Mark VIII's in the Movies

Sad that I missed the one in Die Hard. The CSI one with the Town car hitting the VIII, sad - also notice the spaghetti rear window seal. :)
In the movie, "Anger Management", there is a Mark VIII also. It's the scene on the bridge where Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler stop their car during rush hour to sing. Everyone is flipping them off, screaming etc.
Anybody catch the green Mark VIII in the Hancock Previews????

Check on the pic

or watch the trailer yourself here! Watch around 57 secs or 1:01.

It happens pretty quick but I noticed it the first time I saw the trailer!

Edit: Guess I should have read above first!
I know this is an old post.............. but.

Did anyone notice the hood crumpled when Theron threw Smith in to it? That means someone made a metal gen 1 hood.

Gears start turning..............
I never posted it. I know where that post is, but I'm not linking it to here. :shifty:
I dont know what's stranger

you have an english wheel
it's younger than you and you aint 80
..and you built it.

your a weirdo..huh
So that makes it what, a year old or so?

what sucks is.. unless he does something really dumb, he'll be here when were gone.

he'll probably get one of those George Jetson cars we were promised as kids.


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