Mark8 chat "Zello" app


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
New Brighton, MN
I have created a chat room for the smart phone app called "Zello". It's basically like a cb radio. To avoid random trolling I have set up the channel secured with a password. The name of the channel is "MarkVIII". Search the channel, amke a request and I will add you. Let's go!
Silly question, why not just use gtalk? Text, voice, video chat, and file transfer.
Guys, if you request me as a contact I can send you an invite to the channel. No password necessary. My username is "AccelerVIII". Request me and then I can get you in. We have 6 members so far on this. We need more! :)
stormfinder and 94m5, I have replied to both of your contact requests and sent you an invite to the Mark8 channel. Trippenout, what is your contact name? If you are on my list, then I can send you an invite. If not, add me as a contact and I will send you an invite. Again, NO ONE needs a password. You simply request contact with me and then I will send you an invite and you are in.

Let me maybe clarify from the original post. Request contact with me "AccelerVIII" and then I will send an invite to the channel.

It looks like we have either 8 or 9 members of this channel now. I'm trying to figure out who Troll420 is which is why I asked you Trippen. If it's not anyone I know, they're getting deleted. I have hopped onto other channels briefly and do get a random request now and then which I always reject but I responded to this one since Trippen you were the jokester that was talking about trolling so I figured there was a chance it was you. LMAO

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