Mark VIII started jerking today

there are parts you can buy, i have rebuilt mine the past several times.
works better than parts store remans.
I still haven't had any luck with Torque App (paid) and getting misfire detection to work with my 97 Mark VIII. I think I have gotten it to work with my 00 Grand Marquis.

Any clues on what I am missing? It has been awhile and I am sure I screwed up adding the enhanced PIDs, or something like that.
i wrote this on another forum 6 years ago, and that was when this setup was a couple of years old-it still in my 96-

"you know that these cars are very DC power-hungry, and a stock alternator does not cut it. Stock alternators are only 130 amps (96 to 98) and just the air suspension alone can use a lot of that on peak loads. I bought a 220 amp from a seller on ebay (dbelectric) they are located in Tennessee. It was less than $240 delivered, and I also installed a new, 1000 amp CCA battery at the same time. My battery and charging system is the least of my concerns with my 14 year (now going on 20) year old Mark-and that is a relief, since they are susceptible to electrical issues. I have a friend who turned me on to these high-output alternators, he bought a 200 amp from the same seller and also has no problems anymore with electrical. Lots of posters will make a case for OEM, but think about it-the OEM's fail, and the case can be made that they are underpowered and cause many of the problems these cars have-just my opinion, but you should look into upgrading your alternator, and treat it to a new, highest CCA battery you can find (especially AGM, I've had some last more than 10 years) at the same time."

This car does not get driven in winter, and i do leave it on a trickle charger made for AGM battery. It still tests at over 1100 CCA after being disconnected overnight. Was about $300 for going on nine years now, so I got my money's worth.


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