Mark VIII commercial


LVC Member
Apr 30, 2005
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I found a link the other day showing the commercial of the Mark VIII speeding under a steel beam that would have hit the roof if it was not driving so fast. Anyone have a link of this clip.

I am new to the board and recently purchased a 93 Mark VIII. The past couple of nites I have been scanning this board and I like what I see. I look forward to chating with you all and getting tips from everyone. I am going to need to replace or redo the interior. The leather is worn and the fake wood grain needs help. I plan on giving the guys a LMS a call and getting some stuff from them.
Welcome to the board. Your gonna find alot of people that are "fanatics" about these cars. I know I'm one of them.
i remember that commercial from when i was a kid - the first time i ever saw the car.
67Continental said:
i remember that commercial from when i was a kid - the first time i ever saw the car.
haha me to, but I did not get it I thinl I was like 11
I remember it very well, I remember where I lived, who I was dating, where I was working, I even remember that I was doing my nails watchng tv in the living room and it was around 7:30 in the evening. I realized, during the frist time I saw that commercial, I had to have it - and I wasn't a kid! So I went and got one - have not wanted another car since. I never understood why "like" car owners would nod or wave as they passed until I got my Mark, it was like the first time you did it, you look at the other driver with a smile and you both are thinking, "yeah- I'm getting mine too" :))))))

Hell I even had the Car and driver with the first article about 8's, and if I recall, a few later editions with performance articles in them - lsot in move - dang!

Thanks for the memeories - Debi
MeNmyMarkVIII said:
Hell I even had the Car and driver with the first article about 8's, and if I recall, a few later editions with performance articles in them - lsot in move - dang!

Thanks for the memeories - Debi

From time to time you can find that specific article on ebay. I know I have purchased MANY a thing about the Mark VIII off of ebay. I have a cutaway view of the motor with all the publicity photos that came with the dealer package. I have a few brochures for different years of the Mark (2 for the 1995 I think....was the first year that I purchased.....and one of the 1993....due to the first year). I have a few other things, but I do not remember what they are. :Beer
94m5 said:
Welcome to the board. Your gonna find alot of people that are "fanatics" about these cars. I know I'm one of them.

That is the UNDERSTATEMENT of the month. try "obsessed nut jobs with only one thing in mind...their Mark VIII...any more freakishly devoted to one such automobile would be one step closer to a padded cell".

Guilty, as charged.

BTW, the car in that commercial must have had one of Eddie's spider valves. it dropped in like 1/2 second!

Also, if anyone here is stupid enough to drive up to a steel beam until it makes contact with your roof...consider yourself looney tunes.

(was the sunroof on that commercial-car slightly open so it would make that nice "Klunk" when it hit the beam? just curious)

:Beer :Beer :Beer
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MonsterMark said:
And what's wrong with chocolate milk on Apples Jacks?

Hey that's what the kids get served for Breakfast at school! sugar coated cerealwith chocolate milk. Plus a sweet roll. Boy are they ready to go, then they fall a sleep as soon as the sugar runs out. That's why I can get on during the day LOL.
I cant access that clip,does anyone have it saved on their computer to email it to me?


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