Mark VIII Air Ride / Vehicle Height Question

it is possible that the bag leaks faster than the pump can fill.
it is also possible that the pump can no longer produce the needed pressure.
Thanks. I'm starting to think it's not 'A' bag, since it's down evenly, and used to leak out overnight in cool weather symmetrically, too. Could be BOTH bags? Or maybe the solenoid? I'll keep ya'll posted .....
because of the magic of sway bars, the cars pretty much always sit level when only one bag leaks.
never really seen one tilt.
you might be able to reach underneath and poke the bags to see which one went flat.
It seems there are a few problems with this 21 year old air ride system. bags are leaking, front height sensor is bad. I'm pretty sure I'm replacing it with springs; I just can't throw the $$ into it to re-do the air system correctly. Nor do I want to do the Band-Aid Dance.

SO, now the question is" which conversion kits are good? Which ones should I avoid?

Many tanks
Dont worry about doing a conversion. Ive been through this twice... Most of the time the passenger bag is the bad one you can usually find it just by spraying it with soapy water or listening for the hissing if the bag is bad enough. Either way register at they usually send you a 20 percent off coupon in your email. Westar bags are lifetime warranty and come with new solenoids best of all they are $215 each, with 20% off theyre more like $174 each!!!!!! I replaced the front and rear on my car. I only had 2 issues with the front bags One sprung a leak after 3 months autozone replaced it no questions asked, they actually ordered another one then let me return the one on my car. The other issue is the hole for the lower control arm bolt is a little too small for the bolt, but its only like 1/2 a millimeter off, I bought a step drill bit and just opened it up a little and it fit perfect. Now its been a year and 12000 miles and I have no issues. My advice is to buy a new dryer for your compressor and 2 bags from autozone and then enjoy they great ride and good handling that the Mark is supposed to have.
Replacing the system with coils altogether. No band-aids, no hoping nothing else goes out, or wondering when it WILL go out on a 21 year old car. In short, no fooling around. This thing is a money pit. In too deep to bail now.
Your thoughts are contradictory. It's true the Mark VIII is a money pit, absolutely, no argument there. But if you're going to throw out the thing that makes it a Mark VIII that's the point where I ask you if you're too deep to bail, what's the difference? Put your Mark VIII on springs and it's just a Ford Thunderbird with a slightly up-tuned version of the 4.6 Modular. Get a Thunderbird or a Cougar, less crap on it breaks compared to the Mark VIII's annoying little issues that pile up.

To gut the entire air system and replace it with even a poor to marginal quality spring system is going to be at least $450 if you do every bit of work yourself. Same amount of money or less can buy you all new bags at all four corners, albeit they won't be Motorcraft brand.

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