Midwest Cruise/Meet

ok so it not about the cruise but midestbird and i are going to cordova dragway tomorrow night (kinda like 88 and iowa but its still in il) they have a midnight madness t&t starts at 5pm and goes till 4am. i wont be staying that long but ill be there for a while. ill have the markviii there and MWB will have the "barn door" hopefully with the new dr's it will hook and wont run out on the big end
vid of the "barn door" on the dyno http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=37302996
I was just there 2 weeks ago! I didnt have the mark, i bought the bike this time. I love going up there. Let me know next time you guys go chicken.
prob the next midnight madness/mayhem what ever its called, even though there was a ton of cars they actually went through them pretty quick. i think its like august 29th or so

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