(Mark VIII on Craigslist) unreal

"engine by ford racing" .... "with all the final upgrades" .....

Well let's put it up to a 93 or a 94 and see what happens ... Well it does have the better tranny ... or and a nicer interior ....

But what else .... LOL .... So who has killed a "FERRI"


I think the real lights look better on the gen2.
Gen one has fake lights???

they are so fake, the bugs dont even see them.

I didn't notice this until I got the second gen.

The amount of bug strikes is greatly smaller on the first gens than on the second gens.
I just want to know one thing............what drug or drugs is he doing?? They must be some good s**t:eek:
kudos on the lights they might as well have put candles with a grill ignitor there to cut cost. i wish i had a ferri killing 500 HP ford racing mark tho probably put some stickers on it to increase the power and some wings to fly to italy and race lmao

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