold OR torque converter.. id like to see 13's with an converter.
not to steel members from this site but yall in hagerstown viennea MD DC VA ... look at we are a local club we do alot.. goto carlisle together have summerblast Driller is with us
not to steel members from this site but yall in hagerstown viennea MD DC VA ... look at we are a local club we do alot.. goto carlisle together have summerblast Driller is with us

... and some of us know punctuation. :p

1. the practice or system of using certain conventional marks or characters in writing or printing in order to separate elements and make the meaning clear, as in ending a sentence or separating clauses.

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