mark viii rear shocks

My mounts are banging. I have to do them and it seemed crazy to just put the old crap back even if it still works. Anyway I always end up with all Konis if I am serious about a car.
Well my plan is to buy the front and rear converson kit because its cheaper to buy it together. I'm going to put the front on then put on the rear coils when the compressor goes out. I was going to put new shocks when I did the front. But after this forum I am going to leave the shocks alone until I put on the rear coils. How is the ride of the konis shocks? I'm planning on never selling the car so I want only the best on the car. Also I wrote the user on "penguns" link up above and he said I needed mounts like his if I was going to use thunderbird shocks. Again thanks for everyone's help
No, those are the same thing as Monroe almost. The OEM replacement are near 150. I'm not saying to buy OEM, but I do want you to see if any of your shocks are bad. Unless you want to replace it for the psychological effect.

93MKViii, I don't think he was attacking you or being hostile, I think he was just trying to understand your suggestions. Well, from what I was reading it didn't seem like a beligerent post. Thanks for your input and the video too.
With you there on saving money. I've heard it being possible to replace just the front to coils and leaving the rear on air but it's a tad tricky. Someone on the forum may pitch in about that. The koni's are adjustable so you can adjust how firm you want them to be, but if your shocks are fine there really is no point in spending the extra money for koni shocks. Also, I have the stainless steel mounts on my 93 which are sold here on the forum. They however aren't required for moving over to thunderbird shocks. I don't mean to confuse you on the decision just want to give you has much info before you spend your money. Which conversion kit do you plan on getting? What kind of ride are you looking for, firm/soft?
You know, you might be right. I just read ass-o-meter as in top gear's "cock-o-meter" and thought that is what he is refering to. Later i thought he might be talking about the ass of the car. And if i misunderstood that i'm sorry, but it's not like he was very understanding of my answer. Honestly, I don't care, just wanna help chappyviii not be disappointed when he spends his money like i was countless times.
Also, I have the stainless steel mounts on my 93 which are sold here on the forum. They however aren't required for moving over to thunderbird shocks.

They are if you want to do it right.

9 times out of 10, the rubber in the stock mounts are bad. Usually, regardless of mileage.

Good luck finding some new stock mounts for a decent price. Even if you do, they never last very long.
I plan on going with strutmasters they seem to have good customer service and products. I also called them and they said it was possible to keep the rear air bags and cut off the the front. I'm looking for something soft but I don't want to feel like I'm driving a boat down the road. I want it to be balanced.
has anyone bought the rear airbag kit from suncore?

i do know the benefits of converting my whole system to coils but i just feel that is taking away my Lincolns soul...haha...whats the point of having a Lincoln without the air ride. either way i am converting the front to coils, but i would like to keep the rear bags and replace the compressor, but as you know it is much cheaper to convert. opinions or concerns on suncore products?
rear bags are alot easier to make the fronts. no shocks to cheap out on. they are probably fine.

however, the air ride system is not gonna like half conversions. it has no way of knowing the front isn't hooked up. and since the air ride computer does everything in the front first, (raise and lower) there is a good chance it will have no idea what to do. it won't move on to the rear. it will fault and shut down.
strutmasters said there was a way to keep the rear operating without the front. Do you know how?
i just dont want to spend 400 on the kit and it go out after 1 year
I tried front coils and rear air, loved the setup until the compressor failed at which point I converted the rear.. The self leveling rear was great when it came to loading up the trunk. It has been about 6 years but iirc all I did was adj the front sensors to trick the computer into thinking it was still air up front. I do not recall if I left the solonoids plugged in. It's doable I just don't really remember what all was involved. :(
Well my plan is to buy the front and rear converson kit because its cheaper to buy it together. I'm going to put the front on then put on the rear coils when the compressor goes out. I was going to put new shocks when I did the front. But after this forum I am going to leave the shocks alone until I put on the rear coils.
eh, maybe I'm misunderstanding your intent, but you can't convert just the front end, then do the back later....
all 4 corners have to be done together..
eh, maybe I'm misunderstanding your intent, but you can't convert just the front end, then do the back later....
all 4 corners have to be done together..

They can be done separately, but eventually it'll all have to be converted.
what do you mean it will have to be converted eventually? i was going to buy a new compressor when it went out. i don't care about losing the front bags because its been proven it doesn't make much different having them thats why the continentals did away with the fronts. but i would love to keep the back air despite the extra cost.
They can be done separately, but eventually it'll all have to be converted.
does the air ride module have to be modded in response to the loss of front height sensors? or do the sensors stay in place with the (gulp) coil overs/ STRUTS?
what do you mean it will have to be converted eventually? i was going to buy a new compressor when it went out. i don't care about losing the front bags because its been proven it doesn't make much different having them thats why the continentals did away with the fronts. but i would love to keep the back air despite the extra cost.

That's just how it's usually done. Fronts go out, replace the fronts. Wait for the rear to go and then convert them (Usually due to $ issues). I'm sure you could keep rear air if you wanted. I haven't read of anybody doing it for years now, It's not a very popular way to go. But as I stated before, I did like it before my comp bit the dust.
oh ok i see. i didnt think the comp. went out that often. how much are they?

All my previous air ride issues didn't help its lifespan. I'm not sure what they go for nowadays, perhaps you should look up some completed listings on ebay to give you an idea.
200 plus core from American Air Susp (rebuilt)......less for a used, still working one from me
ok thanks again everyone. I am going to do some more research on sun core.
Nice car btw lownslowlsc. all marks are nice cars but red with the lsc rims hit the spot just right haha. i will posting pictures of mine soon.
the air ride module is not "mode-able".

you can go with full manual control via switches if you want.
the air ride module is not "mode-able".

you can go with full manual control via switches if you want.
yea, i didn't think it was....but it is possible to leave the rear air bags in place, replace front air shocks with coils, and still use the sensors for the rears to fill, level, vent?
only if the computer is satisfied with the position of the front.
the front always gets attention first. if its good, it'll move to the rear.
if the front is ever not good, too high, too low. the system will pitch a fit and fault. when the system faults, it wont do anything at all til a restart.

it is not a reliable way to go.
I've tried it before also, a few times I think. It can be done, but as stated above it's a major pain in the a$$ to keep the front sensors in perfect place to not throw a fault code.
Octane has been on front coil/rear airbag setup ever since I got her back on the road with some minor growing pains at first but have had no problems once all necessary parts were installed. Gleen through my build chronicle to see some of the work done.



I really like the firm ride quality and the stance. Rear airspring's ride height are fully adjustable for varying loads.

looks good! i am ordering my front coils tomorrow from strutmasters! then next week when they come i need to get upper A arms. Is an alignment necessary?

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