Military Draft: Brought to you by the Democrats

Hey Phil...I was almost tempted to lash out at you...almost. But then I realized that I would just perpetuate the point you're trying to make.

Now, you live in NJ right. Well, I'm going to give you a Private Message next time I go to McGuire AFB/Ft. Dix...should be sometime after Christmas. I will escort you throughout the base and personnaly invite you to meet some of these people you are so quick to disparage. You will have a chance to speak to USAF, USA, USMC and USCG personnel and learn what type of people they really are. I know because I serve beside them every day and have for the past decade. I know what kind of people enlist in the military. The opinions of you and your articles aren't worth the paper they are printed on.
FreeFaller said:
Hey Phil...I was almost tempted to lash out at you...almost. But then I realized that I would just perpetuate the point you're trying to make.

Now, you live in NJ right. Well, I'm going to give you a Private Message next time I go to McGuire AFB/Ft. Dix...should be sometime after Christmas. I will escort you throughout the base and personnaly invite you to meet some of these people you are so quick to disparage. You will have a chance to speak to USAF, USA, USMC and USCG personnel and learn what type of people they really are. I know because I serve beside them every day and have for the past decade. I know what kind of people enlist in the military. The opinions of you and your articles aren't worth the paper they are printed on.

Phil admits he's 48 years old. That would make him approx. a teenager during VietNam. Makes sense. A "deaf ears" America-hating war protester from the 60's/70's would just about fit the bill of an angry person like him. Don't take any of his frothing at the mouth seriously. He's a lost cause. Heck, he still thinks that Rove is about to be indicted. :D
fossten said:
Phil admits he's 48 years old. That would make him approx. a teenager during VietNam. Makes sense. A "deaf ears" America-hating war protester from the 60's/70's would just about fit the bill of an angry person like him. Don't take any of his frothing at the mouth seriously. He's a lost cause. Heck, he still thinks that Rove is about to be indicted. :D

You can make like a hoover on my wingwang! Once again, you call for proof of a statement, articles backing the statement are posted and you respond by attacking the poster. My father and mother both served in WWII and I lost an uncle in WWII. I'm proud of their service. No, I didn't agree with Vietnam and I didn't then and don't agree now with us going into Iraq. And yes, I do love this country, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with everything it does.
Take your self righteous Reporklican high and mighty, I know everything you know nothing attitude and stick it up your A**! It's people like you, especially ones in offices of power, that are screwing this country up!

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