With you there on saving money. I've heard it being possible to replace just the front to coils and leaving the rear on air but it's a tad tricky. Someone on the forum may pitch in about that. The koni's are adjustable so you can adjust how firm you want them to be, but if your shocks are fine there really is no point in spending the extra money for koni shocks. Also, I have the stainless steel mounts on my 93 which are sold here on the forum. They however aren't required for moving over to thunderbird shocks. I don't mean to confuse you on the decision just want to give you has much info before you spend your money. Which conversion kit do you plan on getting? What kind of ride are you looking for, firm/soft?
You know, you might be right. I just read ass-o-meter as in top gear's "cock-o-meter" and thought that is what he is refering to. Later i thought he might be talking about the ass of the car. And if i misunderstood that i'm sorry, but it's not like he was very understanding of my answer. Honestly, I don't care, just wanna help chappyviii not be disappointed when he spends his money like i was countless times.