Well-Known LVC Member
IMO Cammerfe is spot on with his opening statement. Conservative democrats are virtually extinct today while liberal Republicans are alive & well on the political stage. Thankfully, Trump is a push back on todays scales. As for the God issue that's been interjected, Its said that folks that are believers must all have started out as atheists but at some point became aware of something bigger than them selves. On the other hand, I have read nothing on true believers evolving into atheists.
My father was wounded 3 times on the Russian front and he would tell you its true, NO ONE walks away from that kind of front line war looking down their nose at the idea of God's existence. So, hrmwrm, there still "may" be hope for you to expand your view of life. One of the problems numerous liberals have is the ability to put them selves in some one else's shoes so to speak. Its that stumbling block that makes my recommendation of books like this one
almost moot. Despite the claim the author "was" a devout atheist. The Koreans have an ancient saying, You were born to die, prepare for it.
My father was wounded 3 times on the Russian front and he would tell you its true, NO ONE walks away from that kind of front line war looking down their nose at the idea of God's existence. So, hrmwrm, there still "may" be hope for you to expand your view of life. One of the problems numerous liberals have is the ability to put them selves in some one else's shoes so to speak. Its that stumbling block that makes my recommendation of books like this one
almost moot. Despite the claim the author "was" a devout atheist. The Koreans have an ancient saying, You were born to die, prepare for it.